Can "Diphenhydramine" during pregnancy?

Pregnant women generally often come across advice and prohibitions from ordinary people. And about how it is treated and even more so, it is worth it to face an ailment and then they hear from others that the acquaintance of the acquaintance took this and that and quickly came to her senses. But is it sensible to rely on such dubious recommendations when pregnant?

Allergic reactions

This is not an ordinary disease, but rather a condition of the body. An allergy is a malfunction in the immune system when completely safe substances are perceived as a threat to it. At the next contact with such a substance, uncontrolled release of antibodies by the body begins to break down potentially hazardous substances - reagins (allergic antibodies). Their number can be both minimal and potentially very dangerous for humans. At the first contact, nothing happens outwardly, but the more reagents released during it, the stronger the reaction will be when repeated. And these will be the well-known symptoms of allergies:

  • swelling
  • inflammatory processes;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis.
Runny nose in pregnant

The mechanism of allergy is known to medicine, but what exactly triggers it has not yet been proven. There are several theories. One of them says that the matter is in an unfavorable environmental situation, which causes a malfunction in maintaining the body's normal level of hormones. And it is also known that this condition can be both hereditary and acquired. And pregnancy, as you know, is that period in a woman’s life when the level of hormones jumps indescribably. Therefore, often with allergies, girls are found precisely in this beautiful period.

Allergy treatment

Although many underestimate the dangers of allergies, their symptoms can be exacerbated. And if at first it is a mild runny nose, then it can develop further into asthma and even Quincke's edema. And in the most severe cases, anaphylactic shock can occur, which is characterized by loss of consciousness.

White tablets

It is impossible to cure an allergy once and for all. If it manifests itself once, then with a high probability it will bother your whole life, at least occasionally. But you should not experience such strong manifestations of it as asthma occur in only 2% of the world's population. But stopping her symptoms is quite realistic, which will divert danger. The surest way to avert this danger is with drugs and the complete exclusion of an allergen from life, if possible, with antihistamines.


There are three generations of them:

  1. First-generation drugs were invented at the beginning of the 20th century. One of them is Diphenhydramine. They are the most rude in action and create a rather serious burden for the cardiovascular system. They simply block histamine receptors, simultaneously causing a host of side effects, such as drowsiness, nausea, and poor health. They act instantly, but it lasts no more than 8 hours.
  2. The second generation has a milder effect on the cardiovascular system. These drugs act on serotonin receptors and m-cholinergic receptors. Their action will already last about 24 hours and therefore they need to be taken less often, which minimizes the blow to the body. Examples of second-generation drugs are Loratadine and Cetirizine.
  3. Third-generation drugs work, though not instantly, but quickly enough, within 1-2 hours. And they act for at least 48 hours, do not cause drowsiness and do not negatively affect the cardiovascular and nervous system. These are "Kestin", "Zirtek", "Erius" and drugs with the active substance fenspiride.
Pregnant in a white T-shirt

If it were not for the need to wait for the effect for at least an hour, then third-generation drugs are almost perfect. Scientists are actively working on the development of fourth-generation drugs that will have an immediate effect, act for at least 48 hours and have no contraindications.

"Suprastin" and "Diphenhydramine" during pregnancy

First-generation drugs, such as Diphenhydramine and Suprastin, act almost instantly, this is their huge plus. And all would be fine, but is it possible during pregnancy, "Diphenhydramine" and "Suprastin"? The main thing here is to know the gestational age. Because if this is the first three months of pregnancy, then admission is strictly prohibited. "Diphenhydramine" in the early stages of pregnancy is so dangerous that, if misused, can lead to fetal death.

Pregnant in the hospital

But the irony is that doctors, when the allergy symptoms are frightening, most often prescribe it. Since they have such a concept that the benefit may exceed the risk. And when you take this drug, the symptoms of allergies will be removed as if by hand - instantly. You can make such an appointment and the injection of "Diphenhydramine" during pregnancy strictly under medical supervision and in a hospital. And if something goes wrong, then emergency medical attention will be required.

But during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, "Diphenhydramine" and "Suprastin" can be used, but only as a last resort, since these drugs can cause premature birth, which is undesirable at any time.

Injection "Analgin" and "Diphenhydramine"

But surely, many will have acquaintances who will tell how they were given an injection of Analgin and Diphenhydramine during pregnancy at any time. How so?

Syringe with a drop at the end

The fact is that such an injection is done at a very high temperature. And it is much worse for pregnant women than these drugs. So in this case, the doctor may decide that this injection carries less risk than temperature. But such a decision is very responsible, and making it yourself is extremely dangerous. Any detail may be important: the dosage, and some contraindications. Only a doctor with experience will be able to weigh all this. Therefore, "Analgin" and "Diphenhydramine" are prohibited during pregnancy, which is what they write in the instructions for the drugs. This ban is for ordinary people, not for doctors.


An indication for the appointment of any antihistamine is the prevention of serious consequences. And this can only be determined by an allergist. Therefore, do not be surprised if, even with allergy symptoms, the doctor tells you not to do anything. Thus, he wants to exclude the risk of a pregnant woman having possible negative consequences for no apparent reason.

Hand injection

The most significant indication is usually the rapid development and worsening of symptoms. This is when, after contact with the allergen, they appeared literally in minutes. In this case, it is important to remain calm and call an ambulance. It may even save the patient's life.

Pregnancy itself is already a contraindication to the use of antihistamines. But if the doctor made such a decision, then it was worth it.

What is dangerous "Diphenhydramine"?

As practice shows, a single injection of a cocktail from Analgin and Diphenhydramine is not dangerous. But the long-term use of "Analgin" is fraught with malformations of the cardiovascular system. Such a probability exists mainly only in the first trimester, when its active formation takes place. In the following trimesters, taking "Diphenhydramine" and "Analgin" is almost not dangerous. But starting from the 34th week, "Diphenhydramine" is again dangerous, as it can cause narrowing and closure of the arterial duct and oligohydramnios.

How to replace?

In general, during pregnancy, a woman's body produces an increased amount of such a hormone as cortisol. And he, in turn, reduces the risk of allergic reactions, and makes existing ones less pronounced. And the fact that in a normal state would lead the body to asthma during pregnancy can lead to a mild runny nose.

Pregnant doctor

But nevertheless, there are cases in which medication cannot be dispensed with. And if there is no risk of the rapid development of edema, then the doctor prescribes less radical drugs.

One of these is Diazolin. Unlike Diphenhydramine, this drug is not the first, but the second generation. That is, it causes fewer side effects. But it is recommended to take it only in the last trimester. In general, you need to be aware that no antiallergic drug is 100% safe for the fetus.

Why aren't all pregnant women prescribed it? Because second-generation drugs, although they have fewer side effects, they act slowly. Yes, this affects the duration of the effect, but in serious cases, such a speed of action may simply not be enough.

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