How to distribute faux leather shoes? Some tips

Often it is necessary to observe such a scene in the store, when the seller convinces the buyer that tight shoes are not a problem, they will soon disperse and become fit. Needless to say, this is a common ploy for selling goods? Something, of course, is worn out over time, but how many torments an unlucky fashionista or fashionista has to endure before distributing shoes made of artificial leather or other material!

how to carry faux leather shoes

What to do if you could not resist?

If you were persuaded, and you bought shoes, but found it impossible to walk in it, there are two ways: a) keep the check and try to return or exchange the thing in the store; b) learn how to distribute shoes. From artificial leather, suede or genuine leather - each material has its own characteristics. The latter is the most capricious with which you can not overdo it, since genuine leather can crack or tear, become stained or overdried. You can not discount the fact that such shoes are usually expensive, and the loss will cost more. And how to distribute shoes made of artificial leather? There are several simple methods for solving the problem yourself.

how to carry shoes out of leatherette

Water and ice

You need to pour water in a plastic bag, tie it up and place it inside the shoe, then put a couple in the freezer or on the balcony, if the temperature is outside. Freezing, the water expands and stretches the shoes from the inside. Having brought it into the room, there is no need to try to get the ice out, let it thaw a little.

Alcohol (not for sugaring)

If you don’t know how to distribute shoes made of artificial leather without casualties, you can moisten the inside of the shoes or shoes with alcohol and put it on your leg, pulling on warm socks, and so go around the house. As the alcohol evaporates, the shoes will stretch. In this method, it is important to know the measure: alcohol is an aggressive liquid, and therefore it cannot be applied to the outside of the shoe, or at least do it very carefully, because the surface may fade and stain.

how to carry shoes

Old newspapers come in handy

Another tried-and-true method of distributing leatherette shoes is to use old newspapers. They need to be moistened with water, crumpled well and shoved tightly inside the shoe, then left to dry. Of course, not near the hot radiator, which is already drying shoes. When the paper dries, it needs to be removed - and stretched shoes can be worn.

Paraffin or oil? Or maybe vinegar?

The use of these improvised tools will also help answer the question of how to distribute faux leather shoes at home. They are used exclusively to soften the material and are applied, of course, from the outside. Castor or petroleum jelly oil is applied to the surface of the shoe, a toe is put on the foot to slightly increase the size of shoes, boots or boots. The effect will be better if you preheat the pair from the inside with a hot hairdryer. With vinegar, as with alcohol, you need to be careful not to spoil the appearance of the thing.

How to distribute shoes

Civilized methods

And if you don’t feel like a hassle, how can shoes be carried easier and faster? You can, of course, include the purchase in a shoe studio and give it to the stretch. Or buy a special spray in the store that processes the inner surface of the shoe, and then - according to the well-known method: put on socks, get into tight shoes and walk around the house.

And the surest way is not to be persuaded and not to buy stubborn shoes. Beauty requires sacrifice, but not the same!

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