Norbotten Spitz: breed description, character, temperament, content and care

Norbotten Spitz is a small beautiful dog bred for hunting large birds and fur animals. Today, these animals are used not only for their intended purpose, but also as ordinary pets. Since the named breed is not too common outside its homeland, before you buy such a puppy, you need to learn more about the main features of these dogs.

A bit of history

This breed was bred in the 17th century in the Swedish province of Norrbotten. According to one of the most plausible versions, it descended from a wild dingo dog and for a long period was an unchanged companion of the northern peoples. She was so versatile that she coped well with the functions of a watchman, hunter and nanny for the owner's children.

norbotten spitz

In the 19th century, Finnish breeders were tasked with breeding the national breed of dogs. Plain spitzs were taken for these purposes, and spotted individuals were ruthlessly declared unsuitable for breeding work. However, inappropriate color animals attracted genuine interest from Swedish dog breeders, and in 1910 the official standard of the new breed appeared. After World War II, the Norbotten Spitz was on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, it was possible to save it.


Norbotten is a small, well-balanced dog that grows to 41-45 cm and weighs between 12-15 kg. On a beautiful proportional head with a rounded forehead, smoothly tapering muzzle, thin lips and a pronounced stop, there are dark brown almond-shaped eyes and high-set strong ears.

To the best of its ability, the dog’s long, dry neck flows smoothly into the protruding withers, short back, wide lower back and even croup, ending with the base of a curved tail slightly shifted to the side, the length of which reaches the hocks. Under a slightly stretched muscular body with a deep, well-developed chest, there are even parallel limbs with paws gathered in a lump.

how much is a spitz

The whole body of a typical Norbotten Spitz, the breed description of which is difficult to fit in a few short paragraphs, is covered with a straight, tight-fitting spine with a thin down pad. The shortest coat grows on the ears, front of the limbs and back of the nose. The longest spine is observed on the neck, tail and back of the thighs. As for color, the standard allows the existence of white individuals, on the body of which there are clearly defined yellow or red spots.

Character and temperament

Norbotten Spitz is a playful and very friendly dog, infinitely devoted to his master and members of his family. He needs constant communication with people and does not tolerate forced separation. A long stay in solitude makes him feel very uncomfortable.

description of the breed norbotten spitz

This dog treats children with special trepidation and will never harm them. If the child is too mischievous, then Norbotten will simply stop participating in the game. It should also be borne in mind that representatives of this breed are endowed with a non-conflict and completely non-aggressive disposition. They get along well with strangers and will not attack without good reason.

Maintenance and care

Norbotten Spitz is an unpretentious dog, equally suited for living in a city apartment and in a private house. In the latter case, he should provide a spacious indoor aviary with a warmed booth that reliably protects from rain and frost.

norbotten spitz

The dog’s short water-repellent coat does not require complicated care. It must be washed periodically with a special shampoo and combed out with a puncher. Particular attention should be paid to the ears and eyes of the animal. They need to be regularly cleaned of accumulated dirt. Also, do not neglect the care of the teeth and claws of the dog. The former must be cleaned with a special brush, the latter should be cut with a nail clipper.

Addiction to disease

Norbotten-Spitz differ quite good health. However, under the influence of certain factors, their body may fail. Representatives of this breed have a genetic predisposition to cataracts.

character and temperament norbotten spitz

They are also sometimes diagnosed with hip dysplasia, kneecap dislocation and arthritis. In addition, these dogs can develop parainfluenza, adenovirus, leptospirosis, plague, parvo and coronavirus enteritis. To protect your pet, you should not neglect the planned visits to the veterinarian and do not forget about the annual vaccination.

Feeding recommendations

Nutrition norbotten spitz must be of high quality and well balanced. It can be both natural and industrial. In the latter case, preference should be given to super-premium or holistic-class feeds that do not contain cereals, dyes and preservatives.

As for the natural nutrition of the dog, its basis should be meat. It is better if it is beef, low-fat mutton or poultry. Several times a week it can be replaced with saltwater fish or offal. Also, the diet of the dog is recommended to be supplemented with rice, buckwheat, eggs, vegetables, yogurt and yogurt.

care and maintenance of norbotten spitz

However, Norbotten Spitz is strictly forbidden to treat some products. Tubular bones, sweets, smoked meats, chocolates and pickles were included in the list of illegal. From the dog’s diet, you will have to completely eliminate buns, sausages, river fish, exotic fruits, onions, grapes and pork. You can not give the dog pickled, fried, spicy and stale food.

Puppy Tips

Since this breed is considered a rarity outside its historical homeland, its price is quite high. Those who are interested in how much Spitz costs should be prepared for the fact that the minimum amount that will have to be paid for norbotten starts from 50-60 thousand rubles. In view of, frankly, a rather big price, the purchase of a puppy of this breed should be approached with all responsibility. Otherwise, an unprepared buyer will easily fall for the scammers and for decent money will become the owner of a purebred animal that visually looks like a spitz.

To be sure that a real Norbotten grows out of a small fluffy lump, it is recommended to purchase it from a professional breeder or in a specialized nursery. Only in this way will you be absolutely sure of the authenticity of all documents attached to the dog. At the time of sale, the baby must have a puppy card, which subsequently needs to be exchanged for a pedigree, and a veterinary passport with marks on vaccinations.

Having figured out how much Spitz costs and what papers are attached to it, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance and behavior of small Norbotten. It is important that puppies have soft, not swollen bellies, clean eyes and ears. Toddlers should be interested in people and not be afraid of them.

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