Skyrim: optimization for weak PCs, game settings

Skyrim is a game with very beautiful graphics. The landscapes encountered during the study of the world can be admired endlessly, and from the battle scenes it is completely breathtaking. But there is a downside to all this. On insufficiently powerful computers, the game begins to slow down or even completely refuses to start.

skyrim optimization

It would seem that owners of weak PCs can fix this problem only by buying new hardware. But still there is another way out - to make the game work better. In Skyrim, optimization can be achieved in several ways, and how to do this is discussed below.

Default settings

The developers have provided a number of settings to reduce the graphics in the game, thereby increasing productivity. You will find them directly in the launcher by going to the "Settings" menu. The most important are the parameters:

  • Resolution. The lower the value of this setting, the better the game will work. However, it is not recommended to select a resolution that is not supported by your monitor.
  • Smoothing. It greatly affects performance, therefore, when brakes occur, this parameter must be disabled first.
  • Filtration. In general, it does not load the computer much, but by disabling this option, you will achieve an increase of several FPS.
  • Detailing. Select "Low" if you want to increase productivity several times.

skyrim game optimization

With all the settings at a minimum, try starting Skyrim. Optimization of the game does not end there, of course, but if the method described above helped, you can start playing quietly and not fool yourself.

Additional settings

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Skyrim, SkyrimPrefs.ini. « /My Games/Skyrim», . :

  • iShadowFilter – 0.
  • iWaterReflectHeight iWaterReflectWidth – 256.
  • iWaterMultiSamples – .
  • bTreesReceiveShadows bDrawLandShadows - .

After you edit all the parameters, close the file and confirm the changes. Now launch The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, whose optimization should increase markedly. If no noticeable changes have occurred, then you most likely did something wrong, so try again.

the elder scrolls v skyrim optimization

Please note that errors in the ini-file can lead to the fact that the game will stop working at all. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, make a backup copy of SkyrimPrefs.ini before you start editing it.


Developers periodically release patches with corrections for their games, and Skyrim was no exception to this rule. Such updates, in addition to eliminating all kinds of bugs, often increase productivity, and in Skyrim the optimization improved after update 1.4.21.

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Special Edition

In 2016, the re-release of Skyrim: Special Edition was released, the optimization of which, according to the assurances of the developers themselves, was significantly improved. At the same time, the picture in the game has become prettier, but, despite this, it works much more stable even on weak computers.

This was made possible thanks to the redesigned graphics engine, which learned how to more efficiently use the power of multi-core processors and became less demanding on hardware. Also, the developers fixed bugs in the system code that led to the fall of FPS.

skyrim special edition optimization

Therefore, you can try installing the Special Edition, and it is possible that the performance in it will be higher. Judging by the feedback from gamers, most of them in the new version of FPS are noticeably more than in the original.

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Skyrim ( ) ENB Series. -, , ( ) .

skyrim optimization mod

After installing the ENB Series, you will need to activate it. To do this, launch the launcher, go to "Settings" and select ENB instead of your video card. After that, you must restart the operating system for the changes to take effect.

Keep in mind that you can only download mods from trusted sources. Enemies often mask malware under them, so don't be lazy to check everything you install with antivirus.

RAM optimization

In the case of Skyrim, optimizing the game for low-end computers may consist in cleaning up the RAM. The game is very demanding on it, therefore, freeing up a few megabytes, you can increase productivity. There are several ways to clear RAM:

  • . : ( ), OneDrive, Skype , .
  • Windows. , .
  • . Ram Booster, .

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Skyrim . , FPS. :

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  • Sound card driver. It does not affect performance so much, but it can still lead to freezes and microfreezes. Just update the driver to the latest version to eliminate the possibility of such problems.

skyrim optimization for weak computers

Keep in mind that in the case of some video card models, installing earlier versions of the driver can have a positive effect on performance. On this issue should be consulted in forums dedicated to Skyrim.

OS optimization

And finally, Skyrim optimization for weak computers can be achieved by improving the operating system. This may help:

  • Defragmentation. It increases the speed of the hard drive and, as a result, allows the game to load textures faster.
  • Registry Cleanup. This can be done either manually or using a special program (for example, CCleaner). Both the OS and the game will work faster after this procedure.
  • Install updates. They fix Windows errors and allow the operating system to work more stable. As a result, Skyrim also improves productivity.
  • Check disk for errors. If you do not periodically correct errors, they can lead to freezes of programs, including games.
  • Search and removal of viruses. Malicious programs can load the computer, so try to find them in time and render them harmless.

skyrim game optimization for weak computers

By following these simple steps, you can achieve improved performance in the game, so do not neglect them.

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