Tritons can decorate any aquarium. With proper and good care, they can live up to 30 years.
Aquarium Newts . general description
At home, they contain three types of these amphibians:
- An ordinary newt grows in length up to 8-13 centimeters. His color is very interesting: an olive-brown back and a yellowish abdomen in numerous yellow specks. On the head, ordinary aquarium newts have dark longitudinal lines. During the mating season, the color of the female changes, the color becomes more vivid, contrasting and saturated. In the male, starting from the head to the tip of the tail, a scallop grows.
- Comb triton. This is a larger amphibian growing up to 18 centimeters. The color is black or black-brown, on the orange abdomen there are countless spots. The newt of this species also has a crest, but it is slightly shorter because it ends already at the base of the tail. As a protection against enemies, aquarium newts of this species use a toxic substance that the skin glands give out. Their maintenance requires caution.
- The sparkling newt is the largest of domestic amphibians, it is able to grow up to thirty centimeters in length. It got its name due to the ends of the ribs sticking out on the sides, which are hidden in the tubercles at rest. Releases when it feels danger, and causes significant harm to the enemy. Amphibian is colored dark green, the abdomen is pale yellow. There are black dots all over the body.
Aquarium newts are very slow, and they can also be in one place for a long time, fixing themselves to the walls of the aquarium or plants.
Periodically, amphibian molt. Usually she rubs her head on the stones and after the skin is torn, pulls it together and immediately eats it.
Aquarium newts reach puberty by 2.5-3 years. Amphibian lays eggs and carefully protects, so during this period it is better not to disturb it once again. Larvae appear after three to four weeks.
Aquarium Newts. Content
In leaving, they are extremely unpretentious. However, special attention must be paid to water temperature. It should be from 16 to 22 degrees. In the warm season, if necessary, the water will have to be cooled. To do this, you can put an ice bottle in the aquarium.
Tritons live mainly in water, but sometimes go to land. Therefore, in the aquarium it’s worth building something like an island, but a small raft is also suitable, only it will have to be anchored.
As the soil using gravel or sand. Plants can be both living and artificial. Their amphibians usually do not touch, but during reproduction they wrap eggs in them. When choosing scenery for an aquarium, it is worth avoiding sharp corners so that the newts do not get hurt.
The main diet is live feed. It can be earthworms, shrimp, small fish, tadpoles, slugs, flies and larvae. Also, aquarium newts will not give up small pieces of meat, liver or kidneys. Once a month it is recommended to give vitamins.
Young newts are fed every day, adults every other day, every 3-4 weeks it is necessary to arrange fasting days with a length of 2 to 4 days.
Amphibian can contain one or several individuals at once. But the neighborhood with fish or other aquatic inhabitants (with the exception of snails) is best avoided. They can not only injure newts, but also infect them with their diseases.