Detailed instructions on how to add video to Steam

Surely, among many gamers, the question arose more than once: how to add video to Steam? There is nothing complicated in this, and today there is only one single way to do this. We will talk about him in today's article.

how to add video to steam

Why such a need?

What is it for? For mutual assistance among players. For example, in some community, someone had a problem with passing a certain level in the game, and one of the gamers has just a video that shows how he was able to get through everything. Why not share?

How to add video to Steam

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, "", "". , Gmail, .


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how to upload video to steam


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  • "". , "".
  • , , , "". " YouTube". .

how to add video to steam from youtube

"", . , - - . , Google.

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how to add video to steam

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how to add video to steam from youtube

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