When are the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

Women tend to experience various symptoms and often ask how many days the first signs of pregnancy appear. However, none of these symptoms occur during the first hours of pregnancy. This is because the first day of pregnancy is the day you conceived. When are the first signs of pregnancy? You can experience symptoms as soon as you learn about a delay in your period, a few days before them or with the first stir of the baby.

Fatigue, soreness of the mammary glands, increased urination, nausea and vomiting, changes in odor sensitivity and light bleeding are some of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. But still, one organism is not like the other, so it’s impossible to say exactly on which day the first signs of pregnancy appear.

abdominal pain

What do the doctor's say?

There is very little research on this topic, and the early symptoms of pregnancy are different for everyone. Some women feel when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception (after a week or two), while others do not feel anything for several months. It happens that a woman learns about pregnancy when the birth begins.

In one of the best studies on this issue, 136 women have been surveyed today who tried to get pregnant and keep a daily record of their symptoms from the moment they stopped protecting themselves until eight weeks of pregnancy. We count eight weeks from the first day of their last menstruation.

Survey results: "At what period do the first signs of pregnancy appear":

  • 50% had some symptoms of pregnancy - 5th week;
  • 70% felt symptoms at week 6;
  • 90% had symptoms at week 8.

The first sign of pregnancy is usually considered a delay in menstruation. The most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, frequent urination, chest pain and swelling. These symptoms can be mild or severe.

fatigue and drowsiness

What do you feel in two weeks?

The last menstruation began about two weeks ago. Based on how doctors and obstetricians calculate the weeks of pregnancy, ovulation still occurs during the so-called two-week period, during which pregnancy can occur. Small sipping in the ovaries and a drop of blood on the pad may indicate ovulation has begun. This is a chance to conceive a baby.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the third week

How many first signs of pregnancy appear? It's too early. But if your egg has been successfully fertilized, this week it undergoes a process of cell division, then goes down the tube down to the uterus and invades it.

Most women do not feel anything in the third week, and some may notice a small speck of blood, which indicates a successful implantation, or feel symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy such as fatigue, breast tenderness, nausea, aggravated sense of smell, aversion to food, or vice versa aggravated feeling of hunger and more frequent urination. When do the first signs of pregnancy appear before the delay? It is safe to say that some feel the moment of implantation and understand that conception has taken place.

eating habits

Symptoms of pregnancy in the fourth week

As a rule, gynecologists set a period of about four weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation, when a woman finds out that she is pregnant, and a clear sign at this stage is a delay. Many women can still feel good at 4 weeks, while others may notice chest pain, fatigue, rapid urination, and nausea. About a third of women experience nausea at the 4th week of pregnancy and for a few more weeks.

Symptoms in the fifth week

When a fetal egg is already growing and developing in the uterus, you may also not associate with the pregnancy the discomfort that you began to feel, including fatigue, weakness or swelling of the chest, nausea, and more frequent trips to the toilet.

nausea and vomiting

Symptoms of pregnancy at the sixth week

In most women, toxicosis begins between the sixth and eighth weeks. You can also be more tired and experiencing mood swings, which may be due to hormonal changes, as well as a fear of the unknown and interest that awaits you ahead in your pregnancy.

About 25% of women are concerned about spotting in early pregnancy. If you notice this, contact your gynecologist to make sure everything is in order.

Symptoms of pregnancy at the seventh week

Toxicosis can just begin at this time, and you can also notice that the trousers have become a bit tight. The uterus is now twice as large as it was five weeks ago. Since she began to put more pressure on the bladder, you have to visit the restroom more often.

toxicosis during pregnancy

Symptoms of pregnancy at the eighth week

After what time do the first signs of pregnancy appear? Oddly enough, but many women do not know about their condition until the 8th week. Hormonal changes still make you feel lethargic and tired, while nausea and vomiting can cause fatigue. Your breasts in a bra may begin to feel a little cramped, as an increase in hormone levels begins to prepare your breasts for lactation. Insomnia may also occur, especially if you get into the toilet several times during the night or the sensitivity of the chest prevents you from sleeping on your stomach.

Other symptoms that women observe at 8 weeks:

  • mild uterine cramping or discomfort (without bleeding);
  • bloating;
  • heartburn;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dyspnea;
  • food addiction or aversion to previously beloved food;
  • an increase in veins;
  • itchy palms;
  • hyperpigmentation on the face, abdomen, areola of the nipples;
  • constipation, during pregnancy, an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone can lead to constipation (due to progesterone, the movement of food in the intestine slows down to eliminate this problem, you should drink plenty of water, do exercises and eat a lot of foods high in fiber);
  • changes in mood (this happens often, especially in the first trimester);
  • pain in the head and back (many pregnant women report frequent mild headaches, and someone experiences constant back pain);
  • dizziness, fainting (this may be due to the fact that blood vessels expand, blood pressure decreases, and blood sugar levels decrease).

Yes, these symptoms are not very pleasant, but some doctors believe that they protect the embryo in the early stages of development so that the expectant mother does not eat something harmful. They can also encourage pregnant women to change their lifestyle and seek antenatal care.

Since the early symptoms do not begin until the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus, it would be good with a planned pregnancy so that the expectant mother begins to take care of herself before the test shows two strips.

When symptoms appear, you should immediately do a pregnancy test and make sure that the conception has taken place, and that the pregnancy is not an ectopic. An analysis of hCG (human choriotropic hormone) will tell more precisely about the pregnancy. All these actions will allow you to see a doctor in time to avoid complications and determine if there is a risk of interruption.

But there are early pregnancy symptoms that indicate possible problems.


Early problems

What can a woman expect in a position?

  1. Vaginal bleeding. If a woman is interested in how many first signs of pregnancy appear, then she knows that some spotting is normal, and severe bleeding can be a sign of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. If bleeding is combined with acute abdominal pain, this can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, a serious complication that occurs when a fertilized egg is outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tubes.
  2. Excessive nausea and vomiting. Feeling nauseous or vomiting in the first weeks of pregnancy is normal. Most pregnant women go through this. But if this takes too long, fluid loss can lead to dehydration and loss of the baby.
  3. Heat. The temperature of basal and normal in the early stages of pregnancy may increase slightly, but if it exceeds 38 °, this may be a sign of infection, which is dangerous for the baby. Fever during pregnancy, which is accompanied by a rash and joint pain, may be a sign of infection, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis. CMV is the most common cause of congenital deafness, and it is not as uncommon as we think.
  4. Vaginal discharge and itching. Small vaginal discharge is normal. But in some cases, it can be a sign of infections or STDs, which can have consequences during pregnancy.
  5. Pain or burning when urinating. They can be signs of infection of the bladder or urinary tract, and if left untreated, they can lead to a more serious illness, infection, and premature birth.
  6. Shin pain or swelling, severe headache. This happens quite rarely, but in some cases, pregnancy causes blockage of the veins by blood clots (venous thrombosis). A thrombus in the lower leg can lead to pain or swelling, and then to a blood clot that reaches the lungs and can become fatal. A blood clot in the brain can cause serious headaches and stroke.
  7. Exacerbations of chronic diseases. Women who have certain pre-existing health problems, such as thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma or lupus, should notice any changes in their condition during pregnancy. If the underlying disease is aggravated, it can have serious consequences for the health of the woman and the child. You should then know when the first signs of pregnancy appear, which drugs should not be taken.

For example, if thyroid hormone levels are too high or low, you may be at an increased risk of miscarriage. If the blood sugar level rises above the acceptable level, you are at an increased risk of miscarriage or fetal abnormalities.

early signs of pregnancy

Do all women have early pregnancy symptoms?

All women are different. And one pregnancy is not like another. Not every woman discovers the symptoms described here. The first signs of pregnancy appear a week after conception, sometimes even a woman remains in ignorance until the very birth, if her menstrual cycle is irregular.

In addition, since the early symptoms of pregnancy are often similar to the sensations that arise before and during menstruation, you may not understand that you are pregnant.

Spotting and cramping

An ovum fertilized by a sperm is attached to the uterus. This can cause spotting and sometimes cramping.

This is called implantation bleeding, it occurs about 7-11th day after the fertilization of the egg.

There are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which some women mistake for beginning menstruation. Bleeding and cramping are slight.

In addition to spotting, a woman can pay attention to whitish discharge from the vagina. This is due to the fact that the walls of the vagina become thicker. Increased cell growth in the vagina causes these secretions, which can go through the entire pregnancy, they are completely harmless and do not require treatment. But if there is an unpleasant odor, burning, and itching, tell your doctor so that he can check for infection.

Changes in the mammary glands

A change in breast condition is another very early sign of pregnancy. Hormone levels change rapidly after conception. Due to changes, the breast may become swollen, ache, tingling in the first week. They can become heavier or more sensitive. The areas around the nipples, called the areola, may darken.


A feeling of constant fatigue is normal during pregnancy, especially at an early stage. A woman may begin to feel unusually tired from the first week of conception. Why? This is due to the high level of the hormone progesterone. It works hard when the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear.

If fatigue is associated with an interesting situation, it is important to relax a lot. Eating foods that are rich in protein and iron will help offset this.

first signs of pregnancy

Morning sickness

Feeling sick and feeling nauseous in the morning is the most famous symptom of pregnancy. But not every pregnant woman suffers from them. The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but usually hormonal changes at the time when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception can contribute to this symptom. Nausea during pregnancy can occur at any time of the day, but most often occurs in the morning.

In addition, some women have a desire to eat or smell a certain product. It is also associated with hormonal changes. It is possible that nausea, appetite and aversion to certain foods will last an entire pregnancy.

Menstruation delay

When the first signs of pregnancy appear, the most obvious early symptom is a delay in menstruation. But it is not always caused by pregnancy. Hormonal problems, fatigue, stress, a sharp increase or weight loss can affect the menstrual cycle, so consult a doctor immediately if you delay.

In addition, women can sometimes take minor bleeding during pregnancy for menstruation. If you are already pregnant, ask your doctor what you need to know about bleeding.

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