Pregnancy 1 week: first signs, sensations

So the woman is arranged that initially she often listens to her body, internal state, and also to the atmosphere around. For her, this is a natural need. And therefore, any changes associated with changes in any of these indicators signal that something is happening or has happened. Some call it intuition, others call it inner feeling.

There are simply women who are especially sensitive to internal and external life, and there are those who are more "thick-skinned" in this regard. With a gestational age of 1 week, the situation is similar. From the very first days after conception, many (sensitive) women notice special feelings in themselves. And it is impossible to explain in words. It just needs to be felt ...

What's happening?

Every month, a wonderful phenomenon occurs in the internal female genital organs: out of many thousands of eggs, one is secreted, which increases in size. After that, this cell settles in a separate vesicle with a liquid medium called a follicle.

First week of pregnancy

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, this capacity with the egg "grows" and already becomes visible - above the surface of the ovary. And soon she, coming out of her "refuge" (bladder), appears in the fallopian tube, where she can meet the sperm. And in the case of fertilization, the ovary, from which the egg is released, will begin to intensively produce the corpus luteum - the source of the hormone of pregnancy.

A woman knows that normally the most successful days for this are the period of ovulation (middle of the cycle). But there are also individual characteristics that are characteristic of each individual representative of the fair sex.

Causes of Toxicosis

Thanks to the pregnancy hormone - progesterone - the muscles of the uterus relax during the conception period, which contributes to the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, and nausea. Blood pressure may decrease these days. In addition, the muscles of the stomach weaken, which contributes to the slow processing of food. And the intestine slowly removes waste products from the body.

A woman's breasts also become more sensitive due to the influence exerted by progesterone on the body. The mammary glands can swell (this also occurs during periods of the menstrual cycle, but during fertilization, this condition is exacerbated 10 times). All this is the first and most striking signs of early pregnancy (1 week after conception).

How to be

In fact, you should not be afraid of this, since everything is natural, provided for by nature. Just the body of the expectant mother is completely rebuilt for new tasks. Now he needs to provide everything necessary for life not only to the woman herself, but also the unborn child, to help him develop.

At the first signs of pregnancy (1 week), it is important for a young mother to reconsider her lifestyle, correctly alternate periods of work and rest, draw up a diet. It is also important to give up habits that directly and indirectly harm the body and, accordingly, the unborn baby. Now she needs to relax on time, stop exposing herself and her body to unnecessary stress and stress, eat a lot of healthy foods (fiber, greens, vitamins) and drink plenty of fluids.

Healthy Food During Pregnancy

In general, if the conception is conscious, and the baby is expected, then it is preliminary important for the woman to prepare a little for this period of life. You can drink a course of drugs containing folic acid, which is important for the development of the nervous system of the unborn baby. And also remember about a healthy lifestyle and regular, normal physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, breathing exercises). After all, both physically and spiritually, a woman just needs to feel great in order to adequately meet a new life and joyfully accept all the difficulties of a new stage.

About pregnancy

It is interesting that both conception and pregnancy (in the early stages of 1 month or more) are an amazing phenomenon that is full of secrets and mysteries. For example, when a doctor sets the date for an interesting position of a woman, he counts from the first day of the last menstruation. That is, it is called the obstetric gestation period. And there is the actual - embryonic. And he is reckoned from the day of conception. Every woman who is expecting a baby will surely analyze everything herself and understand when that very cherished moment occurred.

In the first case, at 1 week of pregnancy, the expectant mother “still didn’t happen”, and in the second, a new life is already emerging, which is slowly making itself felt by signs and some modifications in the internal state of the woman. Due to such inconsistencies in setting the gestational age, the estimated date of delivery may fluctuate. The doctor will constantly adjust the number of weeks of the interesting position of the future mother. But because of this, you should not be upset at all. Even in establishing the correct gestational age, an ultrasound examination can help.

Classification of signs of pregnancy

So, by what characteristic features and signs can a woman determine that a new life has arisen in her, if she herself has not yet felt this?

Signs of early pregnancy

Conventionally, they are considered in three directions:

  • physiological;
  • gastronomic;
  • others.

Of course, the earliest dates cannot yet provide exhaustive, clear information about the state of the future fetus. But still, some symptoms can already be felt by a woman. More detailed information about each group is later in the article.


Still, pregnancy is a physiological process (to a greater extent), and therefore there are about nine such signs (there may be more).

So, the first signs of pregnancy at 1 week:

  1. Delayed menstruation is the most obvious of all, but subject to a normal cycle and good health of the expectant mother. If a woman has some malfunctions in this, then it is impossible to trust this symptom at 1 week of pregnancy (it will work more reliably starting from the third week).
  2. A change in basal temperature is a convincing indicator if a woman measures it regularly (at least 14 days in a row until conception), and at the same time, with the same thermometer, in the same position and the same number of minutes (each time). The indicator when measuring basal temperature can sharply increase by a few lines than it was before (the estimated value during pregnancy is 37.2 degrees, this temperature lasts about a week).
  3. A change in the body’s thermoregulation is a sign that a woman can easily feel, as she is obviously starting to throw it in hot or cold sweat, chills are possible. And all this without any external reason (hypothermia, viruses, and so on). Suddenly, this condition also normalizes.
    General malaise during pregnancy

  4. A decrease in blood pressure occurs due to the fact that the circulating blood in the vessels begins to increase in volume. May lead to severe malaise, lethargy, rapid fatigue.
  5. Increasing drowsiness is a protective function of a woman’s body, which is turned on at the beginning of pregnancy in order to protect the expectant mother and baby from external influences, as well as to save vital energy. It is important to get enough sleep regularly, that is, sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.
  6. Sharp mood swings, especially at the very beginning (and in the following weeks, months, this may be). There are changes in the general mood (fluctuations in the positive and negative), often without obvious reasons. This is reminiscent of premenstrual syndrome. Here, the blame for hormonal changes in the body of a woman. As a rule, by the second trimester everything is aligned.
  7. Pain in the lower abdomen - discomfort in the ovaries and uterus (pulling, aching) is possible. This organism is being rebuilt in a new state. A sign indicates an interesting position of the expectant mother (in the absence of menstruation). The main thing is that all pain is not sharp and strong, since in this case it is urgent to consult a doctor.
  8. An increase in the size of the uterus is a characteristic feature that can be clarified at the appointment with a gynecologist. This body from the first days after conception begins to prepare for the bearing and development of the baby.
  9. Breast swelling is associated with the hormone of pregnancy. The sign of 1 week in this situation resembles premenstrual chest pain: swelling of the nipples, hypersensitivity. In some women, even the circles around the nipples on the chest may darken.

There are future mothers who can feel that they are pregnant, just a few days after conception, and all of the above signs will only confirm this. But there are also women who are only then able to believe in a miracle when they feel his movement within themselves. All individually.


This list of symptoms is also important, since they begin to appear already from 1 week of pregnancy (signs in the early stages) and may be accompanied by the entire period of gestation:

  1. Nausea is the most striking symptom and is more commonly known as toxicosis. It can be felt by a woman in the morning or evening. This is due to disruption of the digestive system, or rather, its restructuring (weakening of the stomach and intestines). About 50% of women (especially at the very beginning of pregnancy) experience this unpleasant feeling. But nothing can be done here. You just need to endure this uncomfortable state.
  2. Change in tastes - manifests itself in the fact that the pregnant woman begins to give preference to products and smells that she did not like before, and vice versa. It is also likely that she will begin to combine incompatible dishes and ingredients (custard cakes with tomato juice, apples with pickles and so on). Sensitivity to pungent odors, such as fried foods, different kinds of smoke, perfumes and others, is increased.
  3. Appetite - as statistics show, about 20% of expectant mothers in the first week of pregnancy experience an acute feeling of hunger, and therefore the diet should be adjusted from this point on. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, different cereals, diet meat.

Pregnancy test

Many women are currently using early pregnancy tests, which are sold at the pharmacy. Due to the number of strips that appear on the indicator when it comes in contact with urine, you can find out your condition.

Pregnancy test

But in the early stages of pregnancy (1 week), tests may not yet give the correct information (although there are women who in this case everything turned out and was confirmed later). This method of determining your position is good enough if you purchase an ultra-sensitive test.

Pregnancy hormone

Progesterone is the main "culprit" of all these symptoms of the interesting position of the future mother. If his indicator is too low or high, then this may indicate hormonal disorders in the body of a woman. But if pregnancy has come, his rate will be moderate. In general, progesterone is responsible for the safe course of the process of bearing and giving birth to a baby.

The level of the hormone in the blood is directly dependent on the woman’s menstrual cycle - its phase states. So, it can increase in quantity during the first phase, and if an egg is fertilized by a sperm during ovulation, the level of progesterone reaches its maximum value. If this does not happen, then the amount of the hormone decreases to the initial mark (indicator before ovulation).

Pregnant woman

The source of progesterone is the corpus luteum, which secretes the ovary. And exactly the one from which the egg came out. When a low level of the hormone of pregnancy is detected in a woman’s body, she cannot become a mother for a long time. In this case, doctors prescribe special treatment. At the time of the long-awaited event, progesterone begins to increase rapidly. He completely takes care of a new life in the bosom of a woman: prepares the uterus, excluding its contractions, relaxes the stomach, intestines and other organs in the body of the future mother, so that her baby is cozy and comfortable. He also participates in the birth activities of women.

A sign of pregnancy at 1 week is an indicator of progesterone 6.9-56.6 Nmol / L. These numbers indicate the appearance of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Fetal development

In the first week, the prototype of the future baby is already beginning to take shape. Its size is similar to a ball on the tip of a ballpoint pen. And all the information about the future heredity of the child is already inscribed in the genetic material that is contained in the male and female germ cells. That is, 50% of the genes from his mother and 50% from his father will be transferred to him.

As for the development of the fetus at 1 week of pregnancy, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus and penetrates into it, and the umbilical cord and placenta begin to form in the cell. This will provide nutrition and livelihoods of the unborn child for the next 9 months.

Early fetus

If you make an ultrasound examination at 1 week of pregnancy, you can see the follicle that dominates, as well as characterize the state of the endothelium - an active endocrine organ. The specialist can during this period give an explanation to future parents about how the pregnancy is most likely to go through.

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