Human development begins with the prenatal period - this is how doctors call the time the child spends in the mother's body. From the moment the egg and the sperm merge to birth, the development of the fetus in the womb goes through certain stages, which are characterized by various qualitative and quantitative indicators. This period was the most mysterious for millions of years, but now with the help of modern technologies it has been possible to obtain unique frames of the fusion of paternal and maternal germ cells, and the further genesis has become more clear and visual.
In the first trimester, the development of the fetus in the womb is aimed at building the main structural elements - tissues and organs. From only one cell, the rudiments of the future circulatory, respiratory, excretory, and bone systems grow. And already on the twentieth day, you can notice that the still outwardly unlike a person child already has an expansion in the hollow tube. This is the heart. Therefore, those who think that an abortion of up to six weeks is not killing a living fetus, but only extracting biomass, consider it wrong. Such excuses are found by those who do not want to admit their mistake. In fact, the heart of a child begins to beat much earlier. After three months, the child already has a body length of about nine centimeters, on an ultrasound examination you can distinguish the head, arms and legs. The development of the fetus during this period should not be subjected to any harmful effects, since intrauterine pathologies and deformities arise precisely in the first trimester. Even before pregnancy, and if this did not happen, then immediately after the news of the pregnancy, the woman should stop smoking, consume alcohol or drugs, some medications (you should consult a doctor here), avoid stress and other harmful effects.
If the fetus develops normally, then already in the middle of the fourth month you can feel the baby’s movements. If this does not happen, doctors prescribe additional studies, but inexperienced mothers may miss this significant event for the first time because they do not know the sensations. In the future, when the baby grows up, the tremors will become more pronounced, and they will not be confused with anything.
Until the fourth month, the development of the fetus was qualitative, now quantitative changes predominate - the baby begins to rapidly gain weight and by the end of the fifth month it weighs about a kilogram. Tissues and organs continue their development.
By the seventh month, the development of the fetus acquires new features - the baby begins to perceive external stimuli and gives its own answers to them. So, he hears the voice of his parents, feels touching his stomach, stroking, turning on and off the light in the room. The child reacts to these changes in his own way - he can smile or frown, push his arms and legs in protest, or fall asleep and calm down with his mother's voice. The body of the child is actively preparing for birth. If for any reason the child is born already at this time, then with minimal support from medical personnel, he will survive.
At the eighth month, the baby has a solid weight and appearance. The subcutaneous fat has become denser, and now the blood vessels are not visible - the child has a healthy pink skin color. Wrinkles on the forehead, in the armpit and inguinal cavities are smoothed out. At this time, the baby becomes more clumsy, because the size of the uterus does not allow him to actively move. Usually, children take a head presentation at the eighth month, which persists until delivery.
The development of the fetus in the uterus ends at the full ninth month. By this time, the child is completely ready for independent existence, therefore, under the influence of hormones, the uterus pushes him out, and a new stage in the life of a little man begins.