What are the terms of teething?

With what impatience we are waiting for the first tooth of our baby to erupt ! Dates of teething are determined not only by heredity. Important factors are climate, food quality, temperature. For example, the hotter the climate, the earlier the teething time for a child comes .

In a person during his whole life, twenty teeth change once (they are usually called milk teeth) and eight (or twelve) are cut out and remain for life, without changing (root). Dates of teething of permanent teeth (molars) vary greatly. Usually begin to erupt in the sixth year of life, and can end to erupt even in forty years. From about six to fifteen years, a person has a bite that is replaceable (the presence of both milk and permanent teeth). This period usually lasts up to thirteen years. Then a permanent bite is formed (28-32 teeth), from 14 to 16 teeth on each side. Permanent teeth erupt in this order: first molars, central incisors, lateral incisors, first premolars, fangs, second premolars, second molars and wisdom teeth. Teeth erupt first on the lower jaw, and then on the upper. An exception is the first premolars.

It is not possible to indicate specific dates for teething because they are individual for each child. And can vary significantly. But still, a general outline, tentative, exists.

A newborn has no teeth at all. Although there are rare cases when teeth grow even during fetal development, but this is already a deviation from the norm.

The first incisors appear first on the lower jaw , and soon on the upper. This happens when the child is about six months old. By eight months, lateral incisors appear (first on the lower jaw, and then on the upper). By sixteen months, the first molars erupted, followed by fangs. By about the twentieth month of life, second molars appear. On them the formation of a milk bite finishes .

Previously, late teething was explained by rickets. As well as an asymmetric arrangement. However, in reality this is not an indicator of a developmental disability in your child. Long observations have shown that such "violations" are inherent in some children developing otherwise completely normal. However, parents have the right to beware when:

  • teething periods are delayed by more than two months (according to the norm);
  • teeth erupt more than two months earlier than normal;
  • one of the teeth is missing;
  • the tooth itself is not formed correctly;
  • the tooth grows even before birth.

Teething delays in dentists are called retention. This usually happens with fangs, sometimes with molars and incisors. If the delay goes with a deviation of a month or two, then you should not worry. A longer delay may indicate some kind of pathology. Usually this is the result of diseases that the mother suffered during pregnancy, or the diseases of the child himself. However, extra teething teeth can also prevent timely teething (this also occurs, although it is extremely rare). Earlier teething indicate abnormalities in the endocrine system. When the terms of teething are significantly deviated from the norm, be sure to consult a dentist and pediatrician.

In conclusion, a few words about how to alleviate the discomfort that a child experiences while his milk teeth are being cut. At this time, the baby is not just crying, he can scream very loudly, his temperature may rise and he can hold on for more than one day. Give your child something to bite. This will help relieve pressure and partially relieve pain. You can use a special tooth gel for babies (it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription). The teether (a rubber toy with water inside) helps very well, which is cooled and given to the child to alleviate the condition (cold relieves pain). If the baby has a fever, consult a pediatrician who will tell you a suitable antipyretic, according to the age of your child.

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