Tea "Plantex" for newborns: instructions, composition, reviews

The intestines of the newborn baby are completely sterile. Soon, various microorganisms begin to populate it. Unfortunately, only in a few crumbs this process occurs without any problems in the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, it is accompanied by the appearance of colic, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, pain in the tummy.

colic in a newborn

Any loving mother will look for a way to alleviate the condition of her baby. And Plantex for newborns will be an excellent assistant in this situation! The tool improves intestinal motility and normalizes digestive processes. Consider the instructions to the "Plantex" for newborns and reviews about the drug, which were left by young mothers. Is it really as effective as the manufacturer says?

General information about the drug

Tea "Plantex" for newborns consists exclusively of natural ingredients. It helps to reduce gas formation, softens stool and has a small antispasmodic effect. After penetration into the body of the active component of Plantex for newborns, the amount of gastric juice increases. This helps to normalize the digestive processes, improve the absorption of breast milk or milk formula. In addition, a much larger amount of nutrients begins to be absorbed into the blood.

As a pleasant bonus, "Plantex" is another feature. It helps to destroy pathogens that live in the intestines and stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria.

The composition of the drug does not contain caffeine and other substances that excite the nervous system. Its active components are not addictive and do not accumulate in the body. In case of side effects, it is enough to simply cancel the use of Plantex tea, and soon they will not leave a trace.

The composition of the drug and the form of release

The composition of Plantex for newborns includes the following active ingredients:

  • dry water extract of fennel fruits;
  • fennel essential oil.

Auxiliary components are:

  • anhydrous dextrose;
  • acacia gum;
  • lactose.

Outwardly, Plantex tea for newborns looks like small granules of light brown color. It has a pleasant aroma of fennel and a slightly sweet taste.

sachet planteks

Granules are packaged in bags weighing 5 g. They come on sale in cardboard boxes (10 pieces each).

Indications for use

The need for the use of "Plantex" for newborns may arise when:

  • digestive disorders;
  • regurgitation;
  • colic;
  • increased gas formation;
  • constipation
  • dysbiosis and for its prevention;
  • the transition from breastfeeding to artificial and changing the mixture.

"Plantex" is recommended to give the baby and with the introduction of complementary foods. This will help the intestines to quickly get used to a new type of food, protect from constipation.

To achieve an even better result, a nursing mother can also drink tea. The components of "Plantex" are able to penetrate into breast milk, accelerate its production and improve nutritional properties. But in this case, the dose of tea that the child consumes will need to be reduced.

"Plantex" can be used not only for various digestive disorders, but also for the prevention of their appearance.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite the fact that "Plantex" consists of natural and safe components for the newborn, the instructions indicate several contraindications to its use. These include:

  • the presence of a child hypersensitivity to the active components or excipients of the drug;
  • syndrome of impaired absorption of glucose, galactose, lactose;
  • galactosemia;
  • lactase deficiency.

Despite the fact that there are no potentially dangerous substances for the newborn in the Plantex tea, its use is prohibited until the child reaches 2 weeks of age.


The permitted daily dose of the drug depends on the age of the baby. Newborns (up to 12 months) can be given no more than 1-2 sachets. Children from 1 year to 4 years are allowed 3 sachets per day.

Overdose and side effects

To date, there is no evidence of an overdose of Plantex tea. But this does not give the right to disobey the recommendations specified in the instructions! It is strictly forbidden to change the dosage at your discretion.

allergy in a child

As for the side effects, they can occur only in the form of an allergy. According to statistics, a similar reaction is observed in 1 child out of 10. Most often, the occurrence of allergies is associated with essential oils, which are part of the drink. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the use of "Plantex" and contact the pediatrician to find an analogue.

Mode of application

So, with the composition, indications for use and dosages, everything is clear. Now it's time to consider how to give Plantex to a newborn. To begin with, it is best to do this after eating and in between feedings.

It is equally important to know how to properly brew tea, so as not to reduce its effectiveness. First of all, you need to boil 100 ml of water. That is how much you will need to prepare one serving of the drink. Next, you need to pour the contents of one sachet into a bottle or cup and pour liquid cooled down to a warm state. It is very important to mix everything thoroughly so that the granules completely dissolve in water.

As a rule, a dose of 100 ml of tea for newborns is divided several times. But older children can drink it in one go.

It is not necessary to prepare Plantex tea in advance and store it until consumed. The instructions for use indicate that the baby can only be given a freshly prepared drink. It is best to prepare a dose that the baby can master at one time. Otherwise, the drink will lose its beneficial properties and become ineffective.

By the way, Plantex has a pleasant aroma and taste, so even newborn babies will appreciate it. In cases where the child still refuses to drink, you can add a little mixture or breast milk to the drink.

baby drinks from a bottle

It is strictly forbidden to add honey, sugar or any other sweeteners to Plantex! This can lead to an undesirable negative effect and provoke the appearance of digestive problems.

Ready tea can be offered to the baby with a spoon, syringe, bottle or cup.

Parents should remember that the positive effect of the application may not occur immediately. Stable improvement occurs only when the drug is taken in a course.

Storage conditions

Plantex tea for newborns should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture.


What reviews about Plantex for newborns do mothers leave on forums? As with any other drug, opinions were divided. Some note a noticeable improvement in the condition of the baby after use, while others did not see any effect at all.

mother with baby

Let's start with the positive points. Many mothers say that they managed to defeat colic precisely thanks to Plantex. In addition, they note:

  • pleasant smell and taste of the finished tea;
  • lack of side effects;
  • ease of preparation of tea;
  • almost instant onset of the desired effect (elimination of colic, normalization of stool);
  • natural composition.

The disadvantages that some mothers highlighted are no less. Among them:

  • unreasonably high cost;
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • lack of results in the fight against colic, flatulence, stomach pain;
  • decreased effectiveness with prolonged use;
  • the appearance of side effects: rashes, profuse regurgitation and vomiting;
  • the need to prepare fresh tea before each use (in some cases, this is not very convenient).

As you can see, there is no unequivocal opinion on the effectiveness of Plantex. So, to find out whether the drug is suitable for a particular child, you can only begin to use it.


If Plantex for some reason did not fit the baby, do not despair. There are many other drugs that can help get rid of colic and stomach pain.

Let's consider some of the most popular Plantex analogues for newborns. The first group of drugs consists of natural components:

  1. "Dill water". Contains oil or fennel extract and vitamin B1. Cooking it is very simple. It is enough to dilute the contents of the bottle with 35 ml of water. The resulting solution is given 10 drops 3-6 times a day before each feeding.
  2. Baby Kalm. As active components, the drug contains anise, fennel and peppermint oils. Give “Baby Kalm” to the child 10 drops before each feeding.
  3. "Bebinos." The drug consists of liquid alcoholic extracts of fennel, chamomile and coriander flowers, as well as excipients. Children are given it in a diluted form. Children up to a year need to dissolve 3-6 drops of the drug in 20-40 ml of water. The instructions indicate that to achieve a positive result, only three applications per day are enough.
Dill water

The second group of drugs as an active component contains simethicone:

  1. "Sub Simplex". A single dose of the drug for children under 1 year is 15 drops. It should be given 10-15 minutes before feeding or added to a bottle with a mixture or milk.
  2. Espumisan. To eliminate colic in a newborn baby, only 5-10 drops per application are needed. You can give your baby Espumisan before feeding or add it to a bottle with a mixture or milk. There should be no more than 5 applications per day.
  3. "Bobotik." The drug can be given to the child before, during or after feeding. A single dose for a newborn baby is 16 drops.
Espumisan for children

This is only a small part of anti-colic drugs. A pediatrician may advise parents to use any other drug.

May all the children be healthy!

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