I will not say that abortion is bad, that you are killing a new life, etc. All this is endlessly written on all thematic sites, and is discussed at many women's forums. I will say only one thing that every woman has the right to decide whether she needs it or not, of course, if she has reached the age of majority. Otherwise, this is another, no less urgent problem today. But we will not talk about it.
Today, the problem of unwanted pregnancy is very acute both in Russia and abroad. Despite the large number of different contraceptive methods and the widespread promotion of safe sex, statistics on officially registered abortions remain disappointing. Moreover, they continue to grow every year. Not to mention the number of criminal abortions.
Given all this, it becomes necessary to share information on how an abortion is performed and on possible options for terminating a pregnancy.
How to do an abortion.
There are several types of legal abortion:
- medication (possible only up to 45 days from the moment of conception)
- vacuum extraction or mini-abortion (no later than the fifth week)
- medical abortion (until the twelfth week of pregnancy)
After a twelve-week period, abortion is prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation and violation of this law is punishable in accordance with the federal criminal code.
A little about each type of abortion (how to do an abortion).
Medication. It is considered the safest and highly effective method in the early stages of gestation. The procedure includes a preliminary test, then taking a pill (often used Mifepristone (Russia) or Mifegin (France)) under the supervision of a gynecologist and ultrasound control. After this procedure, the woman’s condition remains fairly stable, and she can continue to lead a normal life.
Vacuum extraction or mini abortion . This method is already surgical, but with less damage. The embryo is aspirated from the uterine cavity, while the walls of the uterus are not affected. With such an abortion, the probability of incomplete removal of the embryo is high. Ultrasound monitoring is usually used to confirm the result.
Medical abortion. The most traumatic of all methods of abortion. It has the greatest number of complications and long-term negative consequences. It is carried out by curettage of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) together with the fetus using special tools. How abortion is done by this method, you can find on the video, which is often posted on the Internet, in order to intimidate negligent mothers.
Pregnancy after abortion.
Many women who, for one reason or another, have resorted to one or more of the above options in the past, later ask themselves this question: "Is it possible to get pregnant after that?" and "how to get pregnant after an abortion?"
In fact, subsequent pregnancy depends on many factors and is very individual for each woman. This depends on the number of abortions, and on the timing at which the abortion was performed, and on the state of the woman’s body and many other different factors.
Nevertheless, pregnancy is possible, the main thing is that it is desired.
The first thing to remember is that pregnancy should always be planned.
Before this, both spouses must undergo training, i.e. to be examined, to prevent their chronic diseases (if any), quit drinking alcohol and smoke at least three months before pregnancy, undergo vitamin therapy, and most importantly, take care of their psycho-emotional state and pay attention to each other. After all, how important is harmony in the family for the future baby.