Dwarf beagle: description and characteristics of the breed

Everyone loves animals, and many of us even breed pets. Dogs are the most popular because they are not only good guards, but also incredibly loyal and faithful friends. But which breed to choose, because today their diversity is simply amazing? Of course, everything here depends on the personal preferences of each person, but experienced breeders recommend paying attention to the dwarf beagle. Photos of these dogs will pleasantly please the heart of everyone who is crazy about cute animals. Let's talk in more detail about this breed and find out what its distinguishing feature is and whether it is really worth getting a pet in your house.

Historical facts

dwarf beagle

When exactly did the dwarf beagle appear on the territory of our country? This remains a mystery for now. However, the first descriptions of dogs, according to their characteristics and external data very much resembling representatives of this breed, can be found in the annals of the reign of Empress Elizabeth I. Animals are characterized by a playful disposition and good speed, so they were used by hunters to rush small game and even deer. In addition, the beagles were presented as a gift to foreign ambassadors and representatives of the nobility, as they personified attention and devotion. But despite all the similarities, it’s impossible to be sure that historical documents are talking about this particular family of dogs. However, this does not matter. It is much more interesting that many people now choose just the beagle as their pets.

General information about the breed

On the Internet you can find many ads for the sale of these pets. However, you need to be very careful, because if you look at the photo of the mini beagle, then on it you will see a small dog about 20-30 centimeters high. But professionals say this is a hoax. Photos are either processed in Photoshop, or a young individual is depicted on them. On average, the height of the beagle's withers varies from 25 to 56 cm, which depends on the breed species. If the animal is smaller, the commission will simply not allow it to participate in the exhibition. In addition, deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of any violations in physical or psychological development.

Animal character

mini beagle

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Before you get a dwarf beagle, you must first find out about his temper and behavioral characteristics. According to experts, all dogs behave the same regardless of breed variety.

Among the main features of the character are the following:

  • Activity and playfulness. Beagles are very cheerful and full of energy. Every day they need a lot of physical activity, so if you got yourself this dog, then be prepared to walk with it a lot. It is also not recommended to leave them alone at home for a long time, because otherwise the four-legged friend will find entertainment for himself and turn the house upside down.
  • Observation and curiosity. Mini beagles love to know the world around them, so they are very easy to interest. It is with great pleasure that they play both with their owner and with other dogs.
  • Empathy and optimism. Representatives of this breed well understand the mood of people, so if someone is sad, the animal will try its best to cheer him up.
  • Friendliness. Beagles never show aggression and with great pleasure make new acquaintances. Prolonged loneliness can lead to the development of depression in the animal, which will negatively affect its health.

Thus, if you need a faithful friend who will always cheer you up and never betray you, then the dwarf beagle breed is ideal for you. And if you have small children, then you can not worry about them. These little dogs will never touch or scare the kids, but will be happy to play with them.

Expert Opinion

Despite the cheerfulness and playfulness, the dwarf beagle needs a firm hand. In the house, there must be a person acting as an authority in which the pet will see a leader and mentor. Otherwise, walking the dog will be quite problematic. She will not obey and will run far away from the owner. But if you can correctly set yourself up and show who is the boss in the house, there will not be any special problems, since this breed, in addition to its good character, has many advantages.

Psychological features of the beagles

dog care

This aspect should be given special attention. If you have never had a dog before, you should get this breed. She has a lot of strengths that she must definitely talk about. The main benefits relate to mental health. Among the main ones, the following can be distinguished:

  • friendly attitude towards people and other pets;
  • treats young children well and forgives them all their pranks;
  • loyal to the owner and enjoys spending time in company with him;
  • Feels the mood of others and adapts to it;
  • It adapts perfectly to any conditions of detention.

Despite the large number of advantages, the dog has a mini-beagle, a photo of which will pleasantly please everyone, and certain psychological shortcomings.

Among the main ones are:

  • He cannot stand loneliness. If the dog will be at home for a long time, then gradually its behavioral characteristics will begin to change for the worse. The pet can begin to spoil furniture or shoes. If you do not conduct educational activities in time, then the behavior may even become inadequate, and it will be impossible to correct it.
  • Stubbornness. Because of this quality, various training problems constantly arise.
  • Obsession. If you do not pay attention to the dog, then it will try by all possible means to be noticed.
  • Credulity. Representatives of this breed easily make contact even with strangers, so dogs are often abducted.

Given all the above, we can conclude that the dwarf beagle is a dog that has good psychological indicators. However, she constantly needs attention, and if it is lacking, she will feel bad.

Physical features of the beagles

mini beagle breed

So what do you need to know about this? Representatives of this breed are very easy to care for and maintain. This is due to the following:

  • animals love activity, therefore they constantly ask for street food and never go to the toilet in the house;
  • do not drool and do not have a specific dog smell, which is characteristic of some other breeds;
  • practically do not fade, so you don’t have to constantly vacuum and remove wool from upholstered furniture.

However, there are some disadvantages. Mini-beagle dogs are prone to overeating, so servings should not be too large. If the owner does not control the pet’s nutrition, then he may develop obesity over time. Also, during walks it is very important to ensure that the dog does not eat anything harmful or dangerous.

Dimensions and Weight

If you plan to take your pet to exhibitions, then he needs to meet basic standards. According to experts, growth should be in the range from 33 to 56 centimeters, and weight - from 13 to 27 kg. Dimensions vary by breed. For example, the smallest are European beagles, and the largest are Irish carry.

Dog Life Span

Mini beagle - a dog that can be attributed to centenarians. If you provide these beauties with good nutrition, good conditions and long walks, as well as timely drive to the veterinarian and do all the necessary vaccinations, then the animals can live up to 15 years or more. The average life expectancy is about 12 years. In principle, these are standard indicators for beagle breeds.

Most common diseases

What you need to know about this? Many breeders choose beagles for the fact that they have very good physical characteristics and good health. However, like any other animals, they are still susceptible to certain diseases. Among the most common, the following can be distinguished:

  • obesity - develops due to the fact that the pet does not know the measure and eats everything that is given to him;
  • ear infections - they are guilty of a special form of ears that collect everything from the ground when the animal sniffs something out;
  • epilepsy - characteristic of all hounds;
  • hypothyroidism - due to impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, the condition of the coat deteriorates in animals and a decrease in reproductive ability.

If you notice any health problems with your dwarf beagle, you should immediately show it to the veterinarian. Moreover, experts recommend that you take your pet to a specialist at least twice a year. This will make it possible to detect diseases at the earliest stages and not only quickly and without consequences cure them, but also extend the life of the dog.

Care and maintenance

beagle mini dog

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. This breed is distinguished by its undemanding and unpretentiousness, however, to make it as comfortable and good as possible, it is necessary to follow some tips and recommendations on the content. Experienced breeders advise the following:

  • The animal must have its place in the house and know it. In no case do not let your pet in bed or on the sofa in the living room. Equip a small couch or just lay the rug in a place protected from drafts, and the animal will be very comfortable. If you do not accustom him to order from childhood, then in the future the beagle will be wherever he wants.
  • You need to walk every day. Absolutely all hunting breeds need daily physical activity. If they do not spill energy, then this will negatively affect the state of health.
  • Regular bathing. Hygiene is very important not only for people, but also for animals. Its absence can cause the development of various diseases and health problems. Also, several times a month you need to clean your eyes and ears.
  • Training. You need to start teaching a mini beagle from the first days of your stay in the house. First, they teach basic commands, and then they begin to study more complex ones.

If you adhere to these tips, then you will not have any problems with the maintenance and care of the pet.

Feeding Features

beagle feeding

This is one of the most important aspects that you should pay attention to if you have a beagle. As has been repeatedly noted earlier, this breed does not know the measure in food, which is why animals often develop obesity. Therefore, it is better to give food a little, but more often. It is recommended to divide the feeding by 4-5 times and immediately accustom the pet to the regimen. There must also be a separate bowl of clean water so that the dog can always quench his thirst.


Photos of an adult mini-beagle dog will be a great addition to the family album. Prices for this breed depend on many factors, among which the key is the class of thoroughbred animal. There are three in total:

  • for home maintenance;
  • for breeding;
  • for exhibitions.

As you might guess, the last class is the most expensive. Prices for it can reach 30,000 rubles.

What to look for when choosing

Buying a puppy should be taken very seriously. Please check with the seller for the following aspects:

  • animal welfare;
  • whether vaccination was carried out;
  • age;
  • the physical state.

Puppies should be kept in a clean nursery, as well as being physically strong and playful. Pay particular attention to the condition of the coat. If it is unnatural in color and falls out, then this is a clear sign of any health problems. It is better to refuse to buy such a puppy.


dwarf beagle breed

The Beagle is a great choice for those who want to make a loyal friend who will always be there. But for devotion, you will have to pay the pet back with your attention, because this breed simply can not stand loneliness. In all other respects, there are no problems with beagles. They are very clean, friendly, unpretentious and rarely get sick. Therefore, if you buy yourself such a puppy, you will not regret the money spent. Remember that if you decide to have a pet, then he will definitely need your attention, care and love. If this is not left to the pet, then the outcome can be disastrous.

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