At what age can a kitten cut its nails and is it possible

How to avoid problems with your pet? And this is not at all about a cat's toilet in terms of hygiene. Although, if you think about it, just about the toilet. Nail, so to speak.

While the kitten is small, he does not understand that he releases his claws and hurts the owner, scratching his hands. Or that you can’t tear walls, furniture and clothes - these are not things in order to "scratch your claws." Therefore, it will be easiest to cut the claws of the pet. At what age can a kitten cut its claws, should it be done at all? We will tell a little more in detail.

Why does kitten need nails?

Why do you need claws for cats living on the street, understandably. And escape from danger, and feed. And why are they a pet? He does not leave the apartment. And what hunting is - has no idea. Maybe you should not be tormented with the question, at what age can a kitten cut its claws? And take the baby to the veterinary clinic and get rid of these sharp weapons?

So we got to the main idea. Claws are feline weapons. And they are compared with human fingers. It is the claws that are helpers in the sense of balance to animals, play an important role in the spatial orientation of the pet. It has long been known that cats who have been deprived of this important addition to their paws become "crippled." They disrupted the musculoskeletal system.

Scabby point is needed


At what age can a kitten's claws be cut? And for an adult cat how to cut them? Is it necessary to go to the clinic every time? At home, on your own? No, the hand will not rise. I’ll have to carry it. And this time will take. Remove these claws once and for all. Moreover, why do they need a cat? To sit with claws at home? Only the sofa spoils and the wallpaper, the scruff of the eye ignores, a bad creation. Here's a bunch of questions spinning in the heads of the owners.

The owner loves his animal and wants to do better for everyone. It would be nice to get rid of the kitten from its claws, as if he didn’t need them at all. And myself - from problems with damage from these very claws. Only before taking the pet to the operation to remove them, you need to think several times. Is it worth it?

As mentioned above, in animals without claws, the musculoskeletal system is impaired. And that's not all. The cat, deprived of its main support and tool for protection, is experiencing extreme stress. Once on the street, such an animal will die immediately. He has no chance of salvation.

Here, the emphasis on the musculoskeletal system is long and hard. Someone will be surprised, and here are claws. The thing is that at the time of the operation to remove the claws of the cat, the phalanges of the fingers are cut off. Imagine that a person was partially deprived of toes. How will he walk after that? And what a cat feels, now it’s becoming clear.

Sharp claws

Claw and breed

At what age can a Scots, Siamese or Persian kitten cut its claws? In fact, nothing depends on the breed. It all depends on the age of the animal. Claws are formed in feline representatives by the age of 4-6 months. It is during this period of time that the owners begin to prune them.

Do I need to take my pet to the veterinary clinic for this? If the owner is very afraid to perform the procedure on his own, then it is possible. But there is nothing complicated in this manipulation. Below will be described in detail how to cut the claws of a pet.

Claws trim neatly

A bit about the sphinxes

Why are these feline representatives placed in a separate subsection? The fact is that this breed requires a special attitude to its claws and teeth. At what age can a sphynx kitten cut its claws? From 3 months. This is due to the fact that the baby can injure himself with his own claws. He has very delicate skin, and it is very easy to injure her. It’s better not to wait for the moment when this happens, but to slowly accustom the unusual pet to clipping.

Haircut procedure

How to cut the claws of a little friend? This is the most important question that owners ask. And no wonder, a man is afraid to hurt his animal. Particularly timid go to the veterinary clinic and entrust the procedure to specialists. And for those who decided to independently cut their claws, detailed instructions on how to do this are offered.

At what age can a British kitten cut its claws? As mentioned above, the breed does not matter. Earlier than others, only the sphinxes begin to cut their nails because of their skin features.

But let's move on to the most basic - the haircut procedure. What you need to know about this:

  1. A necessary tool - special claws for cats. Sold at pet stores. And you can do with simple manicure scissors, nippers or tweezers. Manicure scissors are tested by the personal experience of many owners.

  2. Before proceeding with the procedure, the tool must be sanitized. Wipe with alcohol, for example.

  3. Kitten to pick up. Sit with him on a chair or in a chair near the window. To see the blood vessel in the nail and not damage it, you need good lighting.

  4. We sit the kitten to our "face".

  5. Claw trimming begins with the front paws. The foot is taken in the fingers, slightly pressed on it so that the animal releases its claws. They clutch a claw with a tool and cut off only the light base, without affecting the blood vessel.

  6. After the claws on the front legs are trimmed, proceed to the hind legs.

  7. At the end of the procedure, you can praise the kitten, give something tasty.

As you can see, the clipping procedure is not as complicated and scary as it seems at first. By the way, recall at what age a kitten can cut its nails. From 4-6 months.

Only the claw tip is trimmed


What information was obtained from the article? Firstly, we learned how to cut the claws of a pet at home. And it is not necessary for this to go to the veterinary clinic.

Nail scissors - a convenient option

The second point is the answer to the question of how old a kitten can cut its claws. Any breed, excluding sphinxes, needs this procedure from the age of 4-6 months. As for the frequency of its execution, as a rule, this is once a month.

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