We select magnetic boards on the wall.

Most recently, a brilliant, simply gorgeous idea finally came to your mind regarding your new project. You clearly remember that you wrote it down on an A4 paper sheet. And now you really need this record, well, just vital, but where is it? You rummaged through your deposits of papers and charts, just in case you checked the garbage bin, but to no avail. The idea as it came, suddenly, and disappeared, no less suddenly and mysteriously.

What are magnetic boards on the wall for?

mobile board

To prevent such incidents from happening in your life, you should organize your papers, drawings, notes and graphics. The order in the necessary drawings - the order in the office and office.

The best way out of these situations is with magnetic boards on the wall. They will allow you to fix the necessary notes and not lose them. In addition to holding paper media, such devices have a flat surface on which you can make notes with markers or chalk, depending on the type of board.

Which boards are commonly found

It will be more convenient for you if, on the wall of your office, a magnetic-marker board settles on the wall. In addition to holding notes on magnets, this type of board is also intended for writing with a marker.

This type of board has two varieties of coatings

  • Enamel coating. This is a metal board coated with white enamel paint. Enamel coating is more durable and resistant. Resistant to abrasion and scratch.
  • Lacquer coating is a white lacquered board. Magnetic boards on the wall covered with enamel should not be wiped with a damp sponge, in order to avoid damage from moisture. Such boards are wiped exclusively with a special liquid that moistens the sponge.

A sufficiently representative version of the board for the office is a board having a coating of glass. It is convenient to write on it with special markers. Also, due to its special properties, a board with a glass surface is well wiped with a special composition, it is not prone to scratches during operation.

glass board


If for some reason the magnetic-marker variety of the whiteboard on the wall does not suit you, you can purchase an ordinary, magnetic-chalk board in your office. This option has a double-sided coating. Namely, on the one hand you can write with ordinary chalk, and on the other, there is a magnetic surface.

Magnetic chalk board on the wall has received widespread recognition not only in offices, but also in schools and other educational institutions.

board at home

To save your walls from painting with felt-tip pens, you can give children something that will take them not one evening, but maybe not one month. This is an easel made on the basis of a magnetic board. And such a set can include magnets with the alphabet and with numbers, which will undoubtedly interest your child and arouse a genuine interest in the study of arithmetic and in reading. Such boards can be freely moved indoors because they are installed on supports.

Why do you need a magnetic board at home?

Magnetic boards on the wall for the home are bought and used for different directions and purposes. On such devices it’s good to leave “messages” to the household, take various notes for yourself.

Magnetic boards on the wall, which is better to buy?

To begin with, you should determine for yourself the most important properties of a magnetic board:

  1. The most budgetary and practical option is magnetically chalky.
  2. If you suffer from intolerance to chalk dust, and this usually happens with people who have worked for a long time, for example, in classrooms, then most likely the magnetic marker stand will be your best choice.
  3. Want chic and sparkle and other indicators of your status? Fine! A glass magnetic whiteboard is suitable for you. Records on such an information medium, no one can skip. Glass-based boards are eye-catching.
  4. Do not forget to see the list of protective coatings in the documents attached to the board.
whiteboard markers

If you do not know in which stores it is usually worth looking for magnetic boards on the wall, then here's a tip.

This product can be found in stores selling office supplies and related products. You can also search for note boards in large megastores or online stores. The price, of course, will depend directly on the materials from which the magnetic board is made, as well as on the dimensions of the product itself.

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