The happy moment has come when your own daughter can proudly call herself a mom. She had a beautiful princess. You are in a hurry to gather all the closest people at home, set a small table, and finally congratulate your daughter on the birth of her daughter.
Exciting meeting
Your daughter has become quite an adult. She and her husband became the newly made parents of a beautiful daughter, and from that moment they will heal their happy and friendly family.
The first thing to do is to arrange a beautiful extract from the hospital. Be sure to consult with your daughter. Perhaps, due to some complications, she wants to quickly return home. Then congratulate the daughter on the birth of her daughter is best already at home. And some enchanting congratulations are best left for later, for example, when a young mother adapts after being in the hospital. But, as a rule, young mothers miss their loved ones so much all the days spent in the hospital, which is not at all against having a little surprise.
A standard set of congratulations is a bouquet of flowers and a decorated car. Each mom will be pleasantly surprised at such a meeting. But for the meeting to be remembered, so that, while reviewing the video and photos, the young mother every time is nostalgic for this day, you need to approach this issue more responsibly.
Home holiday
After the happy mother returned home and put her treasure in the crib, you can proceed to the second stage of the celebration of a magnificent event. Sit at a pre-cooked table with, preferably, dietary food, vegetables, fruits and natural juices.
While young parents rejoice that they are together again, we can proceed to presenting gifts. It is best to congratulate a mother on the birth of her daughter in her own words - that’s how they will be spoken from the heart, and gifts for mom and baby will be a nice addition to congratulations. It can be:
- Certificates in children's stores.
- Cheerful rug.
- Rattles.
- Bed linen for the crib.
- Rubber bath toys.
Everything that is suitable for the first year of a baby’s life will be very welcome.
Congratulations from the parents
The main words of parting words to a new life should be said by the parents of the young mother. They know their daughter best; all the most difficult moments of her life were with her. You can congratulate your daughter on the birth of a daughter by writing a poem of his own composition. If there are no specific abilities for this, just tell her what is in your soul. Tell us how you worried about her daily and how you missed her. In order not to get lost in the words from excitement, write down everything on a postcard and hand it after the said speech.
Mom should also encourage her daughter. To say that she will definitely help her. It’s more fun to walk together, and if a daughter has something to do, she will definitely temporarily replace her.
Congratulations in your own words
Many are lost when you need to wish something to another person. Shy, do not know what to say.
The birth of a child is a wonderful event, and congratulations for a young mother should be sincere, from the heart. Do not try to find hackneyed expressions on the Internet, it is best to congratulate your daughter on the birth in your own words. What can you wish a young mother?
Always be in a good mood. This is the key to mutual understanding in the family. You can raise your mood in the morning with fragrant tea or some new, original home clothes.
Do not get discouraged by trifles. Usually mothers get upset over trifles. Due to excess pimple or sweating in a child. Due to constant nerves, she may have health problems, but this is useless.
Take time for yourself. While the child is sleeping, delighting himself with pleasant masks on his face, embroidering or reading a book - everything that mom liked to do before.
From these wishes you can make an excellent congratulation for a young mother.
Congratulation in Prose
Congratulating a daughter on the birth of a daughter can be difficult even for her mother. Due to a surge of emotions and happiness, you can forget all the words. To prevent this from happening, parents can separately, when all the guests disperse, congratulate on the birth of their daughter in prose. And at the table you can say how you worried about her when she was in the hospital, and that she can count on your support at any time.
Congratulation in prose is a congratulation in your own words. It looks something like this:
- “Our dear young mother! Starting today, your new happy life begins. Be wise in resolving important issues and raising your princess. Remember that your loved ones are always there and ready to come to your aid. ”
Think in advance what you want to say. Make a small gift. This congratulation is surely a young mother will remember for a long time.
Congratulations from beloved girlfriends
At the festive table can gather not only relatives, but also friends. Any close friend will be happy with such an invitation. Remember that a large number of people in a house with a small child are undesirable, therefore, if there are many close friends, it is better for them to arrange a small table separately, on another day.
You can congratulate a friend on the birth of a daughter so that for her it will be a real surprise. It can be a salute in her honor or other original gifts. Do not forget to say that you will visit her and her beautiful baby as soon as possible.
Congratulating a young mother is not necessary immediately after discharge, because there may be different circumstances. But to do this, perhaps a few days or weeks later, is necessary. After all, the life of a young woman is completely changing, and she needs to be well supported and tuned in the right way. And only the people closest to her can do this.