Nutritious and delicious cashews have long ceased to be considered exotic foods. Increasingly, they can be seen in the diet of pregnant women. And what is the benefit and harm of this nut? The answer to this question is considered in the article.
Walnut features
Cashew, unlike almonds, pistachios, peanuts and other products that are customarily called nuts, is a real nut unlike the others. The above fruits are more correctly attributed to legumes and seeds. Cashew fruit consists of a stalk, called an apple, and the nut itself, which is located on the top of this apple in a hard shell.
Both components of this product can be eaten. However, we only know the nut.
In Europe, cashews during pregnancy and the benefits of this product have been known for a very long time. Walnut is considered a necessary product in the diet of expectant mothers. And in England there was even a sign that if a woman wants to get pregnant and have a healthy baby, then she just needs to eat cashews. In ancient Babylon, a nut was considered a product that ordinary people were forbidden to use because it activates the brain. And ordinary people with high intelligence at that time were not needed for power.
Fortunately, cashews can now be purchased at any supermarket.
What is the use of walnut?
There are more than enough useful components in cashews. The product includes a lot of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, cashew nut during pregnancy is of high value.
The nut contains:
- Minerals - magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, selenium and sodium.
- Unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-9 and Omega-6) are highly useful for brain activity.
- B vitamins contribute to the normalization of the nervous system. Accordingly, the risk of depression is significantly reduced.
In addition, it is important to note that cashew affects the decrease in uterine hypertonicity due to magnesium, which is in the product. And unsaturated acids contribute to the normalization of blood vessels, prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
In addition, the nut contains a rather low percentage of fat compared to other similar products. Protein accounts for about 17%. And the vitamin D present in the composition has a positive effect on strengthening the bone tissue of both the expectant mother and the baby.
But every future mother should consult a doctor before using this product. The organisms of people are different, and for someone, a nut will be beneficial, but for someone, on the contrary, it will be harmful.
Cashew during pregnancy can be consumed without a doubt. But it is worthwhile to understand that there is an individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, if you are not sure, then start adding this product to your diet with extreme caution.
As for all future mothers, it is worth highlighting information that the nut is a high-calorie product. And this can lead to weight gain, which can adversely affect gestation and subsequent childbirth. And also excessive consumption of nuts can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
It is not recommended to use a nut in the last trimester of pregnancy. And for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to completely abandon cashews, since it can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.
And remember: you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of the little man who develops within you.
Product Selection Precautions
Cashew during pregnancy should be purchased with extreme caution. Pay attention to the texture - it should be even. The nut should not resemble shriveled dried fruit, be overdried or have an unpleasant odor.
Keep nuts in a sealed package. Preferably in the refrigerator. With the right approach, you can store in the freezer for one year, but no more.
Cashew during pregnancy
The bearing of the fetus is considered one of the most critical periods in the life of every woman. That is why every expectant mother is concerned about the question of what can and cannot be eaten during pregnancy.
Doctors recommend that women eat nuts during the period of bearing a child, but only in a normal amount. Since overeating can adversely affect the state of health.
Consider the benefits of nuts for a pregnant woman:
- Normalization of blood pressure.
- Good hemoglobin in the blood.
- The production of vitamin D, which is responsible for the skeletal system. Helps strengthen the teeth of mom and baby.
- Improving immunity.
- Reducing the risk of vitamin deficiency.
- It has a positive effect on the formation of the muscular system of the fetus.
- Bringing back the mental state of the future mom.
- It has a positive effect on brain function.
- Helps to get rid of heartburn, which quite often is a pregnancy companion.
Despite the great benefits, it is important to remember that a pregnant woman should discuss her diet with a doctor.
How to choose?
In supermarkets you can find a variety of types of cashews: salted, candied and fried. All this is not suitable for the diet of the future mother. Firstly, salt and sugar cause serious harm to the body, and secondly, during the heat treatment of the product, a significant part of healthy vitamins and minerals is lost. Moreover, such variations in relation to walnut tend to increase the overall calorie content of the product. And this is a very undesirable aspect for a pregnant woman. But this is only a small part, because often manufacturers use flavor enhancers and flavorings.
In connection with the above information, it is recommended to give preference to fresh and peeled nuts. Find such a product is not difficult, it is found in supermarkets and grocery markets.
How much to use?
The use of cashews during pregnancy in the early stages requires consultation with a doctor. If there are no contraindications and individual intolerance, then the optimal amount of nuts is no more than 10 pieces per day. This amount is enough to provide the body of the future mother with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
If you are not a fan of eating nuts as a small snack, then you can familiarize yourself with a variety of dishes. For example, cashews go well with pastries, salads, and fruits. Cashews are often mixed with honey and chocolate. But not for all pregnant women, this combination is appropriate, since all three products are allergens, and this is a serious burden on the body. If you belong to the category of people to whom such a treat doesn’t harm, then follow the measure. You can treat yourself to such a dessert no more than once a week.