How to make a DIY Bead costume

One of the simplest and most enchanting carnival outfits is the Bead costume. Making it is quite simple, because you only need a lot of jewelry, which includes spherical parts. By the way, to make a Bead costume with your own hands, you can use homemade jewelry. Small-size Christmas tree decorations (balls and beads) will also be used.

Bead Costume - Dress

There are three options for making this outfit. The first involves the use of an existing beautiful dress. The length can be different, from long "to the floor" to very short. Perhaps the important detail here will be the magnificent bottom of the robe.

The second option is a self-made dress. The Bead costume will look luxurious if you choose the style of the “balloon” skirt. The dress should be sheathed with beads, beads, New Year's toys such as balls.

bead costume

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new year bead costume

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christmas costume beads for girls

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Complement the image of the owner of this outfit and belts. It is recommended to use a wide belt on which jewelry is glued. Or you can again use beads from which to weave a wide belt, including large beads in the work.

Surely, a costume made with your own hands together with the girl will bring her great joy. And the abundance of jewelry, which is natural for the fair sex, will delight the young lover.

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