Duty in kindergarten: schedule, responsibilities, tips for teachers

Many young parents have a question about the need for duty in kindergarten. Is it important for a child to learn to carry out assignments? Is it too early for that age or is it difficult? Are there any benefits on duty for children? The answers to these questions are later in the article.

Why is duty on duty?

The first word that is associated with the concept of “duty” is “responsibility”, and not only for the life and safety of the child on the part of the educator, but also for personal development. A similar type of labor education, when the child independently needs to be able to help the teacher in organizing classes or set the table, forms the initial understanding of the word "labor" in children.

Such a technique allows the child to realize that everything around us did not appear by itself, someone created it. This thought forms a desire to also try to do something, encourages independent work.

Children in kindergarten

The benefits of duty

Thanks to the duty, the child begins to be responsible for the assignment. Even if the task is quite simple, the duty in the kindergarten will form a love of work. After all, the baby will be very pleased when, thanks to his own efforts, it becomes, for example, cleaner.

Based on such a life experience, the child will continue to perform duty tasks with greater concentration and return.

Happy kindergarten pupil

Types of duty for kindergarten students

You need to understand that the duty in kindergarten does not include elements of punishment. This is just an opportunity to demonstrate to the pupil what it is like to take care of others. Duty may include:

  • help in the dining room;
  • help in the games room.

Dining room duties

The responsibilities of the child will include assistance in the distribution of dishes for other children. Duty in the kindergarten in the dining room has several advantages. Such a simple task will form the child’s responsible attitude to work, and will also become an opportunity for the development of memory. In the event that the experience with the duty is suitable for a group of students, this action will be repeated often, respectively, and tasks will be repeated. Therefore, regular duty will help to quickly remember the location of dishes on the tables, which will positively affect the development of memory.

Help in the playroom

Duty in the playroom of the kindergarten will require the following from the child: assistance to the teacher and other children in laying out toys in places. Such a procedure will help to develop attentiveness, since it will be necessary to know where to put what, and also to improve the level of interaction between the kindergarten pupils, as the attendant will take on a part of the role of the educator and from the position of senior assistant will help maintain order and help other children.

In any case, this is not so much help to the educator as the development of such traits as responsibility, mutual assistance, love and respect for work.

Kindergarten students

Duty schedule: how to create

To maintain order and discipline, the teacher needs to think about how to introduce a duty schedule in kindergarten. Such a measure will help to calculate and take into account all the merits of the pupil and not get confused in the order. Such a schedule may look different, depending on the teacher’s creative approach. It is advisable that the pupils themselves take part in the creation of the duty area. In this case, there will be a sense of ownership in the innovation. Do-it-yourself work for duty can serve as an excellent start for uniting a children's team. In addition, each child will be able to put his own vision and show imagination, which is so necessary for creating a do-it-yourself corner on duty in the kindergarten.

The boy performs an assignment

How to organize a duty schedule?

The basis for the design of duty in kindergarten, creating a schedule and schedule can serve as a paper. On the sheet, it is best to place photos of the pupils or assign each character their own symbol. A similar designation will come in handy in the future. The duty line can be arranged in alphabetical order of the names of the children, at will or on the principle of school desks, at first the children are on duty at the first table, at the end of the month - the children at the last.

Children are working on creating a duty area

For good behavior, help and attentiveness at the end of the duty, the child will receive a card. If, for example, the paper is red, it means that the child did his job perfectly. If something in the process of duty did not work out, then the card may be of a different color.

On a piece of paper with a duty schedule in the kindergarten, you can add small pockets under the photographs of pupils with their own hands, in which leaflets indicating the achievements of the child will be stored. Or you can do without photos of children and put together images of special characters that would characterize the pupil, right away in a special bag.

For example, the person on duty chose a squirrel for himself as his own symbol, and red cards with the image of a squirrel will appear in the pocket for successfully completed work. This will mean that it is this pupil who copes with all tasks perfectly.

Thus, duty develops another feature in children - the ability to fantasize. After all, when creating a corner of duty in a kindergarten with their own hands, students will be able to fully demonstrate their creative abilities, as well as when choosing a personal picture that will become a symbol of successful work.

kindergarten pupil

Tips for educators

When conducting such labor education, the teacher should pay attention to some points:

  • You can not scold the child for a wrongly executed request. It is worth remembering that the main task of duty is not so much to teach how to perform various everyday activities, how to instill responsibility for what the baby should do, as well as respect for work. Otherwise, in the future, the child will fulfill assignments without enthusiasm and the schedule of duty in the kindergarten may be violated.
  • It is necessary to praise the pupil. It is praise at this stage of psychological development that is a powerful motivator for completing tasks. When a child realizes that his contribution has been appreciated and noticed, he begins to feel needed. At such moments, a love of work is formed, and at the same time, the pupil is aware of the importance of work.
  • Appreciate personality, but not overly emphasize. When a child is praised, it’s wonderful, especially if it is deserved. But what if one pupil does not do very well on duty at first, while his friend is constantly praised? Because of this, a child may have an offense, which does not contribute to the development of diligence and respect for work. Not only his own, but also those around him. This issue is resolved precisely with the filing of a teacher. Each child is individual and unique, which implies a personal approach to each. Someone may need a little more time than others to enter the schedule of duty, and some of the children may begin to use their advantage and gained authority among peers for their own purposes. In order to prevent this, the most important thing is not to overdo it and follow the rule of the "middle ground".
  • Joint work. Duty in kindergarten is a suitable occasion for self-expression, acquisition of new skills and abilities, as well as the opportunity to improve the microclimate in the children's team. Sometimes conflicts between students can arise on different grounds. The educator's task is to nullify such hassles. Nothing helps better than working together. Mutual assistance and mutual assistance will help prevent the emergence of many disagreements in the company of children of the same age range. Moreover, with a joint pastime, grievances are forgotten faster.

A creative approach to team building, as well as the development of personal abilities, skills and character traits is a priority for the teacher and educator. Thanks to the introduction of duty, children will become more disciplined and friendly.

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