When is Halloween in Russia? Find out!

We love various holidays. This is an occasion not only to rejoice and have fun, but also to meet friends and organize an interesting party. A variety of dates is enough on our calendar, but in recent years we borrow more and more holidays from other nations. So, over the past couple of decades, Valentine's Day has gained popularity among young people , a parade dedicated to St. Patrick's Day has appeared on the list of regular events , and not everyone will remember exactly when Halloween in Russia became famous and ubiquitous.


when halloween in russia

I’d like to tell you more about the latter. Halloween, or the eve of All Saints Day, came to us from English-speaking countries. There it is celebrated from around the middle of the 19th century. All Saints Day is rooted immediately in Christian tradition, in superstition, and in more ancient Celtic beliefs. In English and American folklore, it is believed that on this day the line between the worlds is thinning, and the souls of the dead can visit their relatives. Also at this time all evil spirits return to Earth. Well, in the Celtic tradition, this day, October 31, was considered a celebration of the end of the harvest season and the end of the year.

This is not to say exactly when Halloween in Russia began to be studied in schools as part of the culture of other countries. But it is clear that the youth liked this holiday. In this regard, it was initially celebrated in schools in the fall. Such a celebration helped children better understand the culture of England and the USA, learn the language and folklore of these countries. And then he migrated to the streets of large, and then small towns.

when halloween in russia 2013

What is going on for this celebration?

In the period of the year when Halloween, themed parties are now often held in Russia , dedicated to all evil spirits, costume balls and children's parties. On the shelves of shops fancy dresses of the corresponding theme, elements of home decor, as well as other little things related to this holiday begin to appear. On this day, youth radio stations organize special broadcasts that talk about Halloween. Themed design of cafes and restaurants for All Saints Day has become popular.

By the way, what is it, a special decor for the holiday? The main symbol of Halloween is the so-called Jack-o-lanern, or Jack-o-lantern. This is a pumpkin with a carved evil face, inside which is a candle. Also obligatory elements of jewelry in the days when Halloween, in Russia were images of skeletons, witches, brownies, as well as the evil spirits that are characteristic of Slavic folklore. So there was a unification of two cultures in this holiday.

when they celebrate halloween in Russia

When Halloween is celebrated in Russia, traditionally on all TV channels they try to include mystic or horror films in the evening television broadcast, and for children choose a program schedule related to this holiday. Often, for children, special performances are even organized on this topic in those days when Halloween. In Russia, 2013, for example, was marked by the showing of the children's play “Little Witch”, dedicated to the holiday.

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