It often happens that some content in games becomes outdated and outdated. But this does not mean that it becomes useless. In addition, the passage and return to the old content gives players a sense of nostalgia or the opportunity to pass moments that they could not master before. The same situation is with World of Warcraft. The game has been released seven global updates that constantly improve the game and increase the content. As is noticeable in practice, gamers usually go through old raids and dungeons in search of rare prey and simply in order to get those achievements that they previously could not afford.
This is a unique raid dungeon that has been added to update 3.1.2. This raid is located in the Storm Peaks, in the very north of the location. Ulduar is a city of titans, in which the heroes of Azeroth wished to enter.
Instance at one time was tremendously balanced and pleasant in passing. The developers did a tremendous job on the graphic component of the raid - the location turned out to be large-scale, raid bosses worked out to the smallest detail. The greatest secret of Ulduar is the one who lives under the ancient city - the ancient god Yogg-Sarron, who enslaved the mind of the titans who lived in the city.
Algalon Observer
One of the pleasant surprises was the fact that the raid contains a unique neutral boss. In the lobby of Ulduar there is a passage leading to the Holy Planetarium, where Algalon the Observer is located. Victory over him is not a prerequisite for passing the raid dungeon. In previous updates, access to it was opened only after a special mechanism was activated, which was opened with a unique key. At the moment, no key is required, so the boss is in the public domain.
Algalon Observer sent to the planet to analyze the defeat of life support. If he sends a distress signal, the titans will recreate the planet, destroying all life on it. If he is defeated, the character will say that he has never been so wrong, and will cancel the previously sent signal, giving a chance to life for all of Azeroth.
Shard of Val'anir
The defeated boss leaves after defeating him a container with loot, which contains (with a probability of 15-24%) a fragment of Val'anir and other valuable loot. After the character collects 30 fragments, he will be able to combine them into the "Broken Val'anir", which begins a chain of quests to assemble the legendary weapons.