Man has always been drawn to the sky. However, the dream of flying like birds began to turn into reality just a little over a century ago. Since then, it has become easier to climb into the sky on your own, but the helm of the winged car is still inaccessible to billions of people. All this huge audience of potential computer users seemed to be waiting for game developers. As soon as PCs learned to reproduce a graphic image on the monitor, programs immediately appeared that made it possible to make a virtual flight in the electronic sky.
As with any type of computer program, there are good flight simulators, there are wonderful ones, and there are those that cannot be taken seriously. Although what exactly is meant by the definition of “good” in this case is another problem. Disputes are still ongoing, but a definite answer has not yet been found.
, , 1979 , Microsoft Flight Simulator. , . - . MFS ( 2012 MF) X-Plane. , ( ), , , , ( ""). , , ?
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, " ", Rise of Flight: Iron Cross Edition. ( !) XXI - "-2 ". , " " " ", . LockOn: Flaming Cliffs, DCS: A-10C Warthog DCS -50: Black Shark. " ".
, . , : , . , ?
PC 2013 . , - - World of Warplanes! , - World of Tanks. , , , . . ?!