Nothing brings people together like a joint venture. And it’s very good if the family decided to do everything together. In such families, children grow up responsible, executive, and efficient. Particularly brings together - joint creativity. If parents create with their baby, then the results will delight and delight all family members. Since 2012 is the Dragon, the molded plasticine dragon will become the family's mascot for the whole year.
It is possible and necessary to engage in creative activities with a child from a very young age. Such classes should not last more than 15 minutes, so as not to tire the baby and not cause persistent disgust. For the development of the baby's fingers, modeling is very well suited. Some parents are afraid that their child will start to eat clay, and for this reason they are deprived of the opportunity to sculpt. But even young children are not so thoughtless as adults seem to us. Yes, in order to familiarize with incomprehensible, new material, a child can take a piece of plasticine in his mouth and even chew it. But, alas, plasticine is only beautiful and completely not tasty. Therefore, children, as a rule, spit it out and no longer try to eat it. If your child absorbs plasticine with appetite for reasons unknown to you, then you should reconsider the baby's diet and seek the advice of a pediatrician. Most likely, your child is deficient in calcium and vitamins. Only the doctor will determine what to feed your child to supplement the vital balance.
For such young children, safe types of plasticine and modeling pastes made on a vegetable basis without harmful additives are offered. They easily warm up in the hand, plastic, do not stick to the hands. Easily removed from any household items: furniture, carpet or even from the hair of a child without leaving greasy stains. Working with such plasticine is easy and pleasant, as well as making a dragon from plasticine, with joint efforts.
When the child begins to make balls, depending on the color, lay apples and tomatoes on plates, and bananas and cucumbers from sausages. If you get a lot of small balls of different colors and the paste begins to harden, you can make beads from them, which will serve as a decoration not only for dolls, but also for mom and daughter. From balls, you can mold animals. Read more about how to mold a dragon from plasticine.
Making prints on plasticine is not only fascinating, but also a useful activity. On rolled cakes, making indentations with a stick or finger, drawing with a stack or a toy fork, the baby can represent different shapes: waves, drizzling rain, animal tracks, etc. It well develops imaginative thinking, memory. Since 2012 is the Dragon, we recommend that you blind this symbol. Perhaps such a task at first glance seems impossible. Here are some tips on how to mold a plasticine dragon with a young child?
It is necessary to roll a green plasticine block from a half - a ball. It is possible to give a shape to a molding board and roll a ball on it, but the main work should be done by mom or dad. A young child is not yet able to cope with such a large piece of plasticine, it is enough if he just strokes the ball with his palm and slightly rolls it in his hands. Then the resulting ball must be flattened into a thin cake and using the form for biscuits or for the sandbox to cut the dragon. The kid with great joy will click on the form and "bake" of such dragons.
If there are no molds at home, you can find a coloring book with a picture of a dragon, and invite the child to paint it with plasticine. This technique is called "plasticine painting." It is simple, convenient and useful and you do not have to wonder: "How to mold a dragon from plasticine?" The kid will happily pinch off small pieces of plasticine, and rub them on a thin layer of paint. This activity helps to strengthen the muscles of the hands, the development of motor skills. For the development of fine motor skills, it is advisable to use small cereals, beans, seeds or pasta for use, which are well attached to plasticine, creating images. And if you had an idea how to mold a dragon of unusual beauty from plasticine, the above listed products can be tinted or used in a natural color to create compositions.