How to connect a barcode scanner for a computer. Types of barcode scanners. Barcode Software

An important element of the automatic control system for a store, warehouse or other enterprise is a barcode scanner for a computer. This device converts the information recorded on the product label with the help of strokes into a record with the name of the product.

Barcode scanner for computer

Types of barcode readers

Before you purchase and install this device, it will be useful for you to know what barcode scanners are. Special literature distinguishes such models of devices with LED and laser illumination.

Barcode Reader

Wand - , , - . , , . , .

barcode scanner program


CCD - , , . CCD : . . , . CCD , 6 30 .

Image-, -, CCD . .

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2. - ( RS232).

3. USB-, RS232.


barcode scanner installation

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COM USB, , , , , , . « » -, .

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RS-232 — , . , ( 5, 4). , , , . Rx , Tx . RTS CTS. RS-232, .

barcode scanner with com port

, COM , . , , . , .

- USB COM-, USB ( -). RS-232, .

- COM- POS , , RS-232 . , , -, RJ-45 ( 11). .

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- USB ?

, , USB. , , .

what are barcode scanners

- . , USB . .

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, USB , , RS-232 . -, . COM-, , , RS-232.

barcode software

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computer barcode scanner

If your device for reading barcodes is connected to RS-232 or works via USB in the COM interface mode, then you first need to run any terminal program and configure it to the desired port. After that, you can read the code from the package. When correctly configured, readable characters should appear on the screen.

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