Many people know that in Russia, Police Day (or, as it is now called, Day of Internal Affairs Officers) is celebrated on November 10, but does everyone know its history? Let’s try to answer the questions: when the decision was made to introduce this day and how to congratulate your relative or friend on this holiday, if one serves in the Bodies.
Until 2011, the holiday was called Police Day, but with the light hand of our president D.A. Medvedev, the police were renamed the police, and the name of the holiday also changed. Until that time, the name bore the Soviet bias (Day of Soviet Police) and was abolished in 1991 due to well-known circumstances.
For the first time, the decree “On the working police” was adopted in 1917. The holiday itself began to be celebrated in 1962, but only in the 80s gained official status. The name changed due to various historical events, but the date was unchanged. From Soviet times to this day, it is celebrated on November 10.
If you dig deeper into history, then as an event from which you can build on tracking the origin and development of the police as such, it is worth mentioning 1715 (the time of the reign of Peter 1). It was then in the Russian Empire that the public order policing service was created - the police. Only in 1917, the authorities were renamed the police, and in 2011 the original name again returned.
If you are interested in congratulations on Police Day , you should turn to specialized sites offering poetry and prose for any event in your life. And if you have any talent for writing and composing rhymes, you can write a poem yourself. Before you start writing words of congratulations on Police Day, decide on the topic. It can be either a comic quatrain or a serious official ode. No matter what the result of the work will be, in any case your friends or relatives who have something to do with the police will be pleasantly surprised by your sign of attention. Believe me, for people who have connected their lives with this profession, a lot of this congratulation means a lot.
Congratulations on Police Day are divided into those that are read out on the official part and those that are unofficial, comic and friendly. In any case, be original and not boring when speaking for employees of law enforcement bodies. Police Day, the greetings for which you are preparing - a holiday that requires delicacy and wit. Do not be like Russian comedians and use flat stupid jokes in your speech. It is unlikely that police officers will appreciate it. Similar humor about their profession is enough on television and in jokes.
Particular attention should be paid to the words of congratulations on the Day of Police to a woman. Girls in this profession are respected, because not everyone can withstand the entire load of training and work in these bodies. These women have a strong-willed character, strength, perseverance and courage. They work tirelessly to break into high positions and earn respect from colleagues, because here they do not tolerate weakness. In your congratulations, note the special character traits of the girl from the police, her dedication and external data (which is also important for any woman). Let your words be sincere and warm, because this is what they sometimes lack. Despite everything, brave police officers are ready to protect and protect citizens, catch criminals and keep order. This is what deserves special honor and respect among the civilian population.
Write the words of congratulations on the Day of Police for your loved one, arrange a surprise for him and please that you have not forgotten about his professional holiday. Believe me, your efforts will not be in vain!