"Corvalol" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

Pregnancy is a difficult and crucial stage in the life of every woman. At the same time, worries about the future baby can affect the female body not in the best way. Someone begins to experience excruciating panic attacks, others exacerbate problems with the cardiovascular system and tingling in the heart area is observed . Of course, these symptoms need to be removed, using only effective and safe drugs. Today we’ll talk about Corvalol during pregnancy. I would like to immediately warn that it is impossible for a future mother to self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor, the information is provided for informational purposes only.

corvalol during pregnancy

What is Corvalol

Before considering the possibility of using the drug “Corvalol” during pregnancy, let's first remember what it is. This is a combined drug that has a pronounced soothing and antispasmodic effect. It reduces nervous excitement, promotes quick falling asleep and a sound, healthy sleep, which, of course, is necessary for the expectant mother. It is available in drops or tablets. The future mother has enough reasons for experiencing, and this even applies to a prosperous family, what can we say about those who have tragic events and serious changes in their life at this particular time. However, Corvalol during pregnancy is not the best choice, now we will talk about it in detail.

how to drink corvalol


Very often, doctors recommend the drug as a natural and fairly safe remedy for tachycardia, neurotic conditions and insomnia, as well as severe irritability. The drug is able to relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels, relax smooth muscles. It can be used with success when it is necessary to lower the pressure, it is indispensable even with strong intestinal colic. Almost every medicine cabinet has a Corvalol. From what helps we examined, now let's move on to when the drug can not be used. Judging by the reviews, it is used by most of our compatriots, while considering it an affordable and safe tool and a real helper for various experiences.

Corvalol helps


First of all, it is severe hepatic and renal failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Corvalol is prescribed with extreme caution during pregnancy, as well as during lactation. The fact is that this is far from a harmless herbal infusion, as many people think. Moreover, its main danger lies in the fact that dependence is developed, the body gets used to its effects and the dosage has to be increased. At the same time, the negative effect on the body increases with each new technique. Despite the fact that Corvalol during pregnancy can be very useful for relieving stress, alleviating falling asleep, and relieving the irritability inherent in expectant mothers, the negative effects outweigh the benefits of taking it.

Instructions for use

We will move on to drinking Corvalol, and then we will continue to consider the pros and cons of drinking it while carrying the baby. In fact, many people know how to use it well. For this, the drug must be diluted with water. In its pure form, it is strictly forbidden to drink it. A single dose is 15-30 drops, the frequency of administration is three times a day, but before that, consult a doctor, because only a specialist can evaluate the individual characteristics of the body.

How to drink Corvalol with severe tachycardia or cramping? In this case, the amount of the drug is increased to a single dose of 40 drops. According to the doctor’s testimony, it can be prescribed for children, from 3 to 15 drops at a time. In this case, the duration of treatment depends on individual characteristics, but most often it is prescribed as a means for a single, emergency care.

Is Corvalol possible during pregnancy?

Drug in tablets

Indeed, familiar drops are not the only option. There are also tablets on the market that have a similar effect on the body. The main difference is the absence of ethyl alcohol. Therefore, if we consider the appointment of a pregnant woman, it is preferable to take “Corvalol” tabletted. What this form of the drug helps from, we will not write separately, as we have already examined in detail earlier. The frequency and rules for taking the tablets are the same as for the drops. If the drug is prescribed for children, then the dose is reduced, half the tablet is used at a time.

Active substance

We examined in detail what this drug is, now let's answer the question that we had before. Can Corvalol be taken once or periodically during pregnancy? And for this you need to deal with the active substance. So, the drug contains a potent substance called phenobarbital. It is due to him that the drug gives an excellent soothing, anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. That is exactly what most future mothers need, who often suffer from insomnia and various fears. However, phenobarbital is practically a drug that is addictive, and this is already very dangerous.

Drug dependence and withdrawal syndrome

A single dose of an adequate dose of the drug will not cause disturbances in the body, so in extreme cases it can be kept in a medicine cabinet. However, if you are pregnant, then even such a reception should be agreed with your doctor. But if you take it on an ongoing basis, for a long time, and then cancel it (for example, due to a pregnancy), then the person becomes excessively irritable and excitable. At the same time, the work of the kidneys and liver worsens, signs of depression develop. There is a great temptation to take a new dose of the drug so that relief comes again. And this is nothing more than an addiction.

With cancellation, sleep disturbance is often observed. Problems with falling asleep are further aggravated by the fact that sleep itself becomes superficial and shallow. With prolonged use of large doses, auditory and visual hallucinations are added.

Corvalol in early pregnancy

Effect on the central nervous system

Obviously, despite the effective sedative effect, the drug is quite harmful. The negative effect on the central nervous system is so obvious that it is necessary to look for an alternative to this drug, and it is better for the expectant mother to bypass it. Corvalol is especially dangerous during early pregnancy. The fact is that it is able to penetrate even through the placental barrier, exerting a strong influence on the baby's nervous system. And in the first trimester, its formation and development is just happening. In addition, it is during this most important and largely determining developmental vectors period of the placenta that is not yet able to protect the baby’s body and mitigate the effects of various chemicals, which include this drug.

Finally, the final argument is the ethanol content of the drug. Of course, the expectant mother should avoid alcohol-based medicines, as this also negatively affects the development of the child. Even small doses can cause irreparable harm.

corvalol during pregnancy

To summarize

"Corvalol" during pregnancy can be prescribed by a doctor only in the most extreme case, as a means for a single dose, if you can not do without it. In the first trimester, this is categorically unacceptable. Therefore, if you are concerned about insomnia and fears, panic attacks, try safer remedies. It can be meditation and chamomile tea, valerian and special, relaxing exercises to pleasant music. Judging by the reviews of doctors, “Corvalol” must be removed from your first-aid kit even when you plan to conceive, but it is better not to use it.

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