Boot knife: history, description, features of wearing

The archaeological excavations and scientific works of historians involved in the study of Ancient Russia indicate the widespread use by the ancient Russians of such cold weapons as a knife. Boot - this definition received a small-sized blade that was attached to the warrior’s boot and was considered a weapon of hidden wearing. According to other sources, he was an indispensable assistant to the old Russian horsemen when refueling arrows. The Russian boot knife was found in many graves, which indicates the high efficiency and popularity of this weapon.

opener knife

Slavic boot knife

They thought up how to wear a blade, taking into account the peculiarities of shoes that were traditional at that time for all Slavic peoples - boots. These shoes provided the owner with a convenient and safe movement in the steppe or in the forest - she protected her legs from blows from branches or bites of snakes. Very convenient was the lack of laces, which made it possible to quickly shoe. And most importantly - it was very convenient to hide the knife behind the bootleg. Over time, it became a tradition among the Slavs to keep a knife behind the bootleg.

What did the Russian “bootleg" look like?

The design of edged weapons allowed stabbing from below to the left side of the enemy - to the hypochondrium. Characteristic features of the knife:

  • Length - 25 cm.
  • The curved shape of the narrow blade made it possible to reach the heart upon impact.
  • The blade had a raised tip.
  • Sharpening - one and a half.
  • Traditionally, the handle of the knife was wrapped with a cord of leather. It was intended to absorb sweat and blood. In combat conditions, this was necessary, as it prevented the knife from sliding in the hand.

lace in the handle of a knife

  • The presence of a lanyard - a special loop made of hemp or leather lace. Temlyak made it possible to quickly remove weapons from the top of the boot, prevented the risk of losing a knife during the battle. In the presence of a lanyard, the boot blade could be used with a different grip.

In its structure, the blade resembled the tusks of a wild boar, which when attacking strikes from the bottom up, raising the enemy. According to this principle, the striking action was designed and Russian zapasochny knife. The photo below presents the design features of traditional edged weapons.

boot knife photo

Wear Features

One of the advantages of carrying a knife in a boot was the ability to get it on time. For this, the blade was most often located in the right leg, and for the left-hander - in the left. The knife was fastened in different ways:

  • the scabbard was sewn to the inside of the boot;
  • the scabbard with the blade attached to the leg;
  • a special pocket for a sheath was attached to the top of the trousers.

At the same time, the rules were observed:

  • the handle must be hidden behind the bootleg;
  • if a lanyard was present, it could be seen;
  • only an insignificant part of the pommel could stick out.

Boot knife in 1917-1945

From the time of the revolution to the end of World War II, one of the attributes of a criminal element was a knife. The zapootochny traditional version of wearing was now applied to the Finnish, which was also convenient to keep behind the boot. This arrangement freed hands and hid edged weapons from prying eyes. The knife with this type of wearing was for criminals an ideal means of protection in various hopeless situations.

In the years of the Second World War, this knife was also widely used by Soviet soldiers. The bootloader blade has undergone some changes by this time:

  • length was 250 mm;
  • butt thickness - 7 mm;
  • the blade was tetrahedral, convex and double-edged.

This form allowed the enemy to inflict mortal wounds. Blows were made between the ribs, hitting the enemy in place.

Modern “booties” are even more different from traditional models. Now these knives are classified as household. For them, one-sided sharpening is provided and the thickness of the butt does not exceed 0.4 cm. According to these parameters, the boot knife is not a melee weapon, the acquisition of which requires an appropriate permit. Now, the “bootloader”, if desired, can be purchased by everyone.

how to wear a knife

Cossack knife

Cossack and weapons are inseparable concepts. The knife as one of the elements of equipment is considered the constant companion of every warrior.

The differences between the Cossack model of the “fencing” and traditional Russian are in the following parameters:

  • the total length of the Cossack’s knife is 2 cm longer and 29 cm;
  • the length of the handle of the Cossack knives - 13 cm;
  • blade length - 16 cm;
  • the presence on the Cossack blade of the stamp of the manufacturer;
  • the wooden handle is equipped with a braided lanyard brush;
  • Bull leather is used to make Cossack sheaths.

“Will and Faith”

One of the most spectacular examples of Cossack “bootlegs” is the knife “Will and Faith”. This product is made of damask steel. It contains elements of gold and silver. The knife is characterized by highly artistic design, which testifies to the talent, skill, perseverance and love for the knife as a reliable assistant.

scabbard knife

The wooden handle is made of expensive wood. The sheath contains a special leather pad that provides a smooth entry of the blade and its fixation, preventing loosening. At the top of the handle is a recessed nut containing a ring to which a braided leather cord is attached. On the surface of the knife there is an image of a Russian floral ornament. Nearby in the style of Church Slavonic writing there is an inscription “Will and Faith”. High-quality processing of metal and wood is admirable. This booty Cossack knife can be considered an example of decorative art.

Cossack boot knife

A boot knife made by modern professional craftsmen will be a great gift for a hunter, tourist, fisherman or collector.

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