In recent decades, a violation of the intestinal microflora of the intestine in early childhood is widespread. Pediatricians are really concerned about this phenomenon. Intestinal dysbiosis, according to WHO, has become the most common health problem in Russia. As a rule, dysbiosis is always secondary, it is for this reason that it is correct to speak not about therapy, but about the correction of the condition.
Disturbance of microflora is often observed in children up to a year. At this age, dysbiosis delays the course of the underlying pathology and complicates it. This happens for one simple reason: a newborn from sterile conditions (intrauterine isolation) enters the world of microbial colonization. The main source of transmission of obligate microflora is the mother. Immune factors of breast milk (or rather, colostrum) block opportunistic microorganisms.
But in cases where a woman does not have the opportunity to feed her baby with her milk, problems with the intestines of the child begin. As a result, the accumulation of macromolecules of undigested food occurs, it is they that cause allergic dermatosis. In such cases, restoration of microflora by useful bifidobacteria is required. This helps the drug "Normobact" (for children).
pharmachologic effect
This biological agent is specially created for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis. It is intended to maintain and normalize the natural microflora, as evidenced by the instruction. The composition of the medication includes strains of living bacteria (in a 1: 1 ratio) - Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
This combination of the two components contributes to the creation of a protective environment in which pathogenic fungi, spherical bacteria (staphylococci, salmonella, streptococci) and pathogens of various infections do not survive. The Normobact biological supplement (for children) provides complete protection of the intestine from colonization by pathogenic microorganisms and enhances the near-wall absorption of calcium, iron ions, and vitamins of groups D, B, K.
Taking the drug simultaneously with antibacterial agents can reduce the side effects of antibiotics. In addition, it contains a vitamin complex that takes an active part in the metabolism of the intestinal flora. Experts confirm the therapeutic effect of the use of this supplement. According to the manufacturer, the drug "Normobact" inhibits the reproduction of harmful bacteria and maintains the natural environment. The tool has a pronounced antagonistic effect against pathogenic intestinal microorganisms.
How is Normobact (for children) produced?
Useful microorganisms of lactic acid, which are present in the composition of the drug, are grown only in the laboratory. After complete "ripening" they are lyophilized (dried), and then packaged in a sachet. These bacteria are supplied by the international company Chr. Hansen, a manufacturer of dietary supplements for pharmacology, agriculture and industry.
All probiotic cultures undergo rigorous quality control and clinical trials, which guarantees complete safety and therapeutic effectiveness. Multiple studies of bacterial strains have shown that they improve intestinal motility and increase the body's resistance to infections.
Indications for use
The drug is prescribed both for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for dysbiosis, as well as while taking antibiotics. It helps to eliminate the clinical picture observed in violation of microflora: nausea, vomiting, pain, unstable stools (diarrhea, constipation) and bad breath.
According to doctors, the drug "Normobact" (for children) is absolutely safe even for babies, because it does not contain dangerous chemical components and proteins of cow's milk. In practice, cases of the harmful effects of this additive have not been recorded. But before treatment, we recommend a consultation.
Side effects
In extremely rare cases, the following symptoms are observed: bloating, allergic rash, and diarrhea. If at least one of the symptoms is detected, this drug should be replaced with another of a similar effect.
Dosage and application
The Normobact biological supplement (for children) is approved for use at an early age - from six months, only at a lower dosage. Babies aged six months to three years are assigned one sachet once a day. Children from three to 12 years old are prescribed 1-2 sachets. Adults - two doses per day. Take the medicine with meals. The average duration of therapy is 10 days. At the discretion of the doctor, the course can be increased by several days.
How to breed dietary supplement?
The drug "Normobact" for children ("bears" - sweet tablets) can be diluted in mashed potatoes, cereals and any liquids, most importantly, so that the temperature of the products does not exceed 40 degrees. The product tastes good and does not spoil the food. The use of this probiotic preparation will help to normalize the intestinal flora in a short time, relieve unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis and strengthen the immune system.
Most people respond positively to Normobact. The price (instructions give a full description and recommendations for use) of tablets in the form of bears varies from 300-350 rubles, in the form of powder - 200-250 rubles. The tool normalizes the state of the intestine and quickly returns the digestive organs to health. However, it should be borne in mind that dietary supplement only activates and improves the digestive tract, but does not cure infectious diseases.
Therefore, if there is a suspicion of dysbiosis resulting from physical fatigue, stressful situations, malnutrition or artificial feeding, it is advisable to use the drug in addition with other drugs. During therapy, it is necessary to follow a diet: eat dishes only in a warm form, exclude all fatty, smoked, salty and sweet foods from the diet, prevent snacks (organize a meal schedule by the hour), drink a lot (clean water, fruit drinks, tea).
Only a practicing doctor after an examination can prescribe the correct therapy and nutrition system. All information in the article is presented for review and is not an instruction for treatment. Take care of your children and monitor their health!