Sixth week of pregnancy: what happens, ultrasound and fetal weight. Pregnancy: 6 weeks embryo (photo)

Pregnancy is a great time, even despite a lot of thoughts and problems. You have to buy a lot of things, come up with a name, plus weekly visits to the hospital, toxicosis, an eternal lack of goodies and other problems - all this cannot but overshadow this period in a woman's life. An embryo of 6 weeks can already give her mom away. A small cute tummy appears, which people around you will easily notice.

Pregnancy 6 weeks. Symptoms

Reviews from expectant mothers are all different, it all depends on the characteristics of the body, however there are some similar points:

  • lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • mood change;
  • small belly and others.

A 6-week pregnancy, the symptoms of which are listed above, is an important period in your baby's life. Right now the heart begins to work, the brain forms, eyes, legs, and pens develop. This is a very painstaking process, mother should avoid unpleasant situations for her in order to protect herself from the stresses to which she is so exposed. Now the expectant mother, like during the entire pregnancy, really needs support, care, attention and warmth.

embryo 6 weeks

The embryo at the 6th week of pregnancy already causes a lot of inconvenience, serious hormonal changes occur in the body of the future mother, due to which there are sharp mood swings, dad should be patient.


The 6-week-old embryo is still very tiny, but changes are occurring throughout the mother’s body. Even at such a short time, you can notice something new and unusual in the appearance of a woman. At the moment we are talking about the chest. It can swell, tingle a little, get rough, nipples and areoles begin to darken. This is a completely normal, common phenomenon during pregnancy, do not rush to raise a panic, if you are very worried about this, consult your doctor.

Also, changes occur with the skin. Acne, acne may appear, it loses its former elasticity, becoming a little porous. Correct skin care will fix this problem. Now is the time to prevent stretch marks. Pay particular attention to your chest, buttocks, and stomach.

Pregnancy 6 weeks. Photo

pregnancy 6 weeks photo ultrasound

Ultrasound at this time will show little. The baby has not yet fully formed the limbs, small eyes, which at this stage are very fragile, as they are just beginning to develop. If you are pregnant for 6 weeks, the size of the fetus is approximately 5 millimeters. He is completely tiny, his heart does not yet have the heart shape of an adult, but looks like an ordinary tube, but with some devices you can hear his beat.

Features of urination

pregnancy 6 weeks fetal size

If your pregnancy is 6 weeks, the size of the fetus (photo above) is still very small, but already puts pressure on the bladder, which, in turn, can cause rapid urination. Now the uterus has reached the size of a plum, the doctor will confirm pregnancy with absolute certainty. Now is the time to choose a gynecologist, as he will become your best friend during this time. As for urination, pay attention to the fact that there is no cutting sensation, as with cystitis. If you experience these symptoms, tell your doctor.


Thanks to the production of progesterone, the uterus does not contract, ensuring a normal pregnancy. At 6 weeks, an ultrasound photo will show little, but you can keep the first photo of your baby as a keepsake. In addition to progesterone, the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, produced by the placenta, plays an important role. Your doctor should often give you a referral for testing, checking the level of hormones. As for the norm, these indicators should increase, progesterone throughout pregnancy, and hCG during the first trimester.

embryo 6 weeks photo

The six-week-old embryo still eats and saturates with a yolk sac, which will disappear in the near future. Right now a children's place is being formed and the umbilical cord is developing.

Baby changes

ultrasound embryo 6 weeks

If the pregnancy is 6 weeks, the photo of the ultrasound embryo shows us an incomprehensible individual, similar to the letter C. At this stage, it is very important for mom to take folic acid, it helps in blood formation and transmission of hereditary signs.

The baby has the first blood vessels, the rudiments of the nose, mouth, ears. Cartilage forms that later become bones. The brain is two balls, in the end it will be two hemispheres. Now the baby makes the first movements, but imperceptible to the mother. If the pregnancy is 6 weeks, the size of the fetus is approximately five grams, and the length is one centimeter. Such a crumb, but already almost formed organism. Now cells are actively dividing and all vital organs are being formed. Mom should protect herself now from negative environmental factors that can harm her baby.

Ultrasound scan

If the pregnancy is 6 weeks, the ultrasound photo of the baby’s gender will not yet show, the external genitalia are not yet expressed. At such a short time, doctors rarely send for an ultrasound scan, since they will receive very little useful information. Another very small and unformed embryo, an ultrasound scan (6 weeks is the period we are considering) can show how many babies will be ( you have multiple pregnancies or not) and, possibly, listen to a heartbeat.


Take abdominal pain very seriously, they can mean a possible miscarriage, especially if accompanied by spotting. Also, abdominal pain may be less noticeable, cramping, which is quite normal in this position. Contact your doctor to rule out any possible threats to you and your child.

Often expectant mothers suffer from lower back pain, they, as in the first case, can be safe, but they can talk about possible infections that adversely affect the health and development of the child in the future.

In any case, the cause of the pain should be determined by a specialist, do not risk your health and the life of your crumbs.

Bloody issues

If you notice spotting, even scanty or spotting, immediately call an ambulance and do not refuse to go to the hospital. Bleeding is the first and most important symptom of a miscarriage. Do whatever your doctor tells you to keep your pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge

There are several types of discharge during pregnancy. They can be meager transparent or whitish, plentiful white cheesy, can have a yellow, brown, greenish tint.

If your discharge does not have an unpleasant odor, it is whitish in color, then do not worry, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to a change in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman.

Pay attention to leucorrhoea, having a curdled consistency, causing itching, swelling of the mucous membrane, having an unpleasant odor. Such discharge indicates the presence of a common infection. This is thrush or, as it is called in another way, candidiasis. This disease is caused by fungi called Candida.

Thrush does not cause any serious obstacles to the course of pregnancy, we can say that it is generally harmless. However, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate. The drugs that you used before pregnancy to get rid of thrush can now be strictly forbidden to you. For example, douching is a very effective method of eliminating the disease, but douching should be completely ruled out during pregnancy.

A few more types of discharge, which have an unpleasant odor and color, may resemble pus, carry some danger to the unborn baby and the health of the mother. You probably have colpitis. Colpitis, unlike thrush, is much more difficult to treat, it can even go into a chronic form. What danger does the baby bear? Infection of the fetus or amniotic fluid is possible, and colpitis can also cause pregnancy complications. The color and nature of the discharge depends on the pathogen.

Whatever discharge you notice, be sure to talk to your doctor, only he can help you get rid of unpleasant sensations and smell.

The disease at 6 weeks of gestation

As mentioned earlier, the sixth week of pregnancy is a very serious period for the baby. Even a mild illness poses a threat to the life and health of the embryo. Note that during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, the pregnant woman’s immunity is reduced, the body is susceptible to any infections, it is worth protecting yourself at this stage. But, despite the fact that many mothers are very fixated on their health, 90% still catch sores, for many things go without consequences, but do not self-medicate.

embryo 6 weeks fetal size

Carelessly drunk once the drug can cause serious problems, including the death of pregnancy, while a cold does not affect the baby's health so much.

What is worth doing with a cold? Be sure to consult a doctor, he will tell you how best to do. It is very useful to drink a rosehip broth or green tea. Rinse your nose, but do not drip with ordinary drops. In this, a normal saline solution (sodium chloride) will be a good helper, it costs a penny, there is in every pharmacy.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin C, breathe fresh air, then the cold will recede.


In the first trimester, in the sixth week in particular, the temperature can be raised to thirty-seven degrees, this does not indicate the presence of infection, the temperature rises due to the presence of the corpus luteum.

It is very useful to keep a basal temperature chart. If you led him earlier, then it was he who first informed you of the pregnancy. An increase in temperature indicates that the hormone progesterone is produced, a decrease in basal temperature can warn of a possible termination of pregnancy.

For any questions of lowering or raising the temperature, you should contact your doctor.

Alcohol and Tobacco

pregnancy 6 weeks fetal size photo

Any mother does not want her behavior to become the cause of the baby's abnormal development. An embryo of 6 weeks is just beginning to develop, important vital organs are formed, all toxins (alcohol, drugs, smoking) can be the cause of pathologies, mental retardation. It is worth categorically abandoning all harmful factors, because we are talking about the future of your baby, do not cripple his life in the womb.

How should mom eat?

The embryo is 6 weeks old, the photo is presented above, has not yet been fully formed. There are no bones yet, they still consist of cartilage, vital organs begin their development. To help your baby grow healthy, smart and strong, you should pay attention to your diet. What products should you pay attention to:

  • white meat;
  • fish, seafood;
  • milk products;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • nuts.

Note that due to toxicosis, many mothers are simply afraid to eat. In order not to overload your stomach, eat often, but in small portions. To protect yourself from toxicosis in the morning, do not get out of bed, eat a handful of nuts or drink tea.

Limit yourself to eating fried, salted, smoked, spicy. Give preference to healthy food, if you want to eat cutlets, then cook them for a couple. Get the same cutlets, only much more useful.

Many begin to worry about the baby and eat for two, at the sixth week of pregnancy, extra calories are not needed, all that your mother and baby need is part of your usual portion.


An embryo of 6 weeks (fetal size) is still extremely small; it cannot cause spouses to refuse sex. The main thing is that sex does not bring inconvenience and discomfort to mom and baby. Harm the baby does not work, it is protected by amniotic fluid, uterus, mucous plug. If you are concerned about the question of uterine contractions during orgasm, can it hurt? Feel free to tell you - no! This, on the contrary, can be a small exercise in the muscles of the uterus, which will be great during childbirth.

The main thing during sex in the sixth week of pregnancy, as well as throughout the entire period of gestation, is safe posture. Now, the future mother should control the pace and depth of penetration, since there should not be unpleasant, painful sensations.

Exercise at the sixth week of pregnancy

Mom is now very useful to move, do not feel sorry for yourself and wallow in bed all day. Even there is such a belief in the people: the expectant mother must wash the floors every day without a mop, this helps the baby to sit correctly so that the birth is quick, without any complications.

The 6-week-old embryo, whose photo has been repeatedly presented, is actively developing, walks in the fresh air, special gymnastics and other physical activities are useful for mom. Of course it’s not worthwhile to overwork yourself, it’s strictly forbidden for you to lift weights.


An embryo of 6 weeks, the photo of which was already above, is now actively developing, for proper development and location you need to perform a special set of exercises. It is worth forgetting the usual exercises, now yoga is gentle, more aimed at relaxation and breathing. Exercises such as figure eight and circular movements of the hips, cat stance (good, evil) and other light exercises will help.

embryo at 6 weeks gestation

Be sure to take rest between exercises, breathe deeply and evenly, if after exercise you feel unwell, shortness of breath or pain, then consult your doctor immediately, classes should be postponed.

pregnancy 6 weeks symptoms

Now it is very important to master the breathing techniques, they will help you both during childbirth and calm down in a stressful situation. How does breathing help during childbirth? Breathing is one of the best painkillers, as attention is focused on the technique of exercise, as a result of which the pain becomes dull. Also, breathing exercises nourish your baby’s body with oxygen, which is also very important and useful.

You can attend special yoga courses for pregnant women or do the exercises yourself. To do this, there are special video courses or articles with photos for proper execution. Please note that exercises should be appropriate for your gestational age so as not to harm the baby. Get your spouse involved in these exercises.

pregnancy 6 weeks symptoms reviews

Pay more attention to walks in the fresh air, eat right, follow the recommendations of your doctor, then the period of pregnancy will become unforgettable, in the truest sense of the word, the period of your life. Now there are a lot of pleasant worries and troubles, there is no time for frustration, illness. Be healthy, patient. Good luck to you and your kids!

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