Among pregnant women, about 72% have antibodies to the cytomegalovirus (CMV) in the body, of which 2% show the development of the disease during pregnancy. Currently, this infection is spread due to improper lifestyle and the influence of adverse environmental factors. First of all, the infection affects the body with a reduced immunity, therefore, pregnant women are more likely to be affected by it.
You should be aware that cytomegalovirus during pregnancy is a great danger for both the mother and the fetus, since it is transmitted to the child from the mother through the placenta, due to her lack of antibodies to this disease. In addition, the consequences are always severe for the fetus, as the virus spreads through the blood throughout its body.
Thus, today this disease is in first place among the causes of infection of the fetus in the womb of a woman. The most dangerous option is infection from a person who has an acute form of CMV infection. However, when a woman is infected before the conception period, her body produces antibodies that can weaken the infection that develops during pregnancy, so the negative effect on the fetus is slightly reduced.
Cytomegalovirus infection can be in the human body for a long period of time, without manifesting in any way. This disease is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, so doctors often make the wrong diagnosis. With the further development of the disease, pneumonia, hepatitis or even myocarditis can be observed. In this case, the virus is transmitted through blood, saliva, urine and other fluids that are in the human body, as well as in contact with the patient and by airborne droplets.
Considering CMV during pregnancy, it can be noted that the virus can get to the baby through the amniotic fluid, as well as during childbirth or through breast milk, in the latter case it is not so much dangerous and has lesser consequences. Also, the unborn child may be affected during conception, since this virus can also be found in male sperm. So, the carrier of CMV during pregnancy of a woman is a danger not so much for her as for her future children. After birth, babies may experience developmental delays, deafness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and many other diseases.
In frequent cases, CMV during pregnancy can cause premature birth or miscarriage, placental abruption and the development of fetal hypoxia. There are also situations where the child’s infection does not manifest in any way, but over time he may experience disorders of the nervous system, the first stage of cerebral palsy, a stop in brain development, hearing or vision loss, mental retardation and other changes in the body.
We can say that cytomegalovirus affects about 2% of newborns, of which only 0.1% has pronounced clinical manifestations. Usually, this includes children who become infected in the womb before twelve weeks of her pregnancy. The rest can develop without experiencing the effects of an infectious lesion of the body.
Due to the fact that CMV during pregnancy can cause such terrible consequences for the development of the child, the question is whether pregnancy should be terminated. The decision made by obstetricians is based on observations of the pregnant woman, analysis of the fetus for antibodies to this virus, examination of the placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as on the basis of ultrasound findings for the presence of fetal malformations. It should also be borne in mind the subsequent manifestations of this infection in children.
It is possible to detect cytomegalovirus in the body thanks to blood, urine and smear tests; in the presence of acute infection, treatment is prescribed in the form of drugs that increase immunity and are antiviral.
Thus, CMV during pregnancy is a huge danger to the fetus in case of intrauterine infection. Obstetricians in such cases raise the issue of abortion.