Mode moments in the middle group: organization and conduct, an example of planning the first half of the day

While the child is in kindergarten, his life activity proceeds in accordance with the regulated schedule. The alternation of training sessions and outdoor games, recreation and active wakefulness helps to avoid nervous overwork of the kids. Depending on age, children learn one or another self-service skills, learn cultural communication. In this article we will consider the features of holding regime moments in the middle group.

Basic principles of organization

It is important that the child in the kindergarten not only develops, but also satisfies his needs for active movements, food, timely rest, etc. The planning of regimen moments in the middle group is based on studies of children's physiology. The age characteristics of the pupils are taken into account.

The regime is based on the following principles:

  • Rhythm. Types of activity are replaced in accordance with internal cycles characteristic of children 4-5 years old.
  • Cycling. A constant schedule leads to the formation of a habit, relieves nervous tension.
  • Alternation of relaxation and active pastime. Throughout the day, outdoor activities are replaced by calm games, training sessions - by artistic activity, wakefulness - by sleep.
  • Flexibility. If the child is tired, he should have the opportunity to retire. If he woke up too early, they would include him in quiet games with books and toys.
  • Gradualness. Preschoolers are not rushed, they provide an opportunity to complete the work begun to the end on their own.
  • Individual approach. Some children (for example, beginners) require additional help, special attention. The teacher slowly includes them in the general rhythm.
girl hangs a jacket

Day planning: first half

A child’s stay in kindergarten can be divided into two periods. The first half of the day is the time preceding a quiet hour. After it begins the afternoon, ending with the kids leaving home.

We list the operational moments in the middle group (according to GEF) conducted in the first half of the day:

  1. Reception of children, independent games (1 hour 20 min.).
  2. Charging (10 min.).
  3. Breakfast (30 min.).
  4. Educational activities, including preparation for it and breaks between classes (1 hour).
  5. Walk along with dressing (2 hours).
  6. Return to the group (20 min.).
  7. Lunch (30 min.).
  8. Daytime sleep along with preparation for it (2 hours 15 minutes).

Morning reception

According to the schedule of regime moments, in the middle group the day begins with the arrival of the children in kindergarten. The task of the educator is to joyfully meet them and include them in interesting games with friends. Some kids have difficulty letting their parents go. They need to be distracted: to play the scene with the help of toys, to show a blossoming flower, to offer to take care of the plants.

morning circle

A good tradition will be the morning circle. It includes the following elements:

  • Greeting. The children hug, standing in a circle, rejoice in the morning, say good wishes, conveying a "magical" object.
  • The game (it can be dedicated to the season, the weather outside the window or aimed at creating a good mood).
  • Exchange of news. Children talk about any events that happened to them. You can transfer the toy in a circle or arrange this part as an interview using a toy microphone.
  • Day planning. The teacher talks about what the guys will do today, listens to their wishes. For their chosen activity, 15 minutes after an afternoon snack are allocated.


So that the children finally wake up, are alert and active, morning exercises are performed. This regime moment in the middle group provides for the mandatory inclusion of running, walking with different constructions (all-round, in pairs, goose), jumps. General developmental exercises are most often carried out in a circle.

The pace should be peppy, without long pauses. It is set by music. The teacher gives short and clear explanations at the beginning of the exercise, accompanying their display. At this age, you need to teach children to move at the same pace, to properly hold the body. Various objects can be involved in the complex: ball, pins, soft cubes. It is worth changing exercises every 1-2 weeks.

Mode moment "washing"

In the middle group, elementary self-care skills have already been formed in children. They can wash their hands to the elbow and face. The teacher makes sure that the children come to the washbasins in turn, do not push. Much attention is paid to accuracy. Children should pre-wrap their sleeves, do not spray water on the walls and floor, wash off the soap suds under the tap, carefully close it after the procedure. Dry your hands with your towel, and then hang it in place.

children wash their hands

The teacher tells the children about the importance of personal hygiene, about microbes. Poems and puzzles, as well as the introduction of a toy character who does not know how to wash, will help to make the process interesting. Children should know that they wash their hands after a visit to the toilet, as well as after returning from a walk, before breakfast, lunch. It is worth paying attention to the accuracy of the hairstyle. If after games the child walks disheveled, the teacher helps him to comb his hair, weaves pigtails. It is necessary to convey to children that you can not use someone else's comb or towel.


The teacher tries to create a calm, friendly atmosphere during the holding of a particular regime moment. Children of the middle group should not be rushed when they are going for a walk or getting ready for bed. At the same time, they are not allowed to be distracted by games or conversations.

children dress for a walk

Kids are taught:

  • located next to your personal locker;
  • remember the order of putting on things that can be hung on the wall in the locker room;
  • independently deal with buttons;
  • turn clothes on the front side;
  • properly shoe using a special spoon;
  • neatly fold when undressing;
  • clean and dry clothes if necessary.

Preschoolers 4-5 years old do not always manage to tie shoelaces or fasten a zipper. In this case, they should be able to politely ask the teacher for help and thank for it.

Dining room duty

This regime moment in the middle group fosters a responsible attitude towards the task entrusted to children, the desire to take care of their friends. The attendants put on aprons and cook caps, which creates additional motivation. Each child sets his own table. The number of duties increases significantly compared to the younger group. Attendants learn the proper serving, lay out cutlery, including knives, arrange bread bins, cups, saucers, fill vases with napkins. Their actions are led by an assistant educator.

After lunch, the children clean the bread bins, napkin holders and plates, stacked in a stack, gently sweep the crumbs, and together fold the tablecloth. The teacher constantly emphasizes the importance of such work. The rest of the children, having lunch, thank not only the cook, but also the attendants. With the right approach, preschoolers are happy to do this kind of work and, by the end of the year, do it without the help of adults.

dining room duty


It is important that children have a positive attitude towards security issues. In the middle group, eating is preceded by quiet games or cleaning toys. The teacher can tell the children about the delicious dishes prepared by caring cooks and make riddles about them. All this stimulates the appetite.

The kids are already skillfully wielding a fork and a spoon. They are taught the culture of behavior at the table. You can’t sit behind him with dirty hands. The back must be held straight, eat carefully. It is ugly to chew, opening his mouth, spill soup or compote on a tablecloth, crumble bread. If the baby is dirty, he is offered to wipe himself with a napkin. At the end of the meal, everyone unites the chairs, thanks to the service staff and attendants, rinse their mouths.

Special tales, poems, playing stories about an uneducated bear who did not know how to eat accurately help to learn these rules. To consolidate the correct behavior is the praise and encouragement of the educator.

Educational activity in the middle group

Special moments in mathematics, music, physical education, speech development, drawing, etc., are included in regime moments .

children make crafts

The following points are taken into account:

  • Children of the fifth year of life are able to perceive new information for no more than 20 minutes.
  • There are 2 classes before lunch. A couple of times a week after an afternoon snack, you can put on another lesson (physical education, theatrical circle, music games).
  • Mathematics, as well as the development of speech, are subjects that assume a high load on the intelligence of the baby. They can not be combined on the same day.
  • It is better to put math in the middle of the week so that on Monday and Friday you do not load preschoolers.
  • Children must learn by playing. If the lesson takes place at the table, in the middle an entertaining physical education session is surely held. Between two lessons, young students are allowed to run for 10 minutes.


In the cold season, 4 hours are allocated for this regime moment in the middle group. In summer, children walk all day, entering the group only for food or sleep. To occupy the kids, the toolkit is taken out onto the street:

  • items for cleaning the site (buckets, brooms, shovels, scoops);
  • toys (balls, sets for sandboxes, children's shovels, pins, skipping ropes);
  • animal masks or hats necessary for organizing outdoor games.
girls climb stairs

Traditionally, children walk:

  1. Observe various precipitation (snow, fog, rain), plants, insects, birds. The teacher draws attention to the work of adults: janitors, builders, drivers.
  2. They put things in order on the site: water the flowers, collect garbage, scoop up snow or lay down toys.
  3. They play. It should be borne in mind that the kids still do not understand the meaning of the competition. Collective games will be more appropriate. At the beginning of the walk, the most active of them are held (2-3). Half an hour before returning to the group, the time for quiet fun comes. In a week, kids get acquainted with 3-4 new games.

The teacher leaves time for independent activities of children. During it, individual work with individual pupils is carried out.

Quiet time

While preschoolers go to the toilet, undress and neatly fold their clothes on the high chairs, the assistant teacher is ventilating the bedroom. In preparation for the quiet hour, you can not make noise, scold children. Children may need 20-30 minutes to fall asleep. Those who are awake should not interfere with their comrades.

Calm music, a lullaby, a good fairy tale helps to tune in to sleep. Adults must stay in the bedroom at all times. If a child suddenly wakes up, he should be quiet. Allowed to get up, go to the toilet, drink water.

The correct organization of regimen moments in the middle group leads to the fact that children become more independent. They have a desire to maintain order, they develop the habit of polite communication with other people. All these are the foundations of culture, without which the formation of a well-educated personality is impossible.

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