Parenting in Japan: a child under 5 years old. Features of raising children in Japan after 5 years

Each country has its own approach to raising children. Somewhere children are raised by egoists, and somewhere kids are not allowed to calmly step forward without reproach. In Russia, children grow up in an atmosphere of severity, but at the same time, parents listen to the wishes of the child and give him the opportunity to express his personality. What about parenting in Japan? A child under 5 in this country is considered an emperor and does everything he pleases. What happens next?

Education task

japanese education system

What is the main thing for any Japanese? Manners of behavior, the art of loving life and seeing beauty in every moment, respecting the older generation, loving mother and adhering to your clan. It is in this spirit that the upbringing of children in Japan is taking place. A child learns the basics of culture from birth. The Japanese do not see anything wrong with their early development. But unlike the European education system, Japan practices a visual form of education. The child observes the behavior of the mother, watches the developmental programs and repeats what he saw. Moreover, children take an example not only from their parents, but also from teachers and passers-by, as well as from family friends. The culture of behavior is determined by the traditions of the country. For this reason, the main task of Japanese education is to raise a full-fledged member of the team who will have good manners and will be able to find a common language with any person.

Handling a small child

main method of raising children in japan

What approach is used in raising children in Japan? A child under 5 years old is an emperor. This "title" is given to a baby of any gender. Up to 5 years, the child has the right to do what he pleases. Mom silently watches the tricks of a young prankster and only in extreme cases, if a child does something dangerous for life, forbids him to do stupid things. But at the same time, the baby does not grow selfish. Facets of intelligent children can pass only at an unconscious age. When the mind begins to shine in the eyes of the child, he tries to imitate his parents in everything. Therefore, it is not surprising that children under 5 years old, unburdened by any problems, grow up calm and sensible.

Babies are raised through television programs and conversations with their mothers. Women, as well as animated characters, tell a 5-year-old child how to behave in society, emphasize that you need to respect elders, and try not to stand out. Such conversations have a big impact on the kids. The child can find confirmation of the mother’s word anywhere: on the street, in the store, at a party.

It is customary to send children to kindergarten in Japan from the age of 3. Until this age, the baby is inseparable from the mother. It is this woman who becomes for him the center of the universe. The baby rarely sees his father, only on weekends. Grandparents, as well as childless friends of the mother of the child can not provide her with all possible assistance. It is forbidden by tradition. A woman must do everything herself.

Punishment of a child under 5 years old

In Russia, it is customary to put kids in a corner for any wrongdoing. A completely different approach to raising children in Japan. A child is an angel even when he does evil pranks. And he is not punished. Of course, mother will not stroke the head for misconduct, but she will not beat or scream at the child. This approach helps a woman to establish emotional contact with her child. Mother well understands the mood of the child and can predict in advance when he is going to commit another trick. Having understood the intentions of the child, a woman can warn him of trouble or briefly explain why the baby should not do what he really wants. But only a child under 5 years old has such privileges. When this age is passed, the baby is actively beginning to learn good manners. Parents do not practice corporal punishment. But then how can one restrain a child that is out of control? The main horror of any Japanese is to be rejected by society. Therefore, a child from an early age understands the value for himself of his family. And mother's indignation is the worst punishment for the baby. Woman’s anger rarely has at least some manifestation, but the child subconsciously feels that resentment may not be forgiven.

Parenting from 6 to 15

parenting in japan child

An ordinary Japanese family devotes a lot of time to cultivating moral values ​​in their child. Moreover, learning and mental development are always fading into the background. First of all, the child must be obedient and understanding. The child must abide by traditions, take part in all family celebrations, politely communicate with adults and serve the interests of society.

From the age of 6, the child begins to go to school. Parents from this time relieve themselves of responsibility for education and transfer it to the shoulders of teachers. Nevertheless, mothers still continue to control the child, see them off and meet him from school and carefully monitor their progress. Education in the lower grades is free, but in the senior - paid. Therefore, the peculiarity of raising children in Japan after 5 years is the instillation of skills of lean spending. The Japanese do not attach much importance to money, they instill in children a love of life, not banknotes. But training gives a lot of dividends. Therefore, wealthy parents want their child to graduate from a paid school and go to university. Knowledge is encouraged by Japanese society, so a person who graduated is considered privileged.

An interesting feature of Japanese schools is that the student changes classmates and teachers every year. This system was invented so that teachers did not make favorites, and the guys could learn how to socialize in a new team.

Teenager education

the main task of Japanese education

From the age of 15, the Japanese are considered an adult. At this age, he graduates from school and chooses his life path. A teenager can continue his studies in high school, but to get there, you need to get very good exam scores. At the same time, tuition is paid, and not every family can allow the child to get an education. Teenagers can go to colleges, which will give them specialized secondary education. Many Japanese people like this option, because after training they can be immediately credited to work.

Parenting in a Japanese family continues after 15 years. Yes, they don’t put pressure on the child and consider him an adult. But teenagers can live with their family for a long time until they begin to earn their own living. Sometimes boys and girls live with their parents until a very mature age - 35 years.


Features of raising children in Japan after 5 years

It is difficult to name the main method of raising children in Japan - everything is so harmonious and interconnected there ... A very interesting aspect is the suggestion of the concept of group cohesion. The Japanese do not represent themselves in isolation from society. It is quite normal for them to be in full view all the time and to be part of the team. At home, people are part of the family, and at work, they are part of a group that performs one task. This approach to education has many advantages. People have a good conscience, or an internal censor. People do not break the law, not because they cannot, but because they do not want to. From the diaper, the baby is told that he needs to be the same as everyone else. Individuality and all kinds of its manifestations are not encouraged. A person must understand that he is not alone, he is part of a group that performs a mission. Therefore, in Japan all kinds of clubs and trade unions are so developed. In them, people can jointly decide how to improve the work of the company, or understand what exactly their team needs to work more productively.

What is the most difficult thing in raising a child? Punishment of a child by Japanese parents does not cause problems. They simply threaten that no one will be friends with the baby. This idea is very frightening fragile children's mind. But even in a fit of anger, the mother will not leave the child alone, because by her act she can cause a child a serious psychological trauma.

The boys

ordinary japanese family

Traditions in Japanese families are passed down from generation to generation. It is on the education of boys that the Japanese are betting. Most of the employees who are involved in intellectual work are men. It so happened that they are considered to be miners and hunters. Boys have been teaching this since childhood. Entrance to the kitchen for kids is always prohibited. So the mother demonstrates to her son from an early age that there is a strict separation of duties in the family. Boys never help mothers with housework. Until 5 years, kids play at their pleasure, and after 6 they begin to study hard. The school obliges all boys to attend additional classes. And parents often impose various circles on their sons.

Fathers develop in their sons strength of mind and demonstrate, by their own example, a love of sport. The Japanese play football or rugby, learn to use knives, and also master martial arts. I suggest to the boys that they should be the head of the family. But, in fact, the responsibility for making money rests on men's shoulders. Boys until the end of life are strongly attached to mothers, and it is these dearly beloved women who choose brides for their son.


japanese girls

Women are fragile creatures on whose shoulders all the housework rests. Japanese girls are brought up as future mothers and mistresses. From the age of 6 they help mom in the kitchen, learn etiquette and all kinds of female wisdom. The burdens and worries of maintaining a daughter’s life are always shared equally with mothers. The main task of any Japanese girl is to be sweet and economic. Education for Japanese women does not play a big role. But the appearance - yes. A beautiful face can help a girl arrange her personal life. Japanese women never aspire to a career. They work for pleasure and for the reason that it is so customary. After all, they are brought up as full members of the team, therefore, the girl will not take away from work. In the education of girls, much attention is paid to the formation of an external image. Everything has meaning: speech, clothing style, gait, manners. Girls are brought up so that they can become guardians of the hearth and good mothers.

Respect for adults

The rules for raising children in Japan are regulated by traditions and customs. It is difficult to keep a large number of children if they do not obey on demand. For this reason, traditional obedience and respect for adults are instilled in infants from infancy. Moreover, a strict hierarchy between ages is always respected. Kids from childhood absorb this knowledge, as it is inherent in the family. A child does not just have sisters or brothers. He always has an older sister or a younger brother. Such postscripts are voiced at each appeal to a person, and this helps the baby to realize its place in this hierarchy. Mothers teach respectful treatment to children first with family members. A child must respect mother, father, grandparents. If the child knows the essence of a respectful attitude, then they begin to bring him to light. If the baby does not understand to whom and how to contact him, then they try to keep him in the house and do not show even to neighbors. Moreover, the neighbors will not condemn such a manifestation of the child’s willfulness, but they will look at their parents askance.


The Japanese parenting system fosters a love of healthy living in children. Unlike European residents, the Japanese do not abuse alcohol and consume a minimum of tobacco. Constant presence in the fresh air, a healthy diet and a cult of sports help the Japanese rightfully be considered long-livers. Children are taught to play sports from the age of 6. The school holds classes in physical education, as well as physical development, much attention is paid to the family. Children do exercises together with their parents every day, go out for a walk once a week, part of which consists of sports or visiting parks, which will help the child not only gain new experiences, but also new skills. To hone the skills acquired in childhood, the boys continue after reaching adolescence. Girls after 15 years of age go in for sports only in order to keep their figure in proper shape. But the constant walking after children and playing with them allow women to keep themselves in shape without much difficulty.

Perception of the world

Unlike European residents, the Japanese have different values. People do not pursue fame or career, they try to be closer to nature. The main task of Japanese education is to teach the child to enjoy the beauty of this world. People can enjoy the beauty of the flower for hours, or spend the whole day in the garden with blooming sakura. From ancient times, nature has been a source of inspiration for the Japanese. Parents teach children to worship her.

Kids with their parents go out into the countryside every week. People admire the beauty of the surroundings, dine and spend time away from civilization and the Internet. It is enough to recall the arrangement of Japanese gardens, and a person will understand everything about the Land of the Rising Sun. The stones in the gardens are not arranged according to some ingenious system; they lie where the artist put them, as it seemed to him that here the stone would look most harmonious. People are not trying to take advantage of everything that surrounds them. They learn to know beauty through contemplation. This skill helps children, as well as adults to relieve mental stress and purify consciousness. It is in moments of admiring the beautiful that a person can be alone with himself, and not under the eternal gaze of others.

Loss of personality

The Japanese are famous for their restraint and love of work. But what are the consequences of the upbringing that the collective consciousness inspires in a person? A person loses his personality. A person cannot think in isolation from others. He will always support the opinion of the crowd, as he will not be able to form his thoughts. From the TV screens and from the mouth of the mother the same program will flow. It all sounds like Huxley’s Brave New World. People become ideal workers to whom the government creates the illusion of weekend life. Everyone who does not fit into the standard framework is trying to belittle and morally break. And those people who are not amenable to such pressure, occupy leadership positions. But unfortunately, in Japan, a very small percentage of the population is free to think. Thanks to attitudes that sound every day from everywhere, and unquestioning worship of elders, it is difficult to understand your true desires and values. There is no chance for an adult to break out of a vicious circle. A person cannot change his job at the age of 30, since he is closed to the educational institution, and you cannot apply for another position without education. The Japanese also cannot leave the family. There is never any talk of divorce. If the family is tired, then one of the partners will cheat on the other. Even if the spouse finds out about the connection of the second half, he can do nothing. So the only option is to turn a blind eye to such "troubles." By the way, the policy of contemplation is very suitable here.

The Japanese have long noticed flaws in the system, but centuries-old traditions cannot be changed overnight. Moreover, education is bearing fruit. Despite the fact that the moral mood of the Japanese rises only due to the illusion of happiness, factories work like clockwork. People are completely surrendered to their work and, if necessary, live on it. Japan is one of the most developed countries, as each person worries with heart and soul for the activities of the enterprise in which he works. A similar education system is working, but it is already cracking. The Japanese look at the inhabitants of the West with envy. There, personalities can manifest their individuality in various forms; the Japanese have no such privileges. Even self-expression through clothing is a dubious idea. You should dress like everyone else, otherwise there is a chance that a person will be laughed at.

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