How are boys taught to potty? How to choose a pot for a child

Newly made mothers and fathers always have some questions that they themselves cannot find an answer to. So, with the advent of a new tenant in the family, a lot of problems arise: how to feed the baby, how to bathe, where the baby should sleep, and many others. One of the important stages in the life of a child and his mother is education. First, the baby learns to roll over on his stomach, then raises and holds the head. Further, the baby begins to sit and crawl. This is where most parents have a question: how to teach your baby to go to the potty? This is what will be discussed later. You will find out how boys are taught to potty and if there are any features in this procedure. It is also worth talking about how to choose the most convenient device for the baby.

how boys are taught to potty

What are the pots for children?

Before you start the training procedure, it is worth purchasing a personal tool to cope with the needs of the baby. Of course, every family has a toilet. However, not all children agree to use a standard toilet. Many babies have a fear of falling into a big hole. Also, the inconvenience is that while staying on an adult toilet, the baby does not feel support under his feet. Currently, manufacturers of children's products offer to purchase special linings. Such devices are placed on the rim of the toilet bowl and securely attached to it. However, many children begin to use such devices only after they learn to walk on the potty.

Modern firms produce a wide variety of devices. Pots for children can be ordinary or with additional accessories. Surely you will no longer find on sale metal accessories with a handle, which were very popular in Soviet times. Current pots are made mostly of plastic. In this case, the device has a rather bright color. This is done to attract the special attention of the baby.

The hole in the pot can be oval or round. Children's pots for boys suggest the presence of a special side in front. It is made so that the liquid from the tank is not sprayed in different directions.

Recently, a children's potty chair has become very popular . However, remember that such a device has additional legs. That is why it must be bought for older children. All pots have a certain height. Be sure to focus on this when choosing a product.

Usually parents choose baby pots for boys along with their kids. Perhaps your son already has any color preferences. Offer him several options, let him independently evaluate all the models he likes. Remember that at first, the baby will perceive the device as another toy. Before the boys are taught to potty, the kids are introduced to their new friend. The child must carefully examine the accessory.

teach to the pot without tears

How are boys taught to potty?

By and large, the education of the stronger sex is no different from girls. However, many experts argue that the latter quickly master this skill. You need to teach a boy to go to the pot in several stages. At the same time, one should never show aggression and increased perseverance. Remember that the moment will come when the child himself wants to use the pot, and this fact will practically not depend on your desire. So, how are boys accustomed to the pot? Let's get acquainted with the main points and methods.

Suitable age

In order for the baby to start doing his business with pleasure in the right place, you should wait for a certain age level. Many mothers say that their child asks for a toilet from birth. However, this is nothing more than auto-suggestion. Such parents are simply used to offering their baby a bowel movement every 15-20 minutes. That is why the child reacts properly to the next “letter-letter”. However, this does not at all indicate that in the year of crumb it will be impeccable and without mistakes to ask for a pot.

Experts say that up to three years, you can not worry. If the child has wet his pants, there is nothing to worry about. The parts of the brain that are responsible for urinating are still underdeveloped. However, statistics indicate that at about two years old, most children already use the pot in the daytime.

Many mothers ask pediatricians about how to quickly teach a baby to a potty. The rush in this case is explained by the fact that grandparents inquire in surprise: "How, he has not yet gone to the potty ?!" That is why parents, under pressure from the older generation, try to instill this skill in the child as soon as possible. Indeed, a few decades ago, children were taught to walk on the pot from almost three months old. However, this need was explained by the lack of diapers, washing machines and diapers. Now everything has changed a lot. Therefore, you should not run ahead of the engine and plant a five-month-old baby in a pot.

pots for children

What pots should not be purchased?

Currently, you can find devices in stores that have additional distracting elements: music buttons, a tablet for drawing, and so on. There are also pots that emit some melody after the baby goes to the toilet. All this is definitely fun and interesting. However, it is better to buy such pots for older children who already know quite well why they first need such an accessory.

Otherwise, the baby will sit on the device only for the game and will not understand that there must also defecate.

baby pots for boys

Where to begin?

So, we accustom to the pot without tears. After you have purchased the device, you need to wash it. Do it better with ordinary baby soap. After that, introduce the baby to his new friend. Tell us what this device is for. Surely the child will not understand you the first time.

Between buying a pot and the first attempt to go to the toilet on it should take at least one week. Ideally, the accessory is purchased in advance - in a few months. Let the device daily in the field of view of the crumbs. Think of a specific place for the pot where it will stand.

First attempts

When the baby is already pretty well acquainted with the new accessory, you can make the first attempt to sit on it. To get started, do it in clothes. Let the baby sit on the device, like on a stool. If you have a children's potty-chair, then you can simply cover it with the attached lid, and it will take the form of a chair.

Set the boy on the accessory and show your delight. The child must understand that it is very good and fun.

Show by your own example

So, you firmly decided: we accustom to the pot without tears. To do this, you have to be patient. Boys in the first years of their lives go to the toilet while sitting. Only closer to three years, the baby can learn to do it "in a small way" while standing, like an adult.

That is why mom can show her child how to do it by her own example. Do not be shy, sit on the potty and pretend that you want to go to the toilet. Surely the child will show initiative and interest.

potty highchair for children

Praise, not scold

If the baby first did everything right, you must certainly praise him. Let the little one know why they are encouraging him. Do this for every successful outcome.

Do not scold the boy for the accident. Otherwise, the child may just squeeze and refuse to go to the toilet. If the baby did not succeed and he made a puddle, then say that the pot is very upset and mother is also upset. Show the child what to clean up after themselves. Give your son a rag and ask to wipe the puddle. Of course, this manipulation will not work out very well for him. So be prepared to help.

Buy beautiful underwear

You already know what time to teach the baby to the potty. At about two years old, the child can already show his own taste. He likes some things more and others less. Invite your son to choose his panties together. Most often, children prefer products with painted cartoon characters. After such a purchase, you need to explain to the child that now he can not wet his panties. Otherwise, the bear (Masha, Smesharik, Fixik and so on) will be offended.

This combination of circumstances will be an incentive for the baby. He will strive to keep his new acquisition clean. At the same time, do not forget to offer your son a pot more often.

what time to teach to the pot

Use the game

Have a little son play a fun game with you. Roll up small balls of toilet paper and place them close to the pot. The goal of the game is this: you must throw cooked items into a container with your child. In this case, you need to enjoy every hit and praise the baby.

When all the paper balls run out, invite the crumbs to hit the targets with a jet. In this way, you can teach the boy to walk "little by little" while standing.

Take a break

If a child is afraid of the pot, how to teach him? Everything is very simple. Take a short break in your attempts. Remove the device from the baby’s eyes for approximately 2-4 weeks. During this time, the baby will break the habit of your requirements and forget about negative emotions. After the specified time, remove the pot and try again. At the same time, remember past bad experiences and do not repeat your mistakes.

Use special tools

Modern manufacturers of baby diapers offer parents to purchase special panties for training in the potty. Outwardly, they look like ordinary personal care products. However, after urinating, the baby begins to feel terrible discomfort. This is what drives young children. Children strive to relieve their need for a pot, so as not to go with wet booty.

how to teach to go to the potty

Nocturnal urination

How to teach a boy to go potty at night? First you need to ensure that the baby is used to a new friend in the daytime. Also an indicator that the baby is ready is a dry night diaper. If you notice that the son does not urinate at night, remove absorbent pants from him and put on regular ones. At the same time, inform the baby that now it is already large and should ask for a pot. Perhaps you will find several defeats. Do not give up and move on. In this case, never scold the child.


Now you know the basic ways to teach a boy to pot. Remember that a child can normally urinate in panties for up to three years in the afternoon and up to five at night. If you have already crossed this line, and the child still does not want to use the pot, visit a specialist (neurologist, nephrologist and pediatrician). You may need to undergo some treatment, and everything will work out.

Teach your child to potty on time. Do not rush things, never scold or punish the boy for misses. Due to the fact that you will begin your attempts early, the baby will not use this device earlier. Everything must have its time. Patience and good results in teaching children!

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