The appearance of fleas in pets is causing problems for most hosts. Nevertheless, now there are a large number of various means that will help to cope with pests: sprays, tablets, collars and even medicinal solutions. The main thing is to choose the right solution that will not cause allergies and irritations in the dog.
The flea and tick collar for dogs is a unique tool in this regard. It not only does not cause itching, but also does not smell anything. It is also quite convenient to use - you just need to put such a device on the dog’s neck. However, collars are a preventative measure because when fleas appear they are ineffective. Therefore, some owners consider this method of protection quite impractical, while others are satisfied with the results.
Operating principle
Dog flea and tick collars are a flexible plastic strap with a small buckle. The principle of operation is quite simple: after putting it on the dog, the release of insecticidal components begins, which are evenly distributed throughout the animal’s hair. The concentration of deterrents is maintained while the collar is on the dog. It must be worn all the time, not taking off even at night and while swimming.
Collar Varieties
Chemical: use is possible only for adult dogs. The collar is treated with special substances that kill parasites.
Biological: designed for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches. A positive effect is achieved due to the special composition of herbs and oils.
The ultrasonic flea and tick collar for dogs is suitable for all animals because it has no smell and chemical treatment.
Which is better?
To choose a reliable and high-quality collar for fleas and ticks for dogs, you need to read reviews about this product. In this case, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the breed and the state of health of the animal. In addition, it is important to choose the right size.
However, there are times when even a quality product causes the dog to feel unwell or poisoned. Many manufacturers in the instructions additionally indicate information on antidotes that should be used in such a situation.
Well-known companies
Flea and tick collars for dogs are produced by a large number of companies. Among them are:
- Kiltix. The maximum protection effect will come only 24 hours after the collar is put on the dog. Validity - a little more than six months. Only suitable for dogs after a year in good physical shape and are contraindicated in nursing bitches.
- Hartz UltraGuard Flea & Tick Collar. Great for dogs undergoing rehabilitation after an illness. It is moisture resistant and acts almost immediately after donning. Functioning time - 8 months. Not recommended for puppies up to six months.
- SCALIBOR. Work about 6 months. Maximum protection comes a week after putting on. Able to protect from flying and crawling pests.
- Beaphar Ungezieferband. Valid 5 days after the start of direct use. Working hours - up to 5 months. Designed only for adults.
- Rolf Club. Protection - up to 4 months. Non-toxic, odorless. It can not be combined with any other means against fleas or ticks.
Using a Collar
The flea and tick collar for dogs has mostly positive reviews, but if used improperly, the result may be negative. Firstly, the collar needs to be unpacked and slightly stretched before putting it on the dog. The gap between the animal’s neck and the strap should be at least 1.5 and no more than 2 cm. If an unused piece of the product remains, it must be cut off so that the dog does not try to lick it or chew it.
Before putting on a collar for fleas and ticks for dogs, it is recommended to wash the animal with parasites, otherwise the fleas can hide in the tail and begin to breed there.
It is important to consider:
- the use of a collar and shampoo will simultaneously enhance the effect;
- the first few days should refrain from bathing and long walks through the fields and in the forest;
- Violation of instructions may cause allergies, hair loss and other skin diseases.
The flea and tick collar for dogs, the reviews of which speak for themselves, is very popular among fans of tetrapods. Initially, the owners are unhappy with the smell, but with time it becomes not so persistent and does not irritate either dogs or their people.
Benefit or harm
To choose the best flea and tick collar for dogs, it is important to consider not only its properties, but also the possible impact on people. Despite the fact that the composition of the chemicals used to process the straps is harmless to humans, it can still cause allergies. The strongest influence is on young children and pregnant women.
It is also worthwhile to undergo a periodic examination at the veterinarian, since in case of poisoning the animal the symptoms may not appear immediately. If the dog is not treated, then the poison that has entered the body can cause diseases of the internal organs.
Individual intolerance is rare, but, nevertheless, you should make sure in advance that there will be no problems when you use a flea and tick collar for dogs. To do this, at first you need to carefully monitor the animal to make sure that everything is in order. If the dog begins to constantly itch and lick itself or it has a rash, immediately remove the collar.
In order for the parasite to die, he needs to bite the dog. Only in this way is the poison distributed over the hair and skin starting to act. This leaves the risk of disease of the animal itself after a bite. To avoid this, it is worth choosing only those products that contain a repellent that allows you to scare away insects that are ready to climb onto the dog during a street walk.
However, there is another minus in this. Repellents quickly disappear, and after a couple of months they completely cease to fulfill their functions. However, the owners themselves can not notice this, because they are not able to smell, and the parasites die directly from the poison. It turns out that with prolonged wearing of the collar its effectiveness decreases, and the animal is subjected to constant insect bites.
The collar against fleas and ticks for dogs has another drawback. For prolonged use, the concentration of poison is greatly increased. In an animal, this can cause swelling, rash, lacrimation, overexcitation, and more. The instructions always indicate for which dogs, what weight and condition each type of collar is recommended, but not many people bother reading, which ultimately leads to negative consequences.
Since the composition of the collar may not always be safe for humans, manufacturers do not recommend sleeping next to the animal. Also, after any contact with it, you need to wash your hands thoroughly to get rid of the poison.
Quite attractive is the rather low price. Even the most expensive collar will cost less than branded drops, which have to be treated with the withers of the animal every month.
The collar is easy to use. It needs only to be put on correctly and to observe safety measures. Do not forget about hygiene. After using sprays and drops, the dog should not be allowed into upholstered furniture, since the oily structure of such products dries out rather slowly.
Not so long ago, a flea and tick collar for dogs without pesticides appeared on sale. The tape contains only essential oils and is completely safe for both people and animals. Such collars are less effective, they need to be changed more often, but the risks of negative consequences are practically zero.
There are many articles on specific collar manufacturers. There you can find reviews about all types of products or ask a representative of the company about a particular product. The most popular collars are Kiltiks and Befar . Among users, there is practically no complaints about smell or poor protection.
Quite often, reviews express negative opinions about cheap collars or little-known firms. In such cases, there is a very high risk of allergies in various forms, hair loss and diseases of internal organs, since low-quality substances adversely affect the dog's body.
Based on the recommendations of animal owners, biological collars, that is, those that contain only essential oils, are best combined with drops and sprays against parasites. Since the oils are non-toxic, they are safer, but their level of protection is significantly lower. To completely protect the animal, it must be treated with antiparasitic agents at least once every 2 months.
Based on the large number of reviews, we can also conclude that collars are not used much in pregnant bitches and sick animals - various complications in such situations are far from rare. However, after 4 months, most owners buy healthy puppies with healthy collars. They are especially popular in the summer.
Choosing a quality collar will allow you to protect your dog not only from insects, but also from the many deadly diseases that they carry. Infection occurs through the saliva of the parasite, so the prevention of all possible contacts is really important. It is worth paying special attention to responsibly approach the choice of a flea and tick collar.