Very often, our children perform actions that we absolutely cannot understand. They may be associated with their games, with their imagination or with everyday life. Oddities often occur in things that are familiar to all, for example, in the process of walking. Young parents are often worried about why children walk on toes. There may be several reasons for this, and they need to be eliminated depending on the case. Therefore, we will consider them in detail and try to decide what to do next.
For all our actions, including the process of walking, the brain is responsible. As you know, all its parts are tightly connected to each other and form the so-called pyramid. If it works fully, then at the level of reflexes a person performs all the actions that are necessary for normal life. In case of any violations, these actions may be modified or completely blocked. Including this is manifested by the fact that the child walks on toes. The reasons for this physiological deviation are birth injuries, mechanical damage, or insufficient development of the reflex functions of the brain.
Among the root causes of the violation of this physiological process can also be called the untimely formation of the "brain pyramid." The fact is that in many children the walking reflex is formed up to three years, and afterwards comes back to normal. During that time, until this part of the brain reaches its perfection, the child can perform strange and unusual actions.
If you see that the child began to walk on toes, you should also regularly engage in the development of fine motor skills. Think up various exercises for your child, use reference books, consult a doctor. It is important to eliminate this problem at the time of its appearance, and then there will be no consequences. The answer to the question of why children walk on toes can also be covered in neurology. Often, due to certain loads, a child begins pain in the lower part of the spine and lower back. In order to make the back easier, the baby rises on his toes and slightly bends the back. In such cases, you should immediately contact a neurologist and take measures to eliminate back pain. Most often, doctors prescribe therapeutic exercises, and as a supplement to it - massage. These procedures help muscles relax and tone the whole body and nervous system, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.
Sometimes the answer to the question of why children walk on toes lies on the surface itself. The reason is simple - the baby wants to be like adults, seem taller and more mature. Sometimes children copy these actions, looking at their parents, who also do this. In such cases, it is necessary to explain the crumb that you should walk smoothly, stepping on the whole foot. It is imperative to focus on the fact that it is the right gait in the future that will become the key to its beauty and success. Most likely, the child will forget about his inventions, listening to your words, and the problem will be solved by itself.
Now you know about why children walk on toes, and therefore getting rid of this will probably be easier.