Teething in children. Temperature at this time - is it possible?

Teething in a child is an important and exciting moment that all mothers are waiting for without exception. But everyone should be prepared for the fact that teething in children, temperature, loose stools and profuse salivation - all these symptoms can be interrelated. Temperature is one of the main ailments that arise in a child during this period. As a rule, the temperature on the teeth of a child is considered normal if it ranges from 37-37.5 ° C. If the indicator rises above, then you need to consult your local pediatrician. It is possible that the cause of the ailment is a cold, a virus or any other infection. Such options should be immediately deleted!

When a child's teeth are being cut, the temperature may rise for several days. In order to help the baby, you need to consult a doctor. He will talk about possible methods of alleviating the condition. It can be antipyretic drugs, and special gels for lubricating the gums. Remember that you do not need to listen to the advice of girlfriends or anyone who recommends taking specific tried-and-tested drugs. They do this out of good intentions, but it is important to understand that the body of each child is individual, therefore not all the same medicines are suitable for everyone. Do not self-medicate!

One of the ways that can facilitate teething in children (during which temperature can also significantly complicate this process) is massage. As a rule, gum massage improves blood circulation, reduces pain and stimulates tooth growth. Such a massage is recommended for preventive purposes to prevent malaise.

Some doctors say that an adult could not bear the pain that a baby feels when his teeth are being cut! And teething in children, the temperature during this period, make everything much more painful: the child becomes restless, irritable and requires constant attention. The main thing is to surround the baby with care and love, and also treat him patiently. Remember that his behavior is not a whim, but a consequence of pain. Your task is to make it easier. One of the stimulants for tooth growth and pain relief is special rings, toys (rubber or silicone) that are filled with gel or distilled water. It is necessary to cool them (but not freeze) and give the child a bite. You can give a "scratch teeth" any cold vegetable or fruit (for example, carrots or apples). Only the piece should be large enough so that the child does not swallow it and chokes. The temperature on the teeth of the child gives puffiness and inflammation of the gums, which will help to remove the chilled rather than warm objects.

It must be remembered that teething in children, temperature during this period is a signal to protect children from drafts and sources of infection. Remember that during this period, immunity decreases, and the baby becomes defenseless against diseases, especially colds. When a child's teeth are being cut, signs of this may be not only temperature. During this period or a week before the teething, there may be loose stools (but not green, but yellow), as well as excessive salivation.

These indicators are also not 100% signals that the appearance of teeth is nearing, therefore, in order to exclude more serious reasons, you need to consult a pediatrician.

In conclusion, we note that caring for a child is the main responsibility of the mother. No one except you has that maternal feeling that can protect a child from danger. Therefore, do not wait for any serious complications, and at the first alarming symptoms, seek the advice of a specialist. Remember that your child’s health is in your hands!

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