The appearance of white dots on the body of your favorite fish causes a real panic. Ichthyophthyrosis and how to treat "semolina" in fish - the topic of our article. We will help beginners deal with the problem. Fans and those who are seriously engaged in breeding know many ways how to treat "decoy" in aquarium fish. Today we will reveal some secrets.
In order to start treatment on time and not lose pets, you need to correctly determine the disease from which they suffer. First, we determine that this is precisely ichthyophthyrosis, and then we think about
how to treat fish from “decoy”. What does semolina look like? Here you can focus on the name. It is given to the disease for a reason. Because in appearance the fish looks as if semolina was sprinkled on it. The body is covered with many small white dots no more than a millimeter in diameter. Moreover, the longer you wait, the more spots appear on the body. Another sign is that sick individuals randomly swim back and forth, while it can be seen that they scratch their body against stones and vessel walls. The cause of the disease is an infection that is spread by the infusorium ichthyophthyrus, hence the name of the disease.
Infection pathways
The parasite has an egg-shaped body, and its size is only one millimeter. The ciliator lives only two weeks. After the infusoria enters the victim's body, it is saturated for a couple of days. Then, well-fed, it crawls out through the skin. Her exit looks like a white dot. Having sank to the very bottom of the aquarium, the ciliates begin to multiply. When the breeding is over, she begins to search for the next prey for food. Not finding one, the parasite dies of hunger. For one breeding cycle, the ciliator displays thousands of their own kind. Therefore, the problem really exists, and it is not for nothing that people are concerned about the question of how to treat aquarium fish for decoy.
The best way to escape from diseases is to prevent them. An important role here is played by preventive procedures. What should be done in order not to ask later the question of how to treat “decoy” in fish:
- Water that is poured into the aquarium must be filtered.
- In no case do not supercool the water in which the pets live.
- If you have acquired new individuals, do not release them immediately into the aquarium, let them live in a separate vessel so that they can be observed; it is the new arrivals who are most often carriers of diseases; In addition, pests can come in with food or water.
How to treat decoy in fish
The easiest way to treat the disease is to apply a procedure to increase the temperature of the water. This must be done very carefully, otherwise you can destroy all the fish. Raising the water temperature by two to three degrees reduces the period of the ciliates in the victim’s body, it leaves it and dies. Leaving this temperature for a short time, you will help restore the immunity of the sick individual. But don't overdo it. Where there is one disease, another may appear. Immunity needs to be raised and special preparations.
It is also recommended to collect water from the bottom using a tube. Leave about a quarter of the total. Add new water. Remove the fish from the aquarium. The ciliates will die without food. Those fish that have been infected should be kept separate until they recover completely.
Furacilin to help
In addition to an elementary increase in water temperature, experts know how to treat fishes with furatsilin. How to do it?
- No need to change anything in the condition of the aquarium: change the water, raise the temperature, turn off the devices.
- Dissolve one tablet of furatsilin in forty milliliters of water and pour the mixture into the aquarium.
- Pour out daily ¼ of the water and add new.
- After a day, pour in a solution of furacilin.
- Do the procedure for three weeks, and if necessary - longer.
- In a few days you will notice improvements, scabies will disappear, pets will start to eat.
What would we do without salt?
Another useful tip is how to treat salt decoy in aquarium fish. There is one caveat with this treatment. Aquarium plants do not like salt and die if they are not removed on time. Some fish species also cannot be found in salt water. Here the approach should be individual. It all depends on the type of pets in your tank. Having completed the preparation, we proceed to treatment. You can act in many ways. First way:
- increase the temperature of the water to thirty degrees;
- add unmodified table salt to the aquarium at the rate of a tablespoon of salt per ten liters of water;
- keep this water for a month until everyone heals;
- in parts, replace all the water with fresh water.
The second way:
- drop infected fish into a separate vessel;
- pour salt on the bottom of the vessel (about thirty grams per liter of water);
- change water twice a day;
- do the procedure for ten days.
The second method is designed to ensure that the fish swim from above, and the ciliator falls down on the salt and dies. You replace water in a timely manner and remove dead parasites.
"Antipar" as a way out
A separate issue is how to treat Antipar fish decoy. Many praise this method, since the drug is used to treat many diseases and destroy various pests and parasites, including ciliates. How to carry out the treatment? This drug is used both for treatment and for prevention. For prevention, a short bath option is used. For ten liters of water, one milliliter of the drug is added. The bath lasts three hours. If you notice signs of illness, repeat the bath after two days.
If the disease progresses, relocation of sick individuals into a vessel with a solution (one milliliter of Antipara per fifty liters of water) for a week is used. This method is called long-term bathrooms.
During treatment, you need to turn off all the lighting in the aquarium, do not filter out the water, so as not to disturb the concentration. Plants and decorations do not need to be cleaned. The water temperature should be around 25 degrees. The drug is very effective, but with excessive use it can harm fish. Therefore, at the end of treatment, you need to disinfect everything that was in the aquarium with Antipar. Best if you treat it all with boiling water.
Malachite green and more
The last thing we will tell you about is how to treat “decoy” in fish with malachite green dye and medications. For this we need:
- a syringe;
- salt;
- malachite dye;
- special preparations.
What are we doing:
- We replace a third of the water in the new aquarium.
- Turn off filtering or set the filter to weak mode.
- Add the proven drug purchased in a specialized store to the water.
- Before adding medicine, we change a quarter of water to fresh.
- We increase the water temperature by a couple of degrees.
- Sprinkle a pinch of salt every day: this speeds up the healing of wounds on the body.
- After a week, we replace the water with clean water, turn on the filters.
- After a day, lower the water temperature to a normal level.
- If we use malachite dye, add 0.06 milligrams per liter of water, the color should be barely green.
- Drugs that are recommended for use: Super Ik Ker, Faunomor, Sera Kostapur.
Remember that only those pests that come out and are in the water die from drugs. Fish that have already suffered this infection have acquired immunity. But these same individuals can safely carry parasites and infect others. Ciliates can hide both on the body and in the gills, and at a time favorable to them, strike again.
We hope the information in the article helped you. People who grow fish for a long time, learned to deal with various diseases. After all, what can better calm and please than beautiful fish swimming in clear water. Not much can compare with their beauty. And so that the inhabitants of the aquarium as long as possible please your eyes, you need to carefully monitor their health.