Day of the older generation. Congratulations on the day of the older generation. Holiday script

In the Russian Federation in 1992, a wonderful tradition appeared - on October 1, annually give a holiday to the elderly. Throughout our vast country, people celebrate Senior Generation Day.

older generation day

Officially, this holiday is called the day of the elderly , but not everyone likes this name. It turns out, as if we congratulate our family and friends on the fact that they have long been not classified as young or even mature people. Therefore, the second, unofficial, naming, took root among the people more.

With whom to celebrate a holiday

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older generation congratulations

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older generation day script

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respect day of the older generation

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day of the older generation

Funny games and contests on the Day of the older generation will not only cheer up everyone present, but also help them feel a little freer and more relaxed.

You can offer guests such entertainment - two participants (preferably a married couple), who had previously been blindfolded with dark shawls, should try to feed each other with biscuit cakes.

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Old man day

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