Since ancient times, it is known that the name of a person has a strong influence on character and destiny. In ancient Russia, it was customary to give two names. The first is the one that was assigned to the child at birth, it was familiar to others, and the second was given at a more conscious age, when the character traits of a person were manifested. By this name the child was baptized. It is interesting that only the carrier himself and his relatives knew him. Indeed, knowing the name of a person, you can understand his soul. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable and harmonious name for the child.
Name origin
The name Inna is translated from Latin as “stormy river” or “stormy stream”. These phrases very successfully characterize its owner. The history of the name is very unusual. In the 1st century, three great martyrs were executed - Inna, Rimma and Pinna, who came from Lesser Scythia. They reminded people of the name of Christ and converted many of the barbarians to the Christian faith. Because of this, the leader of the heretics was angry, ordered to seize the preachers and immediately execute. There was a severe frost, respectively, the river completely froze when they were brought out and tied to wooden logs. The unfortunate ones were frozen alive. After that, their names were included in the list of martyrs, and Inna's name day was celebrated twice a year, in winter and summer. Interestingly, over time, the name began to be mistaken for a woman.
There is an assumption that in fact the name has an earlier origin, rooted in Sumerian mythology. Perhaps it relates to the mistress of heaven, who was named Inanna - the star of the morning sunrise, which is very similar to the modern in sound and value. Further, some scholars believe that Innin - the goddess of fertility, carnal love and strife - may also be relevant to the bearers of this name.
Among the Sumerians, the symbol of Inna was a ring with a ribbon, and after two more appeared - a star and a rose.
There are many interesting legends associated with this name. For example, one of the Sumerian myths narrates that Inanna complained to her father Enki that, distributing divine duties, she was unjustly ignored, and then he gave his daughter the ability to attract men, and also instilled a love of war and ruin.
Name day celebration
For many centuries it has been customary to celebrate name day. Every day passes under the auspices of the saints. Previously, it was quite common practice to name a child according to the holy calendar. It was believed that if in the earthly vale remember the saint, then in heaven the angel will not forget about the man, always helping him.
But recently, this has been done less and less. Take even the following common fact: Inna’s name day falls in winter and summer, but astrologers advise calling this name girls born in the sign of Taurus (in spring).
Inna is usually distinguished by a strong and masterful character, the girl is very stubborn and annoying. Undoubtedly, sometimes she agrees to other people's conditions, but at the same time she feels an internal disharmony and a storm of negative emotions that cause her damage.
In her temperament, Inna is more likely to be a sanguine person, since she is cheerful, frivolous, carefree. Sometimes, people around her believe that she has an abundance of the listed qualities. Inna is a real optimist and a very kind person. Girls named by this name never suffer from depression or melancholy, no matter what life tests they may endure. Like any other strong personality, Inna is inclined to empathize and sympathize with the weak, trying to help them if necessary, but she does not want to see such people among her friends. The bearer of the name remembers her wrongdoers and the evil done to her, but nevertheless she is not inclined to revenge, and, moreover, she most often sincerely forgives her inherent ease. True, she is very impatient, but the significance of her name is guilty of this.
From childhood, Inna is often inseparable from her mother, trying to help her in everything, even if she doesn’t do it very skillfully. Sometimes parents, in order to briefly distract the child and do things, must give her fascinating and complex developmental tasks. Such actions bring unexpected results: Inna, constantly honing her abilities, raises the level of intelligence and skills, ahead of her peers. In general, she is often endowed with a penetrating mind, very resourceful, the girl’s ideas and statements are always creative and accurate, which constantly surprises others. With a living mind, she can work in almost any field, and she learns and switches from one type of activity to another very quickly.
What is interesting, for Inna it is absolutely indifferent to how prestigious her work is, but on condition that the work will be adequately paid. If she has any creative abilities, then, most likely, she will be completely passionate about her business, possibly, never having married.
From carriers of this name are good journalists, photo reporters, store directors.
Personal life
To be married to Inna is very difficult: she is demanding and temperamental in relations, she will expect absolute fidelity and honesty from her companion. Therefore, Inna's family life is much better if she does not get married too early, because she needs to mature for this step. Inna is often a wonderful mother, a faithful and caring wife.
Day Angel
Inna's birthday is celebrated on the church calendar twice a year - February 2 and July 3. By the way, according to Inna’s winter name days, people usually determine what the weather will be in spring: if it is sunny, it will be warm, but if, on the contrary, it is cloudy, then frost can be expected. But it should be noted that this name is considered masculine, and for the female version of the name Inna there is no name day. Therefore, when girls are baptized, parents are often asked to choose a different name.
But if the father and mother insist on the baptism of his daughter that way, then this is not forbidden. After all, as clergymen say, gender does not matter for the soul. Therefore, all the girls who were baptized and named by a beautiful name can not worry about this and feel free to celebrate Inna’s name day twice a year.