Castration of cats. What is the best age for this procedure?

Anyone who started a cat’s house knows that the question of the instinct of reproduction is one of the most acute in caring for this animal. Will this greatly affect his cheerfulness and quality of life? In addition, it is not enough to know whether cats need castration or not. At what age it should be done - this is also a very important point.

castration of cats at what age

Castration is a special surgical operation in which a veterinarian removes his gonads in an animal. Typically, this procedure is performed at the age of about one year, but always after the animal has undergone puberty.

Castration of cats: at what age to do and how to prepare

The optimal period for doctors is the period between eight and twelve months. The procedure is quite simple and does not require special care. In addition, it eliminates almost any risk to the health status of the pet. However, before embarking on it, one should answer questions about whether castration of cats is necessary in your case, at what age it should not be done, and whether the risk of surgical intervention is justified.

Does a cat need castration

In some cases, this procedure is carried out on animals, following medical indications. This is usually done with various injuries or pathologies. However, in most cases, the castration of an adult cat is done to reduce its aggressiveness.

Castration of cats, no matter how old it is, will save them from unnecessary experiences associated with sexual dissatisfaction. In addition, this procedure can protect the animal from a huge number of diseases inherent in special adults, such as a prostate tumor, adenoma or prostatitis.

The question " Does a cat need castration" should be asked to those who live in a private house. Animals in this case have great freedom and can walk. If the cat does not annoy the owners by marking the territory directly in the house, and there are no sources of danger nearby, such as busy highways, then the cat can not be neutered, making it possible to live a natural life. But you should know that uncastrated cats during the mating season can leave home for a long time. They more often die as a result of accidents, because at this time their sense of caution is reduced and they may not notice the danger. In addition, they are more susceptible to parasitic and infectious diseases.

In addition to questions about whether cats need castration, at what age it should be done, it is worth considering separately where to carry out this procedure. There are several options:

  • at home;
  • at the veterinary clinic.

castration of an adult cat

Note that it is preferable to call a specialist at home. In this case, the animal will not experience additional stress. It just falls asleep at home and wakes up already operated. In addition, this practice will completely eliminate the likelihood of contact with sick animals that may fall in line with the veterinarian. It should be remembered that the animal should not be allowed to eat for 12 hours before surgery and a full day after. You need to resume serving food in small portions. All castrated cats are extremely prone to obesity. That is why it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not overeat and actively move during wakefulness.

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