The child is 5 months old, what should he be able to? Child development up to a year

The first months of the baby’s life fly by so quickly and swiftly that parents do not have time to notice how it grows. It would seem that just recently was born, and now the baby is 5 months old! What should he be able to? Many mothers ask this question. And in fact, in the first months, the development of the child is especially rapid. Every day for him is a new discovery and skill. Of course, all the kids develop individually, but there are general indicators that young parents can navigate.

Physical development and physical activity

So, the baby is 5 months old! What should he be able to do at this age? Perhaps it’s worth starting with physical development. Usually, by the end of the fifth month of life, the baby's growth increases by about 10-15 centimeters (from the moment of birth). Many mothers worry that their child eats little and is too thin compared to their peers. How much does a baby weigh 5 months? On average, by this age, body weight doubles - carrying a baby in her arms is becoming increasingly difficult. Although a small underweight should not be too frustrating for parents - we repeat that each child develops in his own way. Of course, this is provided that all other indicators are normal.

5 months old baby

The kid is becoming more active. He can already hold his head for a long time, lie on his tummy, lifting himself on outstretched arms. Many children are already learning to roll over, so parents should be especially vigilant and not leave the baby alone on the couch. From about this age, a child can please parents with the fact that he is already learning to crawl. If you put the baby on its feet, holding it, it is already able to stand for several minutes.

The child may even try to sit on his own, but you can not sit him prematurely. This is especially important for girls: early loading on the spine can turn into serious problems in the future. A child sits only when he is ready for it. In general, it is very important for parents to adhere to the middle ground - on the one hand, not to limit the motor activity of the child, but, on the other, not to rush it.

Emotional development

The child is 5 months old - what else should he be able to do? At this age, the baby already recognizes relatives and joyfully meets them. But strangers crumbs can be scared. The child is sensitive to the mood of the mother, even the tone of the voice. Therefore, you do not need to scare the baby and show negative emotions with him. By the way, at this age the child is already interested in other children and his reflection in the mirror.

What child does not like bright toys at 5 months? The kid will be very pleased to sort them out and shift them from one handle to another. Of course, mother should not hope that they will occupy him for a long time - 10-15 minutes, not more. And the baby plays with parents with great pleasure.

which baby is 5 months old

First babble

At the age of five months, the child begins to chant his first syllables: "ma", "ba", "pa". Of course, this is not yet a deliberate speech, just a walk is gradually replaced by babble. It gives great pleasure not only to parents, but also to the baby himself. In order to encourage the speech development of the child, mother already needs to communicate with him as much as possible, and not to lisp, but to speak in an ordinary calm voice, clearly pronounce all the words. Let the baby immediately get used to the correct speech. From a very young age, you need to tell your child poems and nursery rhymes, sing lullabies.

Toddler Day Mode

The daily routine of a child of 5 months does not change significantly. The number of feeds remains the same - the baby eats six times a day during the day. Rest time also does not change too much - the baby sleeps once in the morning and twice more - at lunch and in the evening. At night, an infant of 5 months may wake up once for feeding. Soon the need for this will disappear, and he will sleep soundly until the morning.

infant 5 months

With a child you need to walk twice a day. By the way, at five months, the baby may no longer sleep on a walk, but be actively interested in the outside world. As before, hygiene procedures are required for the baby in the morning and in the evening, as well as gymnastics after waking up and a light massage before bedtime.


As before, breast milk remains the best food for the baby. In this case, infants up to six months do not need complementary foods. Milk fully satisfies all its needs, of course, provided that the nursing mother fully eats. The same can be said about artificial children - a high-quality adapted mixture provides the baby with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. However, you can milk your baby with clean boiled water , especially in the summer. And the best thing is to immediately teach your child to drink from a cup.

how much does a baby weigh 5 months

When do the first teeth appear?

In many children, the first teeth are already erupting by this age. Lower and then upper central incisors - this is what a 5-month-old child can please parents with. Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich on this occasion claims that the first teeth, on average, appear in children at the age of six months. But advancing or lagging behind even for 5-6 months is not at all pathological. Be that as it may, it must be remembered that teething of the first teeth in babies is often accompanied by poor mood and well-being. It is worth taking care of how to help the crumbs at this time. You can offer your child a teether toy or discuss with a pediatrician the need for special cooling ointments for gums.

child 5 months old Komarovsky

Baby's health

The correct regime of the day and nutrition, enough sleep and walks, fresh and clean air in the room are the health principles that a loving mother must ensure that the child grows up active and happy. But there are some questions, especially often disturbing parents. One of the problems is an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason.

Pediatricians say that 37–37.2 is still a normal mark for young children. By the way, you need to remember that in a 5-month-old baby, the temperature can rise if the baby is too warmly dressed or the room is very hot. Some children react to teething like this, and this may also be the first sign of a viral infection. In any case, if the parents are worried about any health problems of the child, it is better to contact the pediatrician in time. At this age, the following should be particularly alert:

  • the baby is not interested in new toys and is indifferent to family;
  • the child does not respond well to sounds or does not hear them at all;
  • the baby has systematic sleep disturbances;
  • the child does not hold the head.

Any of these symptoms is an unambiguous reason for contacting a specialist.

a child has 5 months of temperature

Games and activities with the baby

All mothers want their children to grow active and keep up with peers in development. The best way to help your baby is, of course, the game. At this age, children love to play hide and seek. It’s very good to show the child vivid pictures and objects and at the same time call them, to draw the attention of the baby to the shape and size of the toys, to the sounds they make. In general, for the development of hearing, it is useful for all children to listen to good music, and this can be both lullabies and children's songs, as well as classical works. During bathing, you can give your child bright floating toys - this will amuse the baby and make water procedures even more pleasant.

5 months

So, your baby is 5 months old. What he should be able to do, we have already listed above, but we emphasize once again that all these norms are averaged. In any case, each child grows and develops individually. Something comes earlier, and something later. Parents need to compare the baby not with graphs and tables, not with other children, but primarily with himself. After all, every day opens up something new for the crumbs.

And the most important thing here is love and patience. Because a small child is a vessel that parents generously and carefully fill. And those emotions and feelings that they put in the baby in the first year will accompany him all his life.

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