According to the existing requirements for the organization of the developing environment in educational institutions, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions in the pre-school educational institution not only for active activities of pupils, joint games, classes under the guidance of a teacher, but also for psychological relief, and children’s relaxation. When staying all day in a noisy group, a child may need personal space. To do this, place in the kindergarten "Corner of solitude." What is such a zone, how to make it with your own hands and what objects to fill, we will tell in this article.
Appointment "Corner of solitude" in kindergarten
In preschool children , their mood often changes due to insufficient formation of the emotional-volitional sphere. Kids still do not know how to control the manifestations of their feelings. Therefore, often there is a demonstration of such emotional manifestations as anger, anger, sadness. For a child, changing the situation, staying all day in a noisy circle of people in the absence of a mother, as well as fulfilling the requirements of teachers and perceiving a large amount of new information is a serious stress. Therefore, to preserve the psychological comfort of the preschooler in groups, special zones are created where the baby can be alone. In such a corner, the crumb can “hide” from others, express its accumulated negative emotions, escape from the hustle and bustle with the help of interesting calm games and just relax in silence.
Thus, the "Corner of Solitude" in kindergarten helps to solve the following psychological and pedagogical tasks:
- to create conditions for the development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler ;
- help kids adapt to new conditions, peers, teachers;
- create a positive microclimate in the children's team;
- prevent nervous strain of pupils, reduce the likelihood of conflict.
Design Recommendations
In the kindergarten, the "Corner of Solitude" should be a closed comfortable space. The child needs to feel safe, to be sure that no one will disturb him in this zone. Therefore, most often this corner is made out in the form of a hut, tent, house.
It is important to create an atmosphere of home comfort, tranquility. Therefore, it is recommended that inside the space there is a dim light, many pillows, a soft comfortable sofa, paintings and other little things that will help to realize the idea.
Of course, it is necessary to take care of the safety of children. So, in no case should you place small, sharp and breakable objects, paints and other chemicals in the corner. It is necessary to foresee a “window” in advance so that in some cases the teacher, without disturbing the baby and without violating his personal space, is convinced of his safety and good health.
How to make a "Corner of solitude" in kindergarten? Design depends on the interior of the group, as well as the preferences of the children themselves. Pupils can take a direct part in the manufacture and decoration of such a zone.
Design Ideas
You can make a “solitude corner” in a kindergarten, for example, in the form of a “fairy tale”, “gnome’s house”, “magic cave”, or “sunny room”.
We offer simple and affordable methods of manufacturing such a gaming zone:
- Fence off one corner of the group room with a curtain attached to the cornice. If desired, you can decorate the fabric, for example, with stars, flowers, emoticons.
- You can make a corner from a factory children's tent. On the floor should be a mattress of the appropriate size, a lot of decorative pillows.
- You can build a complete structure. So, the frame is made of plastic pipes. Then it is sheathed with fabric, decorated with trim.
Depending on the preferences of the kids of the group, you can make a comfortable themed "Corner of solitude" in the kindergarten. The photo below shows a zone of personal space in the form of a "princess tent".
Corner Filling
An important component of such a recreation area is its filling. So, the “Solitude Corner” in kindergarten should contain games aimed at relieving psychological stress, didactic material, massagers. We consider in more detail below.
Games for psychological relaxation
So, in the kindergarten "Corner of solitude" should contain various materials aimed at discharging the accumulated negative energy from the baby. For example, it can be a soft children's boxing “punching bag”, a special pillow with a sad emoticon, a box in which you can tear paper, a drum, and toy speakers. Filling is selected depending on the capabilities of the DOW and specific goals.
Mood games
“Having let off steam”, the baby needs to calm down, recharge with positive energy. Therefore, the central place in such an area is occupied by a comfortable sofa with pillows. Nearby you can put a small table for board games. In addition, in the kindergarten "Corner of solitude" may contain the following items:
- sensory pads and other games for the development of fine motor skills (for example, sorters, in-game games, cereal boxes, kinetic sand, massage balls);
- photo albums;
- materials for development and creativity (pencils, felt-tip pens, paper, books);
- "wish box" for children's drawings;
- dolls with which the baby can share its "secrets";
- a toy phone for calling mom.
It is recommended that soothing music (sounds of nature) be heard in such an area.
Didactic games
General developmental materials are aimed at distracting the child from negative thoughts. You can offer to place the following didactic games in such a recreation area:
- "Who is in what mood?"
- "Draw a smiley face."
- "Build the puzzle."
- "Our emotions" and others.
Favorite books will also help your child cope with a bad mood.
Recreation area materials should be regularly updated. But the basic elements are recommended to be left unchanged - so that the baby feels comfortable in a familiar environment.
We shared ideas on how to make a “privacy corner” in kindergarten. But note that there are no strict recommendations - the teacher needs to listen to his students, their wishes, preferences and create a completely unique zone of comfort, psychological safety and good mood.