The family tree of the Romanovs begins with Mikhail Fedorovich, the first of the dynasty to become king. He was seated on the throne by the boyars in 1613, and until 1917 Russia was ruled by the Romanov dynasty.
After Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich ascended the throne, and then his three sons. In 1696, the young Peter the Great became king, having radically changed Russia and turned it into one of the great European powers. He was the last to bear the title of king. In 1721, he took the title of emperor, and Russia has since become known as the Russian Empire.
Further, the family tree of the Romanovs is continued by the wife of Peter the Great, Catherine I, who rules for two years, from 1725 to 1727. After her death, the throne passes to the grandson of Peter the Great - Peter II. He inherited the throne at the age of eleven and was the last male descendant of Peter. He did not rule for long, only three years, and, unfortunately, at the age of 14 he died of smallpox.
After the death of Peter II, during palace intrigues, the throne of the Russian Empire was transferred to the daughter of the elder brother of Peter the Great, Anna Ioannovna. She ruled for ten years, from 1730 to 1740. After her, until 1741, John VI ruled, who was overthrown by the daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine the First - Elizabeth Petrovna.
Empress Elizaveta Petrovna never married and remained childless until the end of her life. She made the heir to the throne the son of Anna Petrovna (daughter of Peter the Great) - Peter III, who in 1761 was proclaimed emperor, but he did not stay long and was overthrown in 1762. After the family tree of the Romanov family continued his wife Catherine the Second, who went down in history as Catherine the Great. Under her, the Russian Empire gained immense power and became one of the leading European empires. During her reign, the borders of the state were significantly expanded. And she can rightly be called a brilliant and wise politician.
The family tree of the Romanovs after the death of Catherine the Great continues her son Paul the First. He ruled from 1796 to 1801, was killed in a conspiracy, and his son Alexander the First took over the throne. During his reign, Russia survived the Great Patriotic War of 1812.
In 1825, the emperor dies without leaving an heir. Nicholas the First, brother of Alexander the First, is proclaimed emperor. His accession to the throne is overshadowed by the Decembrist uprising, and by the end of the reign, in the fifties of the XIX century, the Crimean War broke out.
Subsequently, the Romanov family tree was continued by the son of Nicholas, Alexander II. He went down in history as an emperor who abolished serfdom and carried out a number of major reforms.
After the rules of Alexander III, his throne was succeeded by Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor from the Romanov dynasty. During his reign, Russia was drawn into the First World War, a series of popular unrest swept through the country, and as a result, in 1917, the February bourgeois-democratic revolution took place, during which the monarchy in Russia was overthrown.
Thus, all the Russian emperors were the Romanovs. The family tree can be traced to the present day, since the descendants of the dynasty are alive.