The computer is an indispensable assistant, faithfully serving in all spheres of life. Neither an engineer nor a housewife can do without him. Helping to make complex calculations, write, draw, study or just have fun, he evolved over the course of several decades from an expensive and incomprehensible thing the size of a house, to an instrument that should be in every family and preferably not in a single copy. All this not only contributed to improving the quality of life, but also the formation of the so-called computer jargon. In Russian, it fully formed later than English, greatly influenced by it. Let's look at the features of this variety of Russian, and also pay attention to the ways of word formation of such terms.
What is computer jargon?
The computer became a revolutionary invention not only for the twentieth century, but for all periods in history. He took on the most complex calculations, making it easier and faster for a person to work, like nothing before.
Over time, having decreased in size and learning not only how to count, but how to draw, print, shoot and edit video and audio - it has become an indispensable attribute in every home.
Together with a PC, the so-called computer jargon entered the lives of its users. These are various words, phrases and abbreviations that name the components of a computer, programs, as well as actions and people associated with this area.
Brief History
In the 80s. XX century the computer has become available to ordinary people. His abilities to systematize and quickly find the necessary data began to be actively used in various fields not related to science.
Being quite young, the computer industry has not yet managed to form specific terminology. And the names of the new parts and programs began to come up with those who created them - yesterday's schoolchildren and students. Not having enough education (there was no one to learn from - they were pioneers), the guys called many devices and commands to their liking. So these words were more like jargon than professional terms.
However, this did not stop this slang from spreading all over the world, along with new computers. And due to the fact that, like the terms, and jargon were in English - in other countries they began to adapt in their own way, not always according to the official rules of grammar. Because of this, they began to refer to slang. For example, in Russian and Ukrainian, forgetting or too lazy to switch from Cyrillic to the Latin layout of the "keyboard" (keyboard), many put Z.Y. instead of PS (Z.I.) Soon this became one of the computer jargon, characteristic, however, only of written language.
It is worth noting that computer slang and jargon (what is the difference between them - in the next paragraph) began to actively enter into Russian only in the second half of the 90s, almost decades behind other countries.
Slang and jargon
Which of the two listed terms best describes computer terminology directly?
At first glance, they look like one hundred percent synonyms. After all, they denote the terms used in speech only by individual groups of people united on some basis (not only work, but also a hobby, a place of study).
For example: the word "iron" for most is a malleable silver metal. On computer slang, it means the physical components of a PC. At the same time, it is part of phraseologism in the bodybuilder jargon of “pumping iron” - doing exercises for muscle development.
This example shows that the same word in different slangs has a distinctive meaning. However, for people not related to the areas where they are used, these interpretations may not be clear.
At the same time, another word "window", in addition to the element of the wall of the house, also means part of the graphical interface in the PC - even people who are far from a computer vocabulary
The above two examples allow you to clearly show the difference between the concepts of computer "jargon" and "slang". They are very close in meaning, but not identical, rather representing a certain evolutionary scale.
Any term used only in the environment of a particular group is jargon. If gradually people who are not related to it begin to use it everywhere in speech (but the word has not yet been assigned to the official colloquial vocabulary of the language as a full-fledged one), it already refers to slang. The “iron” mentioned above is still jargon, while the “window” is already slang.
The differences are essentially tiny, so more often the two terms are completely correlated.
When studying PC vocabulary, you should pay attention to professionalism, associating it with a specialty such as a computer specialist. This word is used to name dozens of professions related to the operation of computers. Depending on the specialization, computer professionalisms used in its environment will also differ.
For example, the specific jargon of programmers will not always be understandable to techies, and even to ordinary "users" (the users that we are with you), it will at all seem gibberish. It will be possible to understand it only by "google" ("search on the Internet" is an example of slang).
However, since almost every PC owner (who knows that the “stone” is the processor, and the “screw” is the hard drive) is used to consider himself a “computer technician”, it is not very correct to name all the specific vocabulary of this environment as “professionalism”. This is the same as putting in a row a dentist who knows how to put crowns and a surgeon specializing in coronary artery bypass grafting.
Moreover, as such a profession there is no "computer engineer". There are programmers, specialists in installing various types of computers and related equipment, web developers, layout designers, etc. In addition to people working on improving computers and programs for them, there are users who work with PCs (designers, gamers) or simply use it, not as a professional tool.
All of these categories use computer jargon in their speech. But since not all of them are specialists, it will be more correct to classify this group of terms as slang, rather than call such words "professionalism."
So to name more correctly the specific vocabulary of certain specialties related to the operation of computers. For example, the professionalism of programmers, techies, layout designers, etc.
Area of use
Just 20 years ago, all of these “hang” (the program stops responding to user commands), “glitch” (make mistakes during work) or “crash” (erase programs, OS, file) were understandable only to a narrow circle of “insiders”. Typically, these were system administrators, gamers, patrons of Internet cafes, or "rich Pinocchio" who could afford a PC.
Thanks to systematic computerization in all areas (production, education, healthcare), today every student or working person is a user. And with the expansion of the phone’s capabilities, turning it from “body” to “smart” (from English “smart”) even those who don’t have computers already use computer jargon.
If you pay attention to the age of using such words, then it is 5-50 years (for the Russian Federation). The most active "users" are 13-40. They are the ones who most often use jargon. And not only in oral, but also in written language. This is mainly due to communication in the social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others. By the way, all these brands also have abbreviation names that arose due to the slang - VK, OK and FB.
The popularity of PC slang in Russian is indicated by the fact that some even write poems in computer jargon today. Below is an essay by Inessa Fedina devoted to this topic.
How do words of computer jargon (word formation) appear?
In Russian, the terms of computer slang arise in several ways.
- Translation from another language. Most often from English, which has long become the worldwide "sponsor" of computer vocabulary. For example: windows - "windows" or "windows".
- Acronym ("mother" from "motherboard"). Quite often, a subspecies such as abbreviation appears in this method. It is used to abbreviate English words: IMHO (IMHO) - "in my humble opinion" from the phrase in my humble opinion. Or the well-known KISS-principle for the programmers "do not complicate what works well" (keep it simple, stupid).
- Transliteration from the British language. In many ways, this method of word formation arose due to the popularity of English in this area. Most of the "professional computer scientists", constantly dealing with this particular language, get used to insert foreign words. Hence there are so many anglicisms in Russian computer jargon. For example: "gamer" (player), "device" (functional device).
- Phonetic mimicry (selection of analogue words from the Russian language, sounding like English). The aforementioned example “device” has another analogue on slang - “damsel”. Another example is the "daemon" (Daemon Tools program), "ICQ" (ICQ).
- Pun word formation. With this method, jargon appears as a joke based on a consonant pun. For example: playing Quake is "croaking", and deleting something with the del key is "doing business."
Classification of slang by their graphic component
Russian computer slang can be divided into several categories according to various criteria.
By the type of letters jargon are:
- Cyrillic (“post” - send a message, emphasis on the first syllable);
- Latin (OMG- surprise, this is an abbreviation of oh, my God);
- iconic (:) - smile;
- digital (3.14 - replacing the syllable "pi" in abusive terms);
- mixed (10x - thanks, due to the similar sound in English with thanks).
Thematic classification of computer jargon
In addition to origin, it is possible to systematize by topic.
- Work with PC ("soap" - send by e-mail).
- Computer problems (WTF - “What is this?” Is an abbreviation of the English expression what the fuck).
- Component parts of the device ("Azer" - Acer computer).
- Internet ("Donkey" - Internet Explorer).
- The name of programs, commands, files, games ("Windows" - Microsoft Windows operating system).
- A person who works or is somehow connected with a PC ("lamer" is an inexperienced user who considers himself a professional).
Based on the above examples of computer jargon, this separation is very conditional. After all, the word "soap" can be attributed not only to working with computers, but also to the group "Internet".
Classification by area of use
It is possible and thus divided into categories of computer jargon.
- Slang gamers.
- Internet language.
- General vocabulary.
- Professionalism.
About computer games
Using a PC for games at all times was considered a waste of time. And meanwhile, it was this sphere that in many respects contributed to the development of animation, sound, and the Internet itself.
A lot of computer games have been made for the development of computer slang. Therefore, today it stands out in a separate category, including in the Russian language. For example: "bot" (short for "robot" means a character controlled by a PC), "clan" (a team of players), "spike" (the same as "to swing" - to play).
There are classifications in which the slang of computer games is classified as professionalism. Are they right? It all depends on whether gaming is considered a profession or entertainment.
Literary computer language
Not every term related to computers or Internet topics refers to computer jargon. Since this device has become an integral part of life, in Russian began to form a layer of vocabulary, officially enshrined as a literary norm.
It is used in the field of scientific and technical research, the creation of new PC technologies, when writing educational literature on computer science, etc. Where - the use of slang is unacceptable.
The official vocabulary contains less English and vulgarisms, in addition, the words in it are more often of Russian origin.
For example, "user". The term was in use at the dawn of computer technology. He firmly entrenched, did not allow himself to supplant the "user" jargon.
But a PC (personal computer) is a sad example of borrowing from an English PC (personal computer). There is the Russian name PC (personal electronic computer). Both terms refer to official vocabulary. In this case, a PC is more acceptable, but is used less often than a PC.
In fact, the computer literary norm is that cherished finish that every jargon aspires to. But few people manage to get here. Moreover, the words, which are an abbreviation of the adopted terms "system administrator" ("admin"), "identifier" ("identity"), IP-address ("IP"), etc.
Comparing the Russian computer literary norm or slang, it is found that the latter is not only more numerous, but also popular among "users". Most linguists attribute this to the laziness of the current generation, the desire to imitate English. However, the truth is that jargon unloved by linguists is popular because it is convenient. With its help, long definitions or difficult to remember abbreviations (often consisting of combinations of English and Russian letters) - gain simpler and more understandable names. They are easier, and most importantly, faster to record - which is important when every second counts.
Of course, taking and automatically turning the jargon of "computer scientists" into a literary norm is not an option. Agree, "zhoporez" instead of GPRS in the official instructions will be more than ridiculous to look. But many words can and should be borrowed precisely from there, as tested by time and practice. After all, the main goal of the language is to provide communication, to make it fast and convenient.