Leopard fish has several names. Due to its unusual spotty color, it is called a giraffe. In pet stores you can find the name "venustus" or "zirthocara." Golden leopard is a predator. The content is quite complicated, beginners are not recommended to start such a fish.
Origin and habitat
Zirtokara is a unique fish. It is found only in the only African lake in Malawi. It lives at a depth of 10-12 meters. Golden leopard is a schooling fish. The male and three or four females gather in a group. Beginners are not accepted, they can eat them.
This is a very beautiful fish. The males are especially good, they are easy to distinguish from the "girlfriends" in color. Females are pale, the main color is beige or light yellow. The spots on the body are almost invisible. Against the background of males, they seem rather mediocre.
Males stand out for their color. The main color is beige, pale yellow or bright yellow. Dark green or olive spots are scattered across it. The head is decorated with black stripes running from the corners of the mouth to the eyes.
The older the male, the more striking his appearance. Becoming sexually mature, males completely change color. The spots disappear or fade, and the upper part of the head turns blue. A golden stripe appears on the forehead, it stretches to the dorsal fin.
The tail of individuals of both sexes is painted in olive color. It has a golden edging. The ventral and pectoral fins are blue.
The characteristics of the gold leopard are as follows:
The fish is large, its size reaches 25 centimeters.
Venustus eyes are large, located on the sides of the head.
Very large and thick lips.
This cichlid has a big head. Its volumes are 1/3 of the whole body.
- On the dorsal fin, a golden fringing is required.
A photo of a golden leopard can be seen below. It depicts a large fish that needs an impressive aquarium. Some sources indicate that a flock of venustus is enough for 200 liters. This is not so, four fish will need a 500 liter aquarium.
Giraffe fish needs numerous shelters. The more various caves and grottoes, the better for her. These fish tend to divide the territory. When there are many shelters, they have nothing to share.
The bottom is equipped with sand or small gravel. The latter should have rounded edges so that the golden leopard does not hurt. These cichlids are excavators; they love to dig the bottom. It is recommended to plant plants with a strong root system, fixing them well. You can use special pots for aquarium plants.
The aquarium must be equipped with a good external filter. A biological or ceramic filler would be ideal. Leopard fish is afraid of high nitrite levels in the aquarium. To identify them, it is recommended to do a weekly test of water parameters.
Circular cars are sensitive to water parameters. The optimum temperature for them is from 25 to 27 degrees above zero. Hardness should not exceed 20, pH varies from 7.5 to 8.5 units.
As for the replacement of water, everything is standard here. Once a week, replace 30% of the total volume of the aquarium. Mandatory cleaning of the bottom using a siphon. This will help get rid of organic substances.
Gold leopard aquarium fish loves good lighting. The daylight hours in the aquarium are 10-12 hours.
Zirtokara is a predatory fish. Her diet includes seafood, live and frozen food.
Feed List:
- boiled shrimp;
- squid;
- crab sticks;
- beef heart;
- chicken or beef;
- bloodworm;
- Artemia
- daphnia;
- pipe maker.
The meat and heart are given raw and boiled. If the fish is fed a raw product, it must be thawed and boiled with boiling water.
Boil squids, cut into small cubes. Crab sticks are cut so that the fish can swallow them.
Bloodworms, artemia, daphnia and tubule can be given frozen.
In addition to natural fodder, they give dry. They are well balanced, they have everything you need for a gold leopard. Such feeds are developed by reputable German companies. They are made taking into account the needs of Malawian cichlids.
Feed the fish 4-5 times a week.
The gold leopard (pictured above) prefers a company of its own kind. With other cichlids it does not get along well. The males of the circus car are pugnacious, defending their territories with enviable tenacity. They will fight to the last, there is a high probability of killing the enemy.
Hold gold leopards in flocks. The presence of other fish species in the aquarium is undesirable.
Life span
The average lifespan of venustus is 7–9 years. With good care, they survive to 11-12 years.
Golden leopard becomes sexually mature by the age of one. It reproduces easily in the aquarium; no special intervention by the owner is required.
The incentive for the mating season to begin is to increase the water temperature by two to three degrees.
The male begins to care for the female. Curls around her, writing out intricate figures. He swims up to the side and flirts, slightly pushing his forehead. If the female is ready for courtship, she favorably accepts them. If not, then drives away the groom.
At the onset of the mating season, future parents are imprisoned. This is a desirable condition for good breeding. Spawning - a separate aquarium equipped with a filter, heater and shelters. Mandatory presence of a sandy bottom. In it, the male will dig a hole for caviar.
The female lays eggs in the prepared hole, the male fertilizes it. The number of eggs varies from 50 to 130 pieces. The female lays eggs in her mouth after fertilization. Caviar is in her mouth for 2-3 weeks. Fries are born there. After birth, they leave the maternal mouth.
The male remains with the female until the fry are born. Then it is planted, and the female is left with the young for 2-3 weeks, until they begin to eat on their own. Daphnia or Artemia is used to feed young animals. You can feed "newborns" with special food for fry.
Venustus are sensitive to water parameters. Any deviation from the norm can cause a disease called "swelling of Malawi." It is very fast. Three days are enough, followed by death.
The main symptomatology is similar to dropsy of fish. Inflates the cichlid, her belly swells. The aquarium dweller becomes lethargic, refuses food. The fish bulges his eyes, difficulty breathing.
Disease prevention is the proper care of the aquarium. Regular water change and soil cleaning.
Interesting Facts
Gold leopard fish is a born hunter. Interesting tactics of his hunting, used in the natural habitat. Venustus lies to the bottom, pretending to be dead. As soon as a small fish swims past, he instantly attacks it. This style of hunting is an ambush.
Captivity is reflected in the size of this cichlid. Rarely grows over 20 centimeters. The average size is from 15 to 18 centimeters.
Golden Leopard is a smart fish. No matter how it sounds, but he is able to recognize his master. If one person feeds the fish, then they quickly get used to it. Swim into the glass of the aquarium when the breadwinner comes up. Other individuals float to the surface, drawing attention to themselves. Some let you stroke yourself.
The Golden Leopard is quite moody in content. He needs a large aquarium, constant monitoring of water parameters and costly feeding.