Since ancient times, the dog was tamed by man. She became his faithful assistant - a guard, a shepherd, a watchman. Over time, the special qualities of these animals began to be used in public service.
Service dog breeding in Russia: history
In Russia, many dogs have always been bred, which were used for protection, as well as a means of transportation in the northern regions. In the Caucasus and Central Asia, shepherd breeds (South Russian Shepherd dogs) were bred, which were awarded at the exhibition in Paris.
In 1904, J. Bungard founded the service of medical dogs. German shepherds were used in it.
In 1908, a society was created that promoted the use of dogs in guard and police services. This organization was small, it included about 300 high-ranking officials and police officers. Later, this society opened a nursery and a school for training dog handlers.
In our country, the Day of Cynologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been celebrated since June 21, 1909. It was from this date that the history of official dog breeding began. In St. Petersburg, the first Russian kennel opened, engaged in breeding and training detective police dogs. On its basis, the school of trainers began to work.
Quite quickly, the use of service dogs spread throughout the country - by December 1912, dogs began to be used to solve serious crimes in fifty Russian provinces.
The development of service dog breeding in the Soviet years
After the end of the civil war, official dog breeding continues to develop. New nurseries are being formed and dog handlers are being trained. In 1923, a course program was developed for border guard instructors . In the same year, the school of wanted dogs began its work. Animals were prepared for the criminal investigation of the NKVD.
In late August 1924, the famous Red Star nursery was created. Since 1928, service dogs began to be recorded in the All-Union Pedigree Book. At the same time, courses were opened to train experts in tribal and judicial work.
The main service breed in Soviet Russia was the Doberman, but already at that time, experts began to discuss the possibility of breeding domestic breeds, as well as the acquisition of purebred German shepherds abroad.
War years
In the very first days of World War II, almost all service dog breeding clubs in our country began to hand over their pupils to the army. The number of animals sent to help Soviet soldiers was in the thousands. At the same time, most clubs and nurseries managed to maintain the breeding stock.
During this difficult time for our country, detachments of mine detectors and tank destroyers were formed from dogs. Often, dog handlers went to the front with their pets. The war caused great damage to official dog breeding of the Soviet Union, and many kennels and clubs began their work in the postwar years from scratch.
The development of service dog breeding today
Today the prestige of the dog service in our country has significantly increased. Everyone who wants to become a dog handler goes through a rigorous selection process, not only among applicants for this position, but also among service dogs. A candidate for dog training should establish contact with the animal as soon as possible.
Today 78 subjects of Russia have their own service dog breeding centers. They include: dog handlers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - more than 7000 people, dog handlers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - more than 3000 specialists.
Nowadays, police dogs in Russia are about a dozen breeds. Some of them carry out a full range of official investigative work, others are involved in certain areas of it.
Universal (and main) police dogs are German Shepherds. These animals are effective in working with the PPS outfit, have proven themselves well in operational investigative work at the crime scene, and show excellent results in the search units. The main advantage of the German Shepherd is a stable psyche. This is a physically strong, high- intelligence animal.
Similar qualities are distinguished by a close relative of the "Germans" - an Eastern European shepherd. This dog is also widely used by the police today.
Belgian shepherd dog
New, previously unused breeds are rapidly gaining popularity. Belgian Shepherd police dogs are fast and explosive, which leaves no chance for an attacker to escape detention.
Rottweilers are found in the Ministry of Internal Affairs much less frequently. These brave, moderately aggressive and intelligent animals successfully carry out patrol service and are engaged in search work.
Some breeds that are suitable for law enforcement are less represented in our police force. Black Terriers and Giant Schnauzers, for example, are great guards, but their maintenance is too expensive. Dobermans, who still served in the tsarist police, are not used at all today, as experts note a significant selective deterioration of the breed in our country.
Why aren't fighting breeds used?
Experts say that dog training units with representatives of fighting breeds can be counted on the fingers. This has its own explanations: for example, when arresting a criminal, the bull terrier’s grip is not required. And given that these dogs react aggressively to other animals, it becomes clear that they cannot become police dogs.
There are breeds that experts continue to argue about until now. They cannot identify dogs that are not intended to be detained. The main battles are caused by police dogs of the breed Spaniel and Labrador. The opinions of dog handlers were divided. Some believe that both breeds are suitable as search engines, while others give the palm to spaniels, noting the Labrador’s conflict and that they are easily distracted from work by extraneous irritants.
The use of dogs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Police dogs, no doubt, have a psychological effect on others. It is difficult to imagine a daredevil who does not fulfill the requirements of a police officer, or (even worse) will object to him, showing aggression if there is a powerful rottweiler or a shepherd near the guard on a leash.
Probably, not everyone knows that the training of service dogs has the main goal - minimizing harm to humans. Properly trained and physically strong shepherd during detention can cause very serious injuries. That is why, in this situation, the main requirement is placed on her - to instantly and implicitly execute the command “let go!”.
In the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in transport units, police dogs are involved in the detection of explosives and drugs.
In the forensic work of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one can not do without the sensitive scent of a dog. Sometimes a sniffer dog helps to solve complex crimes that many employees seemed “deaf”.
Dog handlers are confident that a bloodhound is an animal that has reached the pinnacle of a "career." Not all representatives of various breeds are capable of doing such a noble job. And those who, by definition, can handle this work, undergo a serious course of training and training that does not stop until the end of the service of the animal.
A real sniffer dog should learn the following skills:
- track work;
- protection of premises and individual items;
- search a building or area;
- distrust of outsiders;
- the detention of the offender and his protection until the arrival of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
During studies with snoops, not only the scent develops, but the ability to feel the general condition of a person is also aggravated. Instructors claim that dogs feel fear. This often helps four-legged “law enforcement officers” to solve the most complicated crimes.
It has been scientifically proven that the probability that a dog smells wrong is one in a hundred million. The behavior of the animal during an odorological examination (for example, when it is necessary to establish whether the instrument of crime belongs to a specific person) is irrefutable evidence in court.
In order to raise a good bloodhound, it is necessary to take into account the age of the animal. The dog must be no older than three years old, hardy, physically strong, have keen hearing and a unique sense of smell. Training of such animals lasts about six months in specialized schools.
Police dogs are trained from one to three years old. In the kennel, the animal is assigned to the instructor and sent for training. The training of a service dog lasts from six to eight months. During this time, the animal masters the general course of training and training in special disciplines (the search for drugs and explosives).
The Kennel Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses a combination of two methods - game and taste-encouraging. The second option allows you to establish close contact between the young dog and the instructor, thereby reducing the training time.
The first method implements the dog’s natural need for the game and minimally loads the animal’s nervous system, educates the desire to complete the task. This method is especially effective for search engines. In addition, such a method has been successfully used for drag training.
“Figurant” - a trainer in a tight suit, which depicts an intruder, fastens a dog’s favorite toy on the suit, and the animal must disrupt it. After the assignment is successfully completed, the teenage puppy is allowed to take the protective sleeve off the trainer and pat it ad libitum. Training is based on the hunting instinct of the animal.
After passing the training course, the dog is able to detain the criminal, without fear of any blows or shots. You need to know that training on the site, where the animals "tear to pieces" the instructor, with the actual use of the dog have little in common. We have already mentioned that after a bite, the dog must release the intruder on the first command. Tearing at the training ground is allowed to satisfy the animal's instincts and gives him emotional release.
The selection of things by smell is produced simply and does not require much time and effort. This skill is needed for odor differentiating dogs (bloodhounds). Today, training methods for sampling are promising for the training of dogs for guard and search services. In this regard, almost every kennel of service dogs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR applied training on sampling for a treat, designating the selected item with styling.
However, this technique, which at one time significantly increased the effectiveness of work, has significant drawbacks - dogs pollute selected things with their own smell. Animals work productively only on those things that have a strong and fresh smell.
The use of service dogs in law enforcement around the world is still relevant. Whether she works on the trail or searches for drugs - her help in solving crimes is hard to overestimate. But keep in mind that dog professions are very diverse - they serve as rescuers in the Ministry of Emergencies, assistants to the military and drug police, show excellent results at customs, and protect important facilities.