One of the most popular PHP programming languages contains a rich library of functions. Each of them differs in its properties, but due to the large number of operations and similar names, developers often get confused. The questions are raised by the PHP microtime function - what does it do and how does it differ from those similar to it?
Microtime function
In PHP, microtime returns Unix time as a result, accurate to microseconds. Despite the built-in operation in the programming language, it is not capable of working on all systems. In earlier versions of operating systems where the gettimeofday () system call is missing, this function will produce incorrect results.
microtime() - , . , true ( . ""), . - ( ) false ( . ""), msec sec. , , - , 1970 , .
PHP microtime() , , . .
microtime, PHP - time. "", time() - , Unix, 1 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. time() , , .
, date(). , PHP - microtime.