Nutrient soil for aquarium plants: selection, preparation, styling

Aquarium soil is extremely important. However, many perceive the soil for the aquarium as a regular filler, which can be filled in any convenient way and generally do not especially think about its composition. That is why novice aquarists must first familiarize themselves with useful recommendations from experts.

Red fish

There are people who do not fall asleep at all to the bottom of artificial reservoirs. However, this is fundamentally the wrong approach. The fact is that the nutrient soil for aquarium plants is a powerful biological filter, which cannot be abandoned or replaced with any other analogue. Otherwise, the microflora of the artificial reservoir will be disrupted. This will affect the condition of the plants and the fish themselves.

How a substrate for aquarium plants can affect the biological environment

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in most aquariums a fairly large amount of greenery usually grows. If you are the owner of just such an artificial reservoir, then in this case it is necessary to choose the right soil. She will be able to enrich the roots, leaves and other parts of plants with all the necessary nutrient components. Much depends on the greenery itself.

Some do not really think about what plants should be in the aquarium, so they don’t plant anything at all. But, if we are talking about a serious passion, then we must make sure that there are plants in the pond. For example, the most unpretentious are duckweed, elodea, hornwort, and moss.

Some aquarists make their own soil. However, it must be remembered that it will be necessary to maintain a certain biological equilibrium within the artificial reservoir. The fact is that the aquarium is a closed ecosystem, so if you make at least some minor mistake, then the plants can begin to hurt. If this happens to them, it will negatively affect the fish themselves and other living organisms in the tank.

Many beginner fish lovers create a nutritious soil for aquarium plants by analogy with the greenhouse. They mix peat, manure, clay and soil, and then pour the mixture into the bottom of an artificial reservoir. However, such compositions most often have a negative effect on all inhabitants of the aquarium.

Plants in the aquarium

For example, it is worth noting that peat and clay are such components that need to be used in the smallest proportions. Some professionals use such mixtures exclusively as a top dressing for very young plants. In addition, it all depends on the specific water that is in the aquarium. The fact is that peat may not always be useful, since it has a softening effect on the aquatic environment. This negatively affects the health of the fish.

Quartz sand for the aquarium and basalt chips

If we talk about quartz sand, then it can be used far from always. If we are talking about plants, then they cannot develop normally only in a sandy environment. It does not have the right amount of nutrients. Therefore, even though quartz sand for the aquarium looks very stylish, you need to use it very carefully. It is suitable for an artificial reservoir in which there are no living plants. But even in this case, before use, such a composition must not only be thoroughly rinsed, but also calcined.

Marble basalt chips and quartz sand are used in the so-called white soil for the aquarium. It should be borne in mind that such components can also affect the composition of water, changing its alkaline balance and hardness. The nutrient soil for the aquarium itself should be a substrate, which includes macro- and microelements. It will allow plants to develop fully, and fish will receive the necessary nutrients. The color of the fish and the algae themselves even depends on the quality of the substrate.

What is nutrient soil

In this case, we are talking about a specially developed commercial soil for artificial reservoirs in which live plants are located. It is made on the basis of clay, soil, mineral and other nutrient components, which are mixed in such a ratio to fully meet all the needs of living plants and the fish themselves.

Green plant

Sometimes special bacteria are added to the nutrient soil for aquarium plants, which can create the most optimal microflora. Outwardly, such soil looks like ordinary earth. Accordingly, brown shades prevail in it. If it is a little reddish and dark in color, then in this case a greater amount of iron is present in its composition. If the soil is grayish, then this indicates a higher clay content.

However, there is one common feature that unites all varieties of nutrient soil. It is characterized by increased porosity, differs from the standard so-called “bare” earth. In these compositions, fractions are usually no more than 3 mm, but larger fractions up to 4-5 mm can be found.

The porosity of the soil also depends on the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir. For example, if we talk about the care and maintenance of guppy fish, then on the one hand there are no strict rules regarding the optimal composition. But experienced experts say that these fish are more suitable for medium-sized soil. If it is too large, then the root system of plants will not fully develop. Too small a fraction will lead to faster clogging of the entire aquarium.

What are ground cover plants

Often these plants grow in aquariums that will not be able to continue their life without nutritious soil. The fact is that they have very small and thin roots. In this case, sand or quartz chips for the aquarium is completely unsuitable.

In order to form a beautiful carpet at the bottom of an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to create the necessary “atmosphere”, which can be achieved only with the help of nutrient soil. And it is also worth noting that such land is vital for any plants in which a red tint prevails. Otherwise, they will lose their beautiful shade and become pale.

For which aquariums do you need to buy such soil?

Much depends on the chosen soil, as well as on the volume of the artificial reservoir. However, it should be borne in mind that such compositions are very expensive, so they are extremely rarely used if the volume of the aquarium is more than 60 liters. In this case, you need to consider other options.

As a rule, owners of the so-called nano-aquariums, the volume of which reaches 30 liters, buy a more expensive nutrient soil for aquarium plants. Calculating the volume of the substrate is not difficult. As a rule, for most artificial plants, a soil layer with a height of 3 to 5 cm is required. However, if we are talking about ground cover plants with rather thin roots or, conversely, those algae that have too large a root system, then the soil layer must be at least 5 cm.

How to start an aquarium on nutrient soil and start looking after it

If we talk about the launch of the aquarium on a nutrient mixture or ordinary soil, then the difference here is small. In some situations, a washing procedure is needed. For example, if quartz sand is placed on the bottom of the aquarium. It all depends on the particular soil, its composition and manufacturer. Therefore, before using the mixture, be sure to read the instructions on the package. However, there are some features that are worth paying attention to.

Planting plants

For example, plants are recommended to be planted in the aquarium, which is filled to a third with water. It is not recommended to plant them in dry soil. There is also no need to add liquid fertilizers during the first seven days. 14 days is recommended to change the water every three days. You also need to install the right light for aquarium plants right away. It should not be too bright. Otherwise, the algae will begin to grow too actively, the water will bloom.

It is also worth choosing the right soil. If there are several proven brands that are preferred by experienced aquarists.

Seachem flourite

These formulations are usually sold in packages of 7 kg. This "live" soil for the aquarium can be found in the pet store or purchased on the Internet. By itself, this soil is a fairly porous, fine gravel that is suitable for natural plant aquariums. Also in this soil there is a large amount of soil, contains a lot of iron.

Quality soil

A similar composition is considered the best for plants of bright red color. Also, it is worth paying attention to those who are interested in the care and maintenance of guppy fish. Especially when it comes to the inhabitants of the aquarium with a red color. For example, there is a guppy called the Red Dragon. They have a beautiful tail of a saturated shade. For such fish, this is the optimal soil.

This substrate may seem a little dusty. This is due to the presence of a large amount of clay. If we talk about its advantages, then it is great for artificial ponds. A similar substrate can be mixed with other types of soils.

However, there are several drawbacks. For example, due to the large presence of clay, water may be more cloudy during the start-up of the aquarium or during a fluid change. Despite the fact that there is a large amount of iron in this soil, there are few other nutrient components in it.

ADA Aquasoil “Amazonia”

Mixtures of this type are sold in packages of 2 to 9 liters. They are quite possible to find in ordinary stores. This is one of the most common types of soil, which is popular all over the world. This product can really be called raw materials of the highest quality. The soil is dark in color, which positively affects the color of aquarium fish.

Thanks to this nutrient soil, it is possible to maintain the correct pH balance of water, which is about 6.8%. This is a premium raw material that allows plants and other aquarium inhabitants to get all the necessary components for full growth.

If we talk about the advantages of this composition, then it is perfect for ground cover and small plants. It has all the necessary micro and macro elements. This is one of the few primers that is also suitable for shrimp.

Composition "Amazonia"

If we talk about the shortcomings, we can distinguish a rather high cost and the fact that over time the texture of the soil will be destroyed.

How to make a nutritional substrate at home

First of all, you need to remember that the soil for the aquarium is the soil, which consists of several layers. If we talk about what you need to purchase for such a substrate, then it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is made from:

  • granular activated carbon (can be replaced with birch);
  • refined clay for aquarium plants;
  • active additives and sorbents (they are sold in stores)
  • peat;
  • fallen oak leaves that are finely chopped (if necessary, can be replaced with coconut fiber);
  • fine pebbles or coarse sand.

If we talk about each component separately, then it is worth paying attention, first of all, to activated carbon. It is a natural sorbent that allows you to neutralize products formed during the decay of various organic substances. Accordingly, activated carbon is able to clean the soil from harmful impurities that will gradually form in it. However, it should be borne in mind that if coal has been in an artificial pond for too long, then in this case it will start releasing all the harmful components that have accumulated in it. Therefore, it is recommended that once every 10 months a complete replacement of such soil be made.

Clay also needs to be added carefully, especially when it comes to red. And it contains a large amount of iron. This component is not suitable for every fish and plants. Sorbent, or as it is also called an absorbent, is purchased in a store. This is a granular composition, which is a layered material enriched with nutrients. You can buy it at almost any pet store for a small cost.

In peat, you can find a large number of organic substances that are necessary for the root system of plants in the aquarium. However, do not confuse it with river sludge. The second option contributes to the rapid oxidation of the soil. Natural forest peat is also not suitable in this case. It is best to prefer granular or pelletized peat.

Aquarium with plants

If we talk about the foliage of trees, then in this case you can use oak, some use linden. However, do not forget that such foliage will throw a significant amount of tannins into the water, which are not suitable for every fish. The best option in this case is coconut fiber.

How to lay soil

Components are stacked at the bottom of the tank in layers. At the very top there should be pebbles or coarse sand. In the lower part the nutrient substrate is laid. The total height of the soil is about 2-3 cm. If it is assumed that the soil will also act as a biological filter, then this will require a bacterial activator. This component will provoke beneficial bacteria to multiply. As a result, the water remains clean longer, and the fish are contented and healthy.

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