Children are our everything. No woman can understand how it is to be a mother until she becomes her. With the advent of a child, many cannot even imagine how they used to do without such a treasure. However, it is not enough to give birth to a son or daughter (or both at once), they also need to be raised and raised. And it is unlikely that one of the parents will be pleased with the fact that their child is slightly behind their peers in terms of growth. Vitamins for children help fill this gap. They can be obtained from natural products or purchased ready-made vitamin complexes in a pharmacy.
However, if the low growth of the child is due to heredity, then it can hardly be fixed. The situation is completely different if the baby is developing poorly, while parents just have growth within the normal range. Here you need to think about the problem. In this article, we’ll look at what vitamins can help many children with this kind of trouble.
Fundamental factors
In addition to genetics, a number of factors influence human growth. However, if certain conditions for its stimulation are met, then you can "win" a small increase in growth (by 10-15 cm). At the same time, various negative factors will serve the opposite process, and the growth rate may become lower than that planned by Mother Nature herself.
But before you figure out what vitamin is needed for a child’s growth, consider what contributes to this.
- The right diet.
- Physical activity.
- Daily regime.
- Enrichment of the child's body with vitamins.
The importance of a proper diet is known to many people, not only in relation to children, but also to adults. If children receive a balanced and wholesome diet, they will grow up normally. To do this, they need to enrich their body with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Most of the necessary amino acids are found in foods of animal origin. With a nutrient deficiency, the child will not grow properly.
As for physical activity, it is not for nothing that one sage has a good expression: "Movement is life!" And hardly anyone wants to argue with this. Many children lead an active lifestyle, this is absolutely normal. Their skeletal structure and muscles are still at the developmental stage and therefore, most of the time they are in motion. During this period of their life, vitamins for the growth of children are simply necessary. But if only a child sits at a computer or lessons for a long time, excluding any physical activity, then his growth rate may slow down.
Exactly like physical activity, the daily routine is also good. All activity should occur only in the daytime, and at night only a dream is shown and no gatherings. It is proven that children grow up at night. This is due to the fact that the production of growth hormone occurs only during deep sleep. Moreover, normally a child from 7 to 12 years old should spend a night's rest in bed for at least 8.5-11 hours. Young children - 12 hours.
The child can get vitamins not only from food, especially with regard to the scarcity of the daily diet. With a balanced diet, his body is enriched with the necessary daily amount of all useful minerals that contribute to the development and growth of children.
Violation of the intake of necessary vitamins for the growth of children leads to its slowdown. In this case, serious diseases may occur associated with a malfunction of some systems: cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory. Often the cause of such problems is the malfunctioning of any endocrine gland (thyroid gland, adrenal gland).
The need for additional vitamins
In our time, it is impossible to supply the body with all the nutrients within the daily requirements. And there are a number of reasons for this:
- Ecological situation.
- The quality of the products.
- The presence of any diseases and disorders that lead to a slowdown in the digestibility of essential trace elements.
With the abundance of vitamins for the growth of children, they are highly energetic, less likely to get sick peers. Vitamins that help our sons and daughters to grow contribute to physical, mental and psychological development. In other words, there are no substances that are intended only for human growth. As there is no such product or tablet, by eating or taking it, you can quickly grow to the desired limit.
At the same time, there are complexes of vitamin preparations due to which human growth is activated. They contribute to the improvement of metabolism, due to which there is a growth of the body and a set of muscle mass. As statistical studies show, only 2% of people have the same growth as genetically programmed.
The value of vitamins for the growth and development of the child
Vitamins are necessary at any age, but this is especially true for children, because a person has an intensive growth until he reaches the age of 20. Therefore, it is so important to take vitamins in childhood. Consider now which vitamins promote growth.
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamin B.
- Vitamin C.
- Vitamin D and calcium.
- Vitamin E.
- Vitamin K.
If there is a deficiency in the children's body, then the consequence of this will be a slowdown in the growth of the child. And not only does he grow slower than his peers, he is also less mobile and runs the risk of getting sick at any moment.
Vitamin A
Do not underestimate the importance of this vitamin for the growth of a child in height, since it contributes to the active growth of the human body. In particular, we are talking about bones and cartilage. In addition, he takes part in the formation of protein, which, in fact, is our building material.
To obtain this necessary vitamin, it is worth including certain foods in the diet:
- in green and yellow vegetables, but especially a lot of it in carrots, broccoli, pumpkin;
- beef liver;
- fish fat;
- peaches;
- rosehip;
- melon;
- dairy fatty products of natural origin.
Vitamin A is well absorbed in combination with other organic compounds of type E.
Vitamin B
The role of this vitamin is to support the metabolic process at the proper level. It is thanks to him that a good digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs in the children's body.
What vitamins are needed for the growth of the child? This is not about any one vitamin B, but refers to a whole group: B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 5 , B 6 , B 9 , B 12 . To get them all, you need to choose a whole vitamin complex for the child.
In addition, this group is also useful in that it improves digestion, normalizes blood circulation, and nourishes all body tissues. But what is even more valuable - the work of the nervous system is regulated.
Vitamin C
Thanks to him, the children's body assimilates other essential vitamins and minerals well. It promotes the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the restoration of any tissue, including bone.
Natural sources of this vitamin are:
- tangerines;
- pineapples
- spinach;
- parsley;
- currant;
- wild strawberries;
- cabbage (cauliflower and white).
In addition, vitamin is also found in many fresh vegetables, but in smaller quantities.
Vitamin D and Calcium
What vitamins to give a child for growth? Speaking about this indicator of the child, one way or another, the development of its skeletal structure is implied. In the child, the pineal glands, the spongy tissue of the hands and feet are still cartilaginous tissue, which subsequently bones.
The main nutrition for bones is calcium. But the whole point is that it is absorbed only in the presence in the body of another necessary vitamin - D. In this connection, during the period of active development of children, he simply must be present in the diet of every child.
Foods Rich In Vitamin D:
- cottage cheese;
- cheese;
- butter (creamy vegetable);
- egg yolk;
- a fish.
Most experts agree that in the summer, children receive the necessary amount of vitamin D, which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight. This is especially true for just children, so in the summer it is advisable for them to spend most of the time outdoors.
Every child whose body is supplied with useful vitamins is actively growing, and he will also have good and strong teeth.
Vitamin E
This is a vitamin that affects the growth of the child, with the help of which the fight against free radicals, which except for harm to the human body do nothing more. It is a kind of natural antioxidant. He takes part in recovery processes. In other words, the efforts of the child's body are aimed at growth, and less effort can be spent on recovery.
To maintain an optimal daily level of vitamin E, it is enough to eat:
- nuts (walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts);
- beans;
- soy;
- oil (olive and other vegetable);
- cereals (buckwheat, oat, barley);
- berries (sea buckthorn, rose hip, chokeberry).
With the help of vitamin E, you can regulate the hormonal background and carbohydrate metabolism, strengthen immunity.
Example of the correct menu
What can a sample menu look like to provide a daily dosage of nutrients? The main thing is that cereals are included in the diet, which saturate the children's body with energy for the whole day and contribute to comfortable digestion.
It was considered above which vitamins are better for the growth of children, now it is time to get acquainted with one of the types of the daily menu. For breakfast, you can serve your child any porridge (oat, buckwheat, corn, millet, rice, pearl barley), boiled in water or milk in a ratio of 1 to 1. During the week, offer boiled eggs once or twice. Bread is preferable from wholemeal. Then you can drink all this with tea or natural juice.
Lunch is considered the main meal, so foods rich in protein should be present. And so that building material is better absorbed by the body, you should take care of the intake of plant fiber. Before the main dishes, salads of fresh vegetables (parsley, celery, spinach) should be served.
Then you can already include soups and broths with beef, pork or chicken breast. Once a week, the child should be treated with offal (kidneys, liver) and fish. Of natural juices, carrot and orange are especially useful. As a substitute for them - tea.
High tea
After a hearty dinner, the child’s body was enriched with useful substances, but for the normal functioning of the digestive system it is impossible to do without additional and natural vitamins for growth (children 10 years and older, this applies primarily). A good afternoon snack will come from dairy products:
- kefir;
- cottage cheese;
- milk;
- sour cream;
- cheese.
Fresh fruits will also be useful, and it is advisable to eat them up to 2 kg during the day, including vegetables.
As for the last meal, it should be light. Heavy food on the eve of sleep contributes to metabolic disorders and a decrease in the production of growth hormone at night. For this reason, it is best to limit yourself to:
- eggs
- seafood (squid, shrimp, crab, mussels, seaweed);
- fresh vegetables in combination with a small amount of chicken meat (in the form of a salad);
- nuts (not more than 50 g);
- tea or juice.
Thanks to such a healthy diet, each child will receive the necessary amount of useful trace elements. In addition, his sleep will be good, and he will grow a few millimeters.
Additional sources of growth
As for the best vitamins for the growth of children, various complexes, dietary supplements, nutritional supplements that contain all the necessary nutrients can be prescribed as additions to natural sources by decision of a doctor. Only parents should understand that it is not recommended to engage in their selection and establish a dosage. This is the prerogative of a specialist only. In addition, it is worth considering the features of the child's body.
Often such complexes are:
- "Complivit Calcium D3" - contributes to the normalization of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in children aged 3 years and older.
- "Multi-Tabs Kid Calcium +" - this supplement to the main diet of the child was created to eliminate nutrient deficiency. It is very popular, both among doctors and parents.
- "Calcohel" - this drug belongs to homeopathic remedies and is considered the best vitamins for children for growth and development. They allow you to adjust the functioning of calcium metabolism.
- "Bee Big from Vision" - this complex contains everything you need for the growth of the baby (or baby), thereby eliminating calcium deficiency in the child's body.
- "Growth-norm" is another complex homeopathic medicine that is approved for use by newborns. It helps to regulate mineral metabolism, improves bone formation during the recovery period after an injury or active growth of a child.
- "Centrum Junior" - sweet chewable tablets, contain a complex of vitamins for growth and improve metabolism in the body. They are recommended for children 3 years and older, but can be assigned to a two-year-old child, but only with the approval of a doctor.
Public position
According to many reviews of vitamins for the growth of children, many mothers care about the health and level of development of their children, but when they grow actively, there is no reason to worry. At the same time, in some families, a child may lag behind their peers in growth rates. Loving parents, this fact can not but worry. And on the "parent" forums on the Web, you can find useful recommendations regarding certain vitamins and mineral complexes.
And no matter what drug is exalted by the majority, parents have a unanimous opinion that only a doctor should prescribe additional complexes, otherwise it can only get worse.
It’s like self-medication, where you can do nothing but harm yourself. But we are talking about the most precious thing that every person can have - a son or daughter. Among most vitamins for the growth of children, reviews of many women are in favor of Complivit Calcium.
The level of growth of any person is laid at the genetic level. But, as was noted, only a very small part reach their planned growth - only 2%. For the rest, 98% there is a clear shortage of 5-10 cm. Of course, there are plenty of factors for this, which is worth at least the fact that most teenagers begin to drink alcohol and smoke. And many children spend almost all their time in the "pleasant" company of the computer.
As a result, all this leads not only to metabolic disturbance, but also to the appearance of certain diseases, muscle weakness. Due to physical inactivity, children can be overweight, which further aggravates their health.
So that our children can fully develop, they need to be closely monitored while they are still at a very young age. For this, it is necessary to supply their organisms with useful substances. What vitamin is better for a child’s growth? Choose from the variety presented the best for his child will be his parent, the main thing is that he is natural. A healthy lifestyle is important not only in adulthood, it must be adhered to throughout your life.