Saints Row 4 was released in 2013. This multi-platform game has attracted all fans of action films and the open world. Before we find out the most popular cheats for the game Saints Row 4, remember what the story tells.
A little bit about the plot
The life of “Saints from the third street” continues. They get to Pakistan, where they are obliged to complete the mission: to kill Temple and protect the inhabitants from the rocket. Further, history takes us five years ahead in time. Gamers will be pleased that many characters from their previous parts of the game will return. All of them will lead the United States.
Next, the evil Zinyak captures the main character and several of his friends on the ship, and their consciousness falls into a simulation of the real world. Miraculously freed, Kenzie helps the player cope with tasks and reunite his mind with the body.
, , . , .
, , . - Saints Row 4 . , , .
- Saints Row 4 , , , . , .
- Saints Row 4, . «» Extras, «» (Cheats). . , .
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, , . «» 100 , cheese . – letsrock» unlockitall. , .
. , - repaircar, - vroom, - isquishyou.
. « » «», hohoho, – mascot. , nosupermove nosuperpowers .
, - Saints Row 4 . . Warden Spawns nowardens. Death From Above superdfa. Blast superblast. Buff – superbuff, Telekinesis – supertk, Stomp – superstomp, Super Sprint – runfast, Super Saints – supersaints.
, give . , Crusader, givecrusader. Eagle, giveeagle. , . , , . , Monster Truck, givemonster.
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, - Saints Row 4. , . Executive Privilege Pack. , dlc_never_die. , . , , - bigheadmode, - dui. , – evilcars. .
, Saints Row 4. - . . , F7 50. F9, .
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, 18+. , 14+, .
Basically, over the entire period of existence, Saints Row 4 received positive reviews, and some publications gave it high marks (86/100). Despite the rather twisted gameplay and sometimes strange characters, gamers are simply obliged to enjoy, at least from the fantastic world and graphics.